I. What is cross-domain?

  • Because of the browser’s same-origin policy (protocol, domain name, port any difference), accessing non-same-origin data requires cross-domain processing. If non-same-origin — there are three behaviors that are restricted:

    • Cookie,LocalStorage cannot read
    • DOM and JS objects are not available
    • Invalid AJAX request (can be sent, but browser will reject the response)

What are the ways to achieve cross-domain?

  • CORS(done on the server side, header information can be set)
  • Cross-domain requests using reverse proxy servers (server-side Nginx/Apache)

3. The json

  • Implementation principle:

    • Create a script tag dynamically
    • Place the address of the target data in the SRC attribute of the script tag, and concatenate the callback argument with the callback function name in the request address
    • Defines a callback function that is called when a data request succeeds
  • Jq-wrapped Ajax methods for cross-domain requests:

        type: 'GET',
        url: 'http://localhost:4000/jsonp? callback=? ', / /? This can be interpreted as the success method below. success:function(data) {// data is the data returned by the server console.log(data); }, dataType:'jsonp'// dataType must be jsonp}); </script>Copy the code

Four CORS.

  • Cross Origin Resource Share (backend)

    • In the request header when the server responds to the clientAccess-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"
    // Set cors app.all(The '*'.function (req, res, next) {
        res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods'.'PUT, GET, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS');
    Copy the code