“This is the fourth day of my participation in the First Challenge 2022. For details: First Challenge 2022”

  • Translation: deploy – your – static – a web app – to – a – blockchain – and – make – it – a – web3-0 – app – – 5 – in minutes

Currently, Dfinity is one of the most interesting projects in Web3.0, and it can distribute Internet Computer protocol tokens (ICP).

The first network speed and unlimited capacity of blockchain, alongside Bitcoin and Ethereum, is a decentralized Computer that can scale smart contract computing and data and run them at network speed, efficiently processing and storing data. Provides a powerful software framework for developers.

This protocol connects multiple physical data centers around the world to the blockchain and includes a processing unit called canisters, which you can think of as a container for running Web Assembly (WASM) bytecodes;

In the container, we can run our website and provide a service through the Internet Computer that is end-to-end encrypted.

However, the official languages for protocol-based code are Motoko or Rust, but you can also try to recompile code written in different languages.

So how do you quickly deploy a simple HTML5 static page?

Project Fleek can help. It’s the equivalent of Netlfy for Web3.0.

  • Netlify is a cloud computing company that provides hosting and serverless back end services for Web applications and static websites.

Fleek can do a lot more, but let’s focus on static hosting for the moment;

By hosting static page projects on Github, Fleek can be integrated with projects and provides automatic build projects;

Operation process:

  1. Log in on fleek.co;
  2. Redirect to app.fleek.co/;
  3. Click on theadd new siteLink to Github and select the project repository to deploy;
  4. Select project hosting location IPFS (more on your interest)

  1. As the final step in deployment, select branches for automatic deployment builds (you can also customize build commands);

  1. Deployment completion display:

  1. Change site name and assign custom domain name:

OK, that’s how quickly you can build a static page onto Web3.0. In addition to static page deployment, Fleek has other features such as IPFS file storage and integration with ICP.


These things like decentralization and encryption have been corrupted by all kinds of coins, and everyone is a little bit resistant to hearing them… In fact, technology itself is not good or bad, good or bad depends on how it is used. We can use technology to play with coins, but we can also use technology to secure information, upgrade Web versions, and so on. So, don’t cede the world to someone or something you despise. It’s more valuable to use your skills better than to resist them.

I’m Anthony digging, output exposure input, technical insight into life, goodbye ~