The introduction

Recently, I have been helping the team in personnel recruitment, and I feel more and more that recruitment is like panning for gold. It is not easy to get an excellent resume. The first step in hiring is to do a preliminary screening of the resume. After reviewing hundreds of resumes, many people have no idea how to write a technical resume. Therefore, I feel it is necessary to discuss with you what kind of technical resume can be enough to attract the attention of the interviewer, to touch the interviewer’s itching point and exciting point.

Pervasive problems

1. Incomplete information

The information mainly includes personal information, educational background, work background, project experience and self-evaluation. There are often incomplete information in resumes, such as no age information in personal information, no continuous time in work experience or no time information in project experience, so it is impossible to judge the duration of the project. All of these are incomplete information, which adds to the barrier to judgment.

The absence of this information, although not a big problem, will give the reader an impression of lack of rigor, which may be a bit of a minus, so you should carefully check the integrity of this information when preparing your resume.

Another thing to watch out for is the self-evaluation section, which is easy to overlook. But this section is a window into who you are, and unique and interesting self-summaries and evaluations can build Bridges between candidates and the interviewer. Self-evaluation mainly describes your personality, teamwork, work attitude, professionalism and other information, we still need to pay attention to.

2. Job hopping

Showing that you stayed at several companies for about a year before jumping from one company to another is a minus, unless the candidate is good enough to consider again. There are two main reasons for the reduction of points. One is that one jump a year gives people the impression of being unstable and impetuous, and the company definitely wants to select stable candidates. On the other hand, one year in a company is difficult to settle, basically unable to form their own work routines and corresponding technical system. It’s not always true, but it’s mostly true.

So if you want to get into a big company, you don’t just have to spend months preparing your resume for an interview, you have to lay it out years in advance. Change jobs in a methodical way. Don’t just go to one company. It must be that the platforms are getting bigger and the challenges are getting bigger and the company should stay at least two years. Here you might say, if your company sucks, shouldn’t you stop your losses? If you can’t stay, you can change your job, but don’t jump too often. Be prepared when you change your job. Choose your next company.

3. Exaggerated content

This part is mainly reflected in skills description and work experience. We all know that there are three levels of knowledge, familiarity and mastery in skill descriptions. I’ve seen resumes where the skill description is all about mastery. I asked questions about Spring transaction support, bean life cycle, extension points, and so on, and the candidates didn’t answer them very well. There’s a clear gap between this and mastery, so don’t follow up. So here is to give you the interviewer’s understanding of these three levels.

(1) Understanding: know this technology and simple use;

(2) Familiarity: proficient in using the technology and knowing its working principle;

(3) Proficient: skilled in using technology, familiar with technical principles, and able to optimize according to the actual scene;

There is also a project experience content exaggerated, but clearly in a project is involved in written, so in the process of the interview, the interviewer to see now that is dominant, it should be for the whole process and all sorts of details are very understanding, but in fact on the platform of upstream and downstream business and the details of the platform itself, always prevaricated, That is obviously not up to the requirements of leading a project.

4, the focus is not prominent

I can’t see the technical stack I’m best at in my resume, and the difficulties in the project in my project experience. One of the reasons why the information the interviewer is looking for doesn’t get in the resume is because it doesn’t get highlighted. Only highlight the key points in the resume, then the interviewer will follow the key points to ask questions, in addition, since you describe the key points, you should also be very familiar with, so in the interview process can grasp the pace of the interview.

The rules of a great resume

1. The principle of authenticity

The most basic principle of the resume is true can not be faked, because large factories have back adjustment process, if the resume fraud was found in the back adjustment process, then the future basically with the factory. You can embellish your resume and explain your role in the project, but don’t compromise basic facts. This is also related to their own integrity of the basic problem, everyone in the preparation of resume do not go to touch this red line, must be realistic.

2, highly summarize the principle

The so-called resume is a brief review and summary of their work through learning experience. Notice that I’m saying brief, not simple. Therefore, the content of the resume should be highly summarized and refined, not a simple list of words.

In addition, when I usually do the project, I need to summarize and review regularly. Only review can improve. In order to be highly generalized. Otherwise, do project after project, no summary and review, no personal precipitation, and avoid becoming a tool guy who only writes code.

3. Focus on the principle

The most important pieces of information in a technical resume are the person’s technical stack and project experience, which interviewers use to determine a candidate’s suitability for the job. So these two parts should be highlighted.

(1) Personal technology stack

The personal technology stack mainly describes familiar technologies such as MQ, Redis, SpringBoot, JVM, etc. However, when we describe the technology stack, we should not be too simple, but should be in detail. For example, two candidate descriptions of JVM skills:

A Candidate: Familiarity with JVM technology

B Candidate: familiar with JVM and able to perform OOM analysis and JVM tuning based on online platform health to reduce full GC count.

If you were the interviewer, which candidate would you say has a better chance of getting the job?

(2) Project experience

The project experience should not only reflect the role and specific matters that they are responsible for, but also reflect the thinking behind these things. In the description of project experience, it is necessary to make clear what the difficulties of the project are, which technologies are used to solve them, and whether the solutions are universal and extendable. These are usually need to think about the summary, so in the preparation of the resume can be handy.

4, the bright spot principle

We need to demonstrate both hard and soft skills in our technical resume. For software developers, coding ability, architectural ability, breadth and depth of technology are hard strengths, but what is soft power? That is, the ability to coordinate resources across groups and even departments for specific initiatives. These two sections of your resume will show what sets you apart from others. Make yourself stand out from the crowd to capture the interviewer’s attention and interest.