The introduction

Recently, a very popular project named 996. Icu appeared on Github, which caused a sensation at home and abroad and became the headlines of major media recently. Up to today, there have been 120,000 Star(likes). Github is one of the largest technology sharing platforms in the world, but the 996. Icu is not about technology itself. “Work 996, sick ICU” is a protest of 120,000 programmers against the mandatory 996 work mode of some companies.

Seeing what I saw gave me some thought, and I decided to write an article to talk about my feelings:

1. Change starts with you

I don’t agree with forced 996, with a focus on the “mandatory” 2 words, see 996. See a company overtime vote in icu project list, almost covers the most popular Internet and the hardware and software companies in China, I think the real force 996 companies should not so much, don’t know how many are with rhythm, also don’t know how much is the input of watching. In the current market environment with such fierce competition, it is a two-way choice whether it is salary oriented programming or dream oriented programming. There is no need to work overtime. Most programmers are willing to work overtime voluntarily because the company’s business development requires.

But if you are in a compulsory 996 company, and the work is not passionate, the money is not in place, I suggest you to change as soon as possible, rather than thinking about changing the company, it is better to change yourself; Maybe everyone can change themselves and change the company. When companies are able to make changes, they may actually affect the climate of the industry.

On an unmarked tombstone in the basement of Westminster Abbey are these words: “When I was young and ambitious, I dreamed of changing the world; When I saw that I could not change the world, I shortened my horizons and decided to change only my country. As I grew older, I found that I could not change my country, so I decided to change my family, but unfortunately they would not accept my change either; As I lay in bed, dying, I suddenly realized that if I change first, maybe under the influence of I, I can change my family, and then under the encouragement and help of my family, maybe I can do something for my country, maybe, maybe I was change the whole world “, discuss without doing worse than up, change starts from yourself.

2. Inspire kindness

Programmers are unfettered, flexible people who will work overtime if required. But by forcing 996 a week to become part of the culture, it’s likely that people will leave work at 9pm on time, not necessarily more productive, but less creative. If there is no compulsory 996 constraint, sometimes people will even work until 10 o ‘clock, 12 o ‘clock, etc., flexible adjustment, work overtime when urgent problems, no matter how late overtime will not have any complaints. Many times, our team worked overtime until two or three o ‘clock in the morning or even later to solve urgent problems of the project. Also in the holiday encountered major emergency, everyone heard the news to give up the holiday have taken the initiative to arrive at the company. For the common value mission, to stimulate the goodwill of employees, free initiative overtime rather than forced passive overtime.

The company should really rely on a good incentive system and cultural atmosphere, a good cultural atmosphere can drive everyone to grow together with the company, effective incentive system can let the team maintain long-term combat effectiveness. The technical atmosphere of the team in my company is good, and everyone’s skills can be continuously improved. To be honest, the motivation is not enough. I hope it can be improved in the future.

Some people may say that in a relaxed environment, there are always some employees do not consciously how to do? Believe in the 80/20 rule at your company, where 20 percent of your best employees create 80 percent of your company’s value. For those who are unambitious, unambitious and unwilling to contribute to the company, even forcing 996 will not create much value. Programmers, as brain workers, may not be productive for a long time, but they can certainly bring many employees to dawdle, which is not necessarily a good thing.

3. Time allocation

The company did not require 996, but my work and study hours have been far more than 996. I am not born with great intelligence. Through personal communication, I found that all the outstanding people I met had a common characteristic, that is, they were effortless in the eyes of others, behind which they had paid countless persistence and efforts. To be better than the people around you, you have to put in extra hours and use more efficient time allocation. Here is my time allocation method for reference only.

First, set aside time to think about the summary, not all the time to solve the problem. I remember in high school, there was often an axiom in the math textbook that could be deduced to multiple inferences, and combined with multiple inferences, new inferences could be derived. Many students to solve a problem, variants of the same type or combination of problems, and need is derived for a long time, and I like to take time to ponder these things, and often infer some of his own reasoning, meet certain characteristics can according to your own reasoning answer, every time the math test in the class, I always submit the fastest people who scores the highest at the same time. It is out of my love for mathematics that I chose the Department of Mathematics as my undergraduate major. Mathematics has given me strong logical reasoning thinking, and thinking and summarizing have given me sharper weapons to improve the efficiency of problem solving.

Secondly, learn to make good use of the time outside of work, time is like cotton water, work again busy also want to squeeze out time. I remember that when I first started working, I lived far away from my company and used to read books for an hour on the subway. During the day, I would solve work problems; at night, I would study puzzling knowledge points and extended knowledge in my work; at weekends, I would summarize knowledge and write technical articles. Once the positive cycle is formed, the work output and personal ability gain each other, and the efficiency of solving problems will be very fast. The so-called “sharpening knives without miscutting wood” can ensure the excellent completion of work at the same time, personal growth can also get rapid growth.

Not just for individuals, but for companies as well. In the face of a wheat field, the opponent is harvesting wheat wantonly, so the company asks all the team members to roll up their sleeves and immediately go to the field to harvest. However, after the opponent constantly upgrades its weapons and mechanical automation capabilities, it finds that the total amount of wheat harvested by the company is increasingly different from the opponent. What should we do? If the company continues to increase the number of harvesters and extend the harvest time, it may shorten the gap in the short term, but it will only widen in the long run. The development of the company should have a long-term spiral strategy, not blindly in the pursuit of the increase of the time variable, but also in the efficiency variable, so that the dependent variable of work output can be greatly improved.

Finally, whether you work in 965 or 996 companies, as a technician, you should maintain lifelong learning and make learning ability the core competitiveness, so as not to be eliminated by The Times. Efficient time management can make you better.