We often encounter such a problem in the process of using wechat, that is, the information is not received in a timely manner, so why would there be such a problem? Here are some possible scenarios.

A, network

The most straightforward and obvious problem is the network problem. When the network fluctuates or itself is in the environment of weak network signal, the information transmission will naturally have problems, or even directly fail to send, so the network delay is naturally one of the reasons.

Two, do not disturb the mode

This do not disturb mode refers to the do not disturb mode in wechat application, not the do not disturb mode in mobile phone. If you turn on this function for some reason, do not forget to turn it off, otherwise it will affect your receiving information.

Location: wechat — ME — Settings — Do not disturb mode

3. Startup permission

In order to improve the battery life of mobile phones, many people will close some application permissions, such as start permissions, notification permissions, etc. When these permissions are closed, it will also affect your receipt of wechat information, so important applications should open permissions or open.

How to open: Settings — More apps — Auto launch Management (All phones should have similar functions, different phones may have different opening methods)

Fourth, their own problems

In addition to the influence of some external factors, wechat itself may also have problems, it may be that wechat is not updated in time, or there are bugs, but some cache data is best cleaned in time, after all, wechat storage space data too much for wechat also has an impact.

File conversion and compression

We often receive or cache files in wechat and other software applications, but what should we do if some video files are too large or the format is wrong? If you have problems with this, you can try fast Video Converter.

It can directly convert video formats with one key, compress video files for easy storage, and even directly edit video, or more practical.

Some possible problems of wechat message delay are introduced here, hoping to help you.