In a large number of camera management, for example, a set of EasyNVR cannot meet the requirements for a scene that 1000 devices need to record. Therefore, we need to think in other directions and design a feasible scene scheme for this scene.

At present, the deployment scheme we can implement is roughly as follows: EasyNVR connects to a certain number of front-end devices, distributes multiple EasyNVR, and manages EasyNVR in a unified manner:

In the solution, EasyNVR directly pulls the video of the camera through RTSP protocol, stores the video, and provides real-time preview and other functions. It is estimated that 10-15 EasynVRS are required in this scenario.

In this scheme, EasyNVS and EasyNVR are authenticated by password. After EasyNVR is started, if the third-party platform intervention function is enabled, information will be logged into EasyNVS actively. EasyNVS can actively query the video and real-time information of each EasyNVR.

At the same time, in terms of technology, we have also done a deeper thinking. EasyNVR is composed of EasyNVR software, NGINx and database. EasyNVR software mainly has a push-pull stream module, which is the realization of RTSP protocol. After the corresponding RTSP channel is configured on the interface, the push-pull stream module of EasyNVR will pull the stream according to the corresponding RTSP address. After the corresponding video stream is pulled, Push the corresponding video stream to an internal customized Nginx, which provides http-FLV, HLS, RTMP and other playback stream addresses.

After Nginx receives the corresponding video stream information, if the recording function is enabled, the CORRESPONDING HLS stream will be stored in the local disk in a folder every hour.

At present, we are still designing the scheme. What is recorded here is only one design direction, which needs further development and verification. In future blog posts we will gradually share the implementation of this solution, you can pay attention to it.