For the compatibility of web pages we mainly consider the compatibility of various browsers on the front page, because the browser is the biggest impact on the page.

Now more and more kinds of browsers, web pages show more and more rich content, including the font in the web page, pictures, animation and so on, and some of the content requires web pages to install some plug-ins to open.

Many times on the same page in different browsers, there might be compatibility issues, some browsers display is normal, some browsers do not display properly, such as abnormal garbled words, typesetting, unable to display images and animations, page functions cannot be used properly, abnormal situation, so in general, should be in view of the current mainstream browser compatibility test.

At the same time, major browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari) version update more frequently, the end user will not even perceive the browser version to upgrade. Which browsers to test depends on the requirements document developed by the product manager.

But it can be a lot of work if all the functionality on a page needs to be retested in every browser. In general, this can be assigned, for example, if there are six people in the test group doing functional module testing, each of them will choose one browser to test. This allows you to spread out the browser so that it doesn’t have to be done by a single person, and you can swap it out later to get as much coverage as possible.

The second main consideration is resolution compatibility, which refers to whether the page can be displayed properly in 640400, 600800\1024*768 or higher resolution mode, such as whether the font is too small, text, images and other page elements can be displayed properly.

As to what resolution to use for testing, it is often the case that resolutions are suggested and required in the requirements document.

The role of compatibility testing

Compatibility testing is an indispensable part of software testing process. The test without compatibility testing is incomplete, and the existence of compatibility testing plays a certain role. Personally, I think there are at least the following:

  • Compatibility test can further improve product quality and user experience;

  • Compatibility testing can make software “coexist peacefully” with as many other software as possible and achieve platform independence as possible.

  • Compatibility testing can ensure the existence value of software as much as possible, and it is an important index to measure the quality of software.

  • Compatibility testing can broaden the market of software products;

The following content is from the web

How should browser compatibility tests be done?

Spread risk

One way is to perform routine testing in a multi-browser environment.

For example, you want to test a Web application where users log in, generate reports, send reports, and log out of the system. The app also includes an administrative feature that allows administrators or managers to log in and see who made what changes.

To cover more browsers, you can test login in one browser, send reports in another, and audit changes in a third.

This is an effective way to cover multiple browser compatibility tests in the course of daily functional testing. There are some problems with this example, for example, if the “audit changes” feature has a problem in the first or second browser, it will not be detected. The time saved in this way allows you to be more focused on your compatibility testing strategy.

Get someone else to do the test for you

For obvious page compatibility issues, there are some online tools that can help you check, such as Browser Shots, which will load your page into the Browser it supports (it supports a wide variety of browsers and versions), and then take screenshots so you can see how it loads in those browsers.

This is a great tool, but for apps that require login verification, or if your app has too many pages, it’s a bit of a struggle.

Compare it to the standard

You can do an HTML standard check on your site, and if you pass it, you can be a little more confident about multi-browser compatibility, but even if you pass it, there will always be some browsers (like Evil 360) that render your pages incompatibably.


Web UI testing can be automated using the WebDriver tool, and Selenium Grid can be used to run automated scripts on multiple browsers. If you don’t know how to write code, you can use TestWriter to test with zero code.

If you have an investment in Web UI automation. Web UI automation can find some functional problems, but it is difficult to find differences in multi-browser page layouts.

Fight Layout Bugs

You can write automated scripts to check how pages render in different browsers. Fighting Layout Bugs is an open source tool for checking for bugs in page Layout

Manual testing

You can manually test all browser versions, and to avoid confusion, you can install different browsers on different virtual machines (uedde does this), clone those virtual machines, or access them if someone else wants to use them. This is time-consuming and laborious, but it’s worth doing a manual multi-browser test like this.


You can divide browsers by kernel.

Chrome & Safari uses webKit, Firefox uses Gecko, IE uses Trident and Opera uses Presto. The latest Opera seems to use the WebKit kernel as well.

So you can assume that if it’s fine with Chrome, it should be fine with Safari.


There are tools available to emulate different browsers, and some browsers come with tools to accommodate older versions. But use these tools with caution; such simulations are not always accurate. Carefully.

outsource selenium

If you can’t afford to set up selenium Grid testing environment, you can try using services like Sauce Labs and TestingBot.

Multi-browser support is a constant pain in the neck, especially with browsers updating so often these days. Ah ~ you can choose the method that suits you above.

PS: Some browsers have compatibility mode, which can be used to emulate older versions. Some browsers, such as Chrome, offer developer tools to help you locate