  • The Nature of Job Hunting
  • The practical aspects of job hunting
    • Technical side
    • Technology 2 face
    • HR side
  • How to Write a Resume
    • The resume itself
    • Your CV
      • The basic information
      • Personal skills
      • Project experience

In the process of applying for a job, the resume is the first card we communicate with the enterprise. Resume first. A good resume will not only get you invited to an interview, but it will also make it easier for you to get an offer later in the interview process.

In the process of internal promotion, I received a lot of resumes with so many flaws that it affected your image in the mind of the interviewer, and may not even pass the resume. In view of these problems, I have organized a detailed document, hoping to help you.

The Nature of Job Hunting

First we need to understand what the nature of job hunting is. In the job market, the essence is that employers pay for your skills to create value for the organization, and you get paid in return.

Here are a few key words: skill, value, reward.

Companies are focused on your skills and value, and you are focused on the return, and if at the end of the day both parties feel that it is a good deal, then the job search and recruitment will be successful.

The practical aspects of job hunting

It’s not enough to understand the nature of job hunting; we also need to understand what a job hunt actually looks like in the actual hiring process.

In the real recruitment process, HR is the voice of the company, and the interviewer is the business leader of the position you are applying for. There is a clear division of labor:

  • According to the needs of business development, the business leader puts forward recruitment requirements to HR;
  • HR will post recruitment information on the job market after receiving the demand;
  • Job seekers see the recruitment information after the resume delivery;
  • After collecting resumes, HR will conduct preliminary screening to exclude those that do not meet the job requirements or are of poor quality;
  • HR will submit the resume that passes the evaluation to the business leader;
  • If the business owner is satisfied with the resume or wants more information, he or she will invite an interview.

This is the actual process of the job market before the interview. If you go to the interview, there will be three or four interviews, and more interviews if you are at a higher level.

  • Technical side
  • Technology 2 face
  • HR side
Technical side

The interviewer is usually the technical backbone of the team, the main purpose is to test your technical foundation, filter those who are not up to the requirements, save the interviewer time. All can also be understood as one side of the interviewer’s task is to hang up. Hang up on people who don’t fit the bill. So what do you hang people on?

1. Technical skills. Whether you have the basic technical level of the industry; Do you have the technical skills required on JD? This is a mandatory requirement and is not negotiable.

2. Integrity. Because your resume passed, it shows that you are basically up to standard from the resume, but your resume is not exaggerated and false? General resume fraud, as dishonest directly hanged, no one is willing to recruit a trouble to the team.

If you’ve done both, congratulations, you’ve earned a second interview. But that’s not all. The interviewer will ask you more questions, mainly about the items on your resume. One is to test your project experience, and the other is to learn more about you. Because the second-interview interviewer is usually the leader of the team, the first-interview interviewer will get as much information as possible from you and pass it on to the second-interview interviewer for preparation in advance.

Technology 2 face

The interviewer is usually the team leader, your future leader. If one is to hang people, then the second interview is to keep people. On the one hand, it shows that your technical level is up to standard, the second interview emphasis will be different:

1. Look at the technology ceiling. Assess your skill level by testing the upper limits of your skill level by gradually increasing the depth and breadth of the questions.

2. Test your overall ability. The range of comprehensive abilities is wide, including learning ability, project management ability, systematic thinking, ability to work under pressure and so on.

3. See if you fit in with the team. Include:

  • Whether skills match current job openings. Except for some positions that are relatively unprofessional or have high training costs, in most cases, those with good basic technical ability can be recruited for training as long as they basically match.
  • Does the individual temperament match the team? This is quite important. After all, you have to work with team members all year round under the leadership of the leader. The leader will assume that if you are recruited, is the team easy to lead? Is everyone else comfortable? Are you comfortable? For example, the team members are all born in the 1990s. If you are born in the 1970s, the leader will be very hesitant. Can you lead you after you come in and get along well with everyone? Or you are very dull and don’t like to talk, but the overall atmosphere of the team is active and open, and the leader will make choices.

All in all, if the second interviewer can’t find anything wrong with you, and if you can even offer one or two bright spots, the job hunt is 80% successful.

HR side

The interviewer is usually HR who is responsible for the current line of business recruitment.

The first two keywords are go and stay respectively. The third key word is clinch a deal. Both the job seeker and HR hope to facilitate the transaction.

Ultimately, HR will determine how much you’re worth in return. In plain English, that means setting your salary and negotiating terms. Of course, an important reference point is the previous interviewer’s evaluation of you, which gives you a basic market value.

We all learned in high school that price fluctuates around value, and the final negotiation between you and HR is actually haggling and counterbargaining around this value. If both parties are satisfied with the final price, then your job application is successful, and wait for the final offer signing.

How to Write a Resume

With so much space devoted to the essentials and practicalities of job hunting, it doesn’t detract from today’s topic: how to write a great technical resume.

If we don’t understand the nature and motivation of the whole thing, the audience of HR and the interviewer, and what they want, of course you can’t write a good resume, and even if you do write a resume, it will be empty and empty, and you will miss the opportunity. The so-called know yourself, know your enemy, never slack off.

The resume itself

A good resume, regardless of the specific company and position, has some basic requirements. I think the key word is simplicity.

“Jane” is concise “Jane” and “Jie” is clean and clear “jie”.


At its core, brevity is precision, not redundancy, but there’s still plenty of information to be had. Introduce irrelevant information with this job application, are redundant. Vague and confusing descriptions are not precise enough.

Many fresh graduates have a common problem. Always feel like you must be different, even on your resume, and look for a template that will impress the hiring manager. Well-intentioned, but often off-topic.

As we have analyzed above, HR is a professional and she expects your resume to be able to identify your value to the company and the position at a glance. And many students choose very personalized resume template, completely want to bring out the personality, show their own different. But it’s easy to flip over, with weird ICONS and colorful backgrounds that make it hard to read. There are also various charts, that is, occupy space, but also ambiguous meaning, typical reverse such as the following:

This chart makes no sense and the interviewer will understand that you are saying that you have four skills, one of which is more skilled. But that’s about it. The so-called proficiency is only relative to your own cognition. There is no recognized frame of reference to know your true skill level. This is classic inaccuracy. Better yet, communicate your expertise indirectly through a vocabulary of technical frameworks, technical terms, metrics, etc.

Clear and tidy

The key to clarity is to make your resume look good, not flashy and unaesthetic.

A good resume can convey a lot of information: good aesthetics, serious attitude, strong self-esteem and responsibility, excellent writing organization skills, etc. Generally speaking, excellent people are all-around excellent, and the same goes for resumes.

A bad resume, on the other hand, is a direct result of creating a bad impression of you. If you’ve seen enough resumes that you can really tell the difference between good and bad by style, let’s give you a taste of the ones that hurt.


I recommend a minimalist resume with a few embellishments. Or you can just write it in markdown format, as long as it’s organized and structured. here

I’ll give you a simple example, but you can also go to a resume site and find a template for your resume. The preferred resume site is 500.

Your CV

Having said some of the things a resume should have, let’s analyze the content of the resume.

A good technical resume should have at least three main sections: Personal information, skills, and project experience.

Personal information

Accurate presentation of personal information is similar to labeling yourself in various categories, so that HR can quickly outline your character and basic profile.

For example, tsinghua university, male, computer major, 18 years of graduation, only four keywords, a clear shape of a famous university graduate, three years of work experience of the male image of technology, laid the foundation for an excellent resume.

So what information is essential? I think there are: name, age, school of graduation, years of work, contact information, city, desired position.

The name is a carrier of the other party’s impression in mind, and HR will outline the extracted character image on this carrier. It is also the first element for us to introduce ourselves to others in social communication. It is necessary for others to address themselves.

The school we graduate from is a very important label in a long period of our life, even in the whole journey of life. Unless you have a label that makes you look better in the future, don’t do it. Maybe you’re a streaming star, a famous corporate executive, etc. Previously, the school of graduation was an important label for HR to select personnel. The fact that you can get into a very good university at least proves that you are likely to match your group in terms of learning ability, personal cognition and so on. It is impossible that people in SCHOOL A are better than those in school B; However, people in school A are generally better than those in school B in xx, which is basically the truth in the eyes of HR who have read countless people.

Length of service is also important. Some positions require interns who have not graduated, some entry-level engineers who have only been working for a year or two, and some positions require engineers with 3-5 years of experience who may need to carry the banner. If you omit years of service, the HR won’t be able to determine if you’re the best fit.

Contact information. This is a very funny point that I have to bring up. I often receive some resume, especially from the system inside the direct delivery of the resume, the whole resume from the beginning to the end to find contact information, sometimes feel very pity, want to kindly guidance, suffering from no contact at all. If you don’t write down your contact information and HR can’t get ahold of you, don’t keep waiting and cursing at home, “Why is there no feedback from such a big company?”

City is also an essential piece of information, especially in large Internet companies. HR hires people from all over the country, and the job location is also north, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. If the current position is only in Beijing and you are only accepting the position in Shenzhen, there is no point in continuing the conversation. Of course, at a big factory like Bytedance, there are jobs available in many places, and if you are applying for a position that is not in the right location, but has a good resume, HR will refer you to another position.

Expected position. The expected position should be discussed separately. If you are directly submitting a specific position, and it may be directly directed by internal personnel, you may not write. However, I have also helped some students, without any job requirements, so I asked you if you could help me to promote the front position of your company. When I finished sending my resume, I did not say which one to deliver. Even when you asked him, he did not have a clear goal. In my opinion, I don’t know what I want to do, and HR can’t arrange a good position for you. For example, in byte, if you search for front-end positions, there are primary front-end, intermediate front-end, advanced front-end, Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, toutiao business, Douyin business, game business, so many subdivision types, how will HR help you to invest? What’s more, HR is so busy every day, especially for school recruitment. There may be thousands of resumes lying in the system, and they won’t spend a minute more on a resume of poor quality like yours.

College major should not write, must see specific circumstance actually. If the position you interview and your major match, for example, you are doing technology, is also a computer major graduate, that write can have some extra points, after all, so many years of learning, osmosis should also have learned some knowledge. Of course, if you are biology major graduate, there is no need to write, write up the likelihood decreases instead cent. Instead, leave it in suspense and try to impress the interviewer when it comes to the interview.

Personal skills

Personal skills module, the full name should be ** “personal skills related to the position” **.

Many students don’t realize this and include all the skills they know, even if most of them are irrelevant. If you’re applying for a front-end position and you include Java language development proficiency, it’s not helpful, it’s just redundant information. Some students even wrote that they were proficient in Using Office software. In real front-end development work, they did not use Office software at all. It gives HR the impression that they are unprofessional and have nothing to write on the skill tree.

Therefore, before we write resumes, the first thing we need to do is to analyze JD and job requirements and provide targeted information.

In the module of personal skills, try to ensure that all the skills described are closely related to the job requirements, there is no need to add too much to the picture, so that you can better reflect your professionalism and focus, so that the HR feels that you are highly matched with the job.


Project experience

Having said personal skills, let’s talk about the project experience module.

What you did in the past makes you who you are. The best way to understand a person is to understand their experience. Similarly, for technical students, to understand your skill level and technology stack, it is enough to look at your past project experience.

I have some very useful tips on how to present your project experience well.

1. Reverse chronological order

The more recent your projects and experiences are, the more evidence you have of your current abilities. We should organize projects in reverse chronological order. Generally speaking, the technical level of technical students is also improving all the time, so your recent projects are most likely to be complex and valuable projects. Putting them in the first place will also help HR and the interviewer to catch them at the first sight.

2. START rule

Whether it’s on a resume, in an interview, or in any other context, using this rule to introduce yourself will give you complete information and results about the project and make your presentation clear to others.

What kind of Situation are you in

What is your Task

What Action will you take to complete it

What Result does Result in

What kind of Talent does Talent show

Specifically, you should at least state the information: “What project was done, what technology was used, and what results were achieved.”


Led and built x platform, adopted X architecture and X framework, undertook PV of W million, optimized XXX, and saved XXX for the company.

As for what kind of talent to show, need not say clearly, good copy the other side already know what talent you have.

3. Quantitative

Numbers quantify each of your projects, greatly enhancing your resume’s credibility and professionalism, and impressing recruiters.


Be responsible for optimizing the information flow of the company’s home page.


Responsible for the information flow optimization of the company’s home page, reduced the loading time of the first screen from 2s to 0.5s, optimized the loading volume from 2M to 0.3m.

4. Specific technology

In the process of introducing the project, will be used to specify the key technology, can not only increase professionalism, but also let the interviewer better understand your technology stack, and can also be intentional or unintentional ** “point” — echoing JD requirements.


Be responsible for optimizing the information flow of the company’s home page.


I was responsible for the information flow optimization of the company’s home page. By adopting SSR rendering technology of React framework and combining with the edge computing capability of CDN, the loading time of the first screen was reduced from 2s to 0.5s and the loading volume was optimized from 2M to 0.3m.

5. Pack properly

When people are reading, they are very sensitive to numbers. Quantified numbers and no numbers, small numbers and large numbers can have different effects. Of course, we do appropriate packaging, in order to better attract the attention of HR and interviewers, we must abide by the principle of integrity, packaging can be, no exaggeration and fraud.


Responsible for the information flow optimization of the company’s home page, saving 1,000 yuan of computing cost for the company every day.


Responsible for the information flow optimization of the company’s home page, saving 360,000 yuan of computing cost for the company every year.

Step up to the big picture

A technical student who is only responsible for daily development and feature implementation is not the backbone of the team in most cases. In other words, the technical student may be average.

If you are the technical backbone of the team, you will be responsible for at least one complete technical project and have a systematic knowledge and overall perspective on the project. Furthermore, if the person in charge of the business line is the person in charge of the business line, he will look at the current project from the perspective of the whole business line and the company. He can clearly know which part of the company’s business the project is in, what its significance is to the company, and what its possible development plan is in the future. If you can convey this message on your resume, it will enhance your resume and your skills and salary rating will also improve.


Be responsible for optimizing the information flow of the company’s home page.


I was responsible for promoting the information flow optimization of the company’s home page. By adopting SSR rendering technology of React framework and combining with the edge computing capability of CDN, the loading time of the home page was reduced from 2s to 0.5s and the loading volume was optimized from 2M to 0.3m, saving 360,000 yuan of computing cost for the company every year. Page click rate increased by 30%, advertising revenue increased by 17% without damaging user experience, and 80W new diversion flow was added to downstream secondary pages, exceeding expectations and achieving department indicators.

7. Lead and design

The goal of writing a good resume is not to pass HR’s screening, but to win the job game. All the more reason to think ahead and take the initiative.

Today’s Internet technology, rapid development, more and more subdivision of the field. The so-called art industry has specialized, no matter how excellent the technical personnel, have their own good at the field, also have not good at the field. A good interviewer doesn’t ask questions about areas you’re not good at. Instead, he or she will focus on areas you’re good at, based on your personal skills and project experience.

Once you know this, you’re already halfway through your interview. You could even say that half of it is determined by the content of your resume. Smart people know how to play to their strengths and avoid their weaknesses. For the technology they are good at and the project they are proud of, add more descriptions and leave enough questions for the interviewer. And for not good at technology, you can generally take or directly abandon, to avoid digging holes for themselves.

This is the job hunting game stratege, win thousands of miles.

The icing on the cake

Basic information, personal skills and project experience are well written, and it is already a good resume with an offer on the table. But in pursuit of perfection, we can sometimes do things that add to the cake. Of course, we need to avoid gilding the lily. To be specific, take some of your strengths that are more relevant and find ways to add to them. Here are just a few of the more common examples. This module varies from person to person.

Photo 1.

Should I put a picture on my resume? In most cases it is not necessary because there is no association with JD. But there is one exception — you are a beautiful little sister. Below this kind of circumstance you can put on his photograph, half body illuminates slightly show inflexible, the life that a bit more lively illuminates may be better. Because most developers on a technical team are male, having a good looking girl on the team is a great way to liven things up. Men and women together, work is not tired. What’s more, the desire to be beautiful is universal, and attractive girls are a scarce resource in an industry as skewed as programmers.

2. Related projects

What are the related projects? For example, the search department wants to hire a crawler engineer. If you have internship experience in Baidu Search, or led the development of distributed crawler project in the last company, or the graduation project is to implement a homemade search engine, these are relevant projects.

If you have project experience in this area, you may have been doing e-commerce development compared to other candidates, even if they have good technology and have a lot of project experience. And your chances of winning will go up. If you are lucky, the crawler to be developed by the new company may have been implemented once in your previous company, so you can develop it again. It is bound to improve greatly both in efficiency and quality.

3. The honor

Honors are certificates or awards you have received in the past. But resemble four six, computer two class certificate these people all have of certificate, write go up not only won’t add extra points, still can appear you are to have no honor to be able to write, take fill number. If you want to write an honor, it must be some high value, or very difficult to achieve the honor. For example, ACM Gold and Silver medal can highlight your strong algorithm ability; The winner and runner-up of Ali Tianchi Challenge also shows that you are outstanding in a certain field.

4. Making links

If you have some quality projects on GitHub, or have contributed code to the open source community, you can also list them. If your quality is high enough, you may be hired early in the interviewer’s mind before they even meet you. Of course, if your GitHub is full of code from your early years, it’s probably best not to show it, because you might get the wrong impression that you’re still good at it.

5. The hobby

Hobby belongs to optional item, majority circumstance does not add cent also do not subtract cent. But if your hobby shows that you’re a positive, outgoing person in a positive or positive way, it’s ok to include it, especially if you’re just graduating from college.

The reason is that in this age of negative information, everyone subconsciously likes to make friends with sunny people. The programmer community, generally due to long hours of boring work, many teams lack vitality and vitality. If you can recruit a person who is very sunny, or very active, or good at leading everyone to play, it will inject fresh blood and vitality into the team, which is also what the team leader hopes to see very much.

There are a few other things that add to the list, but on the principle of “what the other person needs, I have.” You can show it on your resume. Don’t say, “Because I’ll show you.”

At the end

If you understand all of the above, it’s easy to write a great technical resume. All you have to do is find a reliable channel to send your resume. Compared to their delivery, someone pushed in must be better than their delivery. For directed introspection by acquaintances, your resume and competence are endorsed by referees and will be valued more highly. Even if only through internal push code or unfamiliar people internal push, help push people can also pay attention to your resume flow status, can give you more feedback and communication channels.

I am lightning 🌩, a name section beat of r & D engineer, if you have internal push needs, welcome gz “byte lightning internal push” gz, at any time to find me internal push, internal push code [RWQMBNH], can also click the menu bar [internal push group] to join v, XQ chat, and job seeking partners to share experience. If you need help with your resume after work, I am also happy to help.

I wish you all a good harvest of the offer.