Now the static blog has gradually become the mainstream innate advantages, of course, there are also disadvantages, the most important is no background, writing articles is more troublesome, the threshold is relatively high

This article will guide you how to build a static blog without the threshold, online blog, tool name:
Static blog online editing tool

Advantages of static blogging

Static blogging has many advantages:

  1. Fast speed, true static, not false static
  2. No database is required and the environment requirements are low
  3. Free deployment environment

    • Some examples are GitHub, Vercel, Netlify, etc. They also support binding domain names
  4. Security, no background, no vulnerabilities

Disadvantages of static blogging

  1. Trouble in setting up the environment
  2. Blogging requires the command line. It requires a PC
  3. Image management trouble
  4. Even the article head information, the author still did not remember, every time is copy and paste
  5. No background, management trouble

Now the mainstream static blog

They all use Markdown as the editing language, simple and fast, writing experience is excellent, if you do not know the Markdown syntax, it is recommended to learn, very efficient typesetting tools

  1. Hexo, which I’m using, has a lot of themes and is powerful enough
  2. Hugo, go language, function difference is not big
  3. Jekyll, the official GitHub recommended static blog

We in the other niche don’t have to go deep into it, because we just write blogs, and that’s enough

A new way to write a static blog online

Based on the above points, first of all I want to use static blog, because it has great advantages, is also the mainstream in the future

We are going to come up with a solution to his problems

The tool recommended in this article is called [
Static blog – editor], and the website is easy to remember
Static blogIn the whole put together

This tool overcomes almost all of the drawbacks of static blogging mentioned in the second paragraph and has the following features

  1. According to the official documentation, one-click deployment
  2. Write articles online, create, delete, edit, all online
  3. Harder to remember article headers, tags, and article categories are also inserted with one click
  4. Screenshots directly paste, you can upload to the map bed, very convenient
  5. Also integrated on the market most of the free map bed, upload fast
  6. Support one button release, this is a cow

Static blogs are also supported

  • He is the administrative backend for Hexo
  • It’s also HUGO’s online writing tool
  • Or Jekyll article online editing tool

Personally, it really improved my writing efficiency. I recommend you to give it a try

The domain name of the tool is the full spelling of a static blog. COM is easy to remember

Static blog online editing tools:

GitHub repository online management tool

In addition, it is also an online repository management tool for GitHub. See the file tree on the left. All files can be directly edited