It is the recruitment season of the year again, many people must have germinated the heart of job-hopping, but certainly many people will be concerned about whether to find a job at the moment, how to find a good job these similar problems.

So this article is here to answer those questions, and if you want to know the following, you can read on

  • It’s a good time to find a job
  • How to Write a Resume
  • How to choose a reliable company
  • What salary can I get for my experience
  • How to answer the question about the technical difficulties in the project
  • 2019 front-end interview topic
  • How to talk to HR about money, etc.

It’s a good time to find a job

We must now often see a company and downsizing, will be worried about finding a job. In fact, although the current environment is really not very good, but there are downsizing companies, there must be hiring companies, and hiring companies must be much more than the downsizing companies, for example, our company “Song Xiaocai” has a lot of HC.

Then answer the question “is it good to find a job right now?” For people with good skills, this is never a concern. But for less skilled people, it does take some skill to have more opportunities than others. Writing a clear resume, preparing for the interview, etc.

Generally speaking, opportunities are for those who are prepared. No matter the circumstances are good or bad, you will certainly have more opportunities than others with careful preparation.

How to Write a Resume

There are usually in the modification of the resume of the charge service, in the company will also be an interviewer what, in general also calculated to see a lot of resume. But most people’s resume is the same routine, the project used what technology stack, what function, in general is a running list.

So once you write a different resume from this kind of routine, your resume is bound to be a few more employers look at, increase the success rate is also inevitable.

The general advice I would give is:

  • The full text put an end to any proficient words, if you really proficient, do not need to cast a resume to find a job
  • Keep the resume to about two pages, no need to find any resume template, direct Markdown to generate PDF file
  • Note case, numbers, and Spaces between English words and Chinese
  • Instead of writing a stack of personal skills, a few front-end skills and matching stacks will suffice. Everything is a double-edged sword, and more often pit yourself
  • There is no need to introduce the features of the project, just go straight to the most noteworthy content of the project. Such as encountered bugs, their own thinking and so on. But a lot of people would say that the business is very simple and there is nothing to talk about or there is no problem at all. When faced with this problem, first step out of the business framework to think about other problems. I’m sure everyone has written components, but designing good components is not something everyone can do. If you don’t have any problems, the easiest way is to look at Git Commit information line by line to get inspiration
  • It’s best to write your project experience along the lines of: What problems did you encounter, how did you solve them, and what happened
  • Assume that the interviewer will ask you for every technical point on your resume, and make sure you can answer all the points

How to choose a reliable company

A reliable company must be the sum of the following points: excellent core management, good idea, high financing, promising industry.

The first two are basically black boxes for job seekers, so we have to pick companies from the latter two.

The higher the early funding, the better the lead company, and the more likely it is to be a good deal. Because the people who make these decisions are not idiots, there must be good reasons to trust and invest in these companies.

Another promising industry is also a must. If you don’t know what a promising industry is, pick one that is relevant to people. Such as food, housing, transportation, education and so on.

Now you might say, well, what if I know this about a company? Then Visualize has the perfect solution to your problem. Through this website, we can learn about a company’s financing, industry, competitive products, legal risks, management, products and other information in detail.

What salary can I get for my experience

To this question, I really want to say that how much experience really has nothing to do with how much money you get.

In the same year of experience, one person can only get 10K, while another can get 20K, the reason is that two people’s technical ability is not the same.

Your skill is good, you can be more than others pay; It’s a real problem that if you’re not skilled enough, you’ll get paid less. So salary is only related to skill, not your so-called experience.

If you just want to know what the industry average salary is, look directly at the local companies. If you don’t think you’re making the industry’s average salary, don’t be afraid to jump ship.

How to answer the question about the technical difficulties in the project

In this case, the interviewer is looking at your ability to learn and solve problems.

A lot of people get confused when asked this question and feel like Google has basically solved everything. Of course, it’s great if you do have a problem that you can’t immediately solve through Google. Just follow the steps of describing the problem, how to solve the problem, and the result.

So if you think your project is really simple and you have nothing to talk about, follow these ideas to talk about it. For example, if you have never touched a certain technology before, how did you learn this technology, what problems did you meet in the process of learning, and how did you solve them? For example, if you write this project, you have what feeling, what idea.

The interviewer does not necessarily want to hear what difficult problems you encountered in the project, but rather to test your ability to learn and solve problems. Even if you don’t have anything to talk about, it’s better to talk about your learning process, frustrations, thoughts, and feelings than to talk about your feelings.

2019 front-end interview topic

Speaking of interview questions, I had to pull out my fast 15K Stars repo. Read this repo carefully, casually look for an interview, 70% of the questions you can answer, of course, my small book effect will be better point.

Anyway, repo is open source, everyone will come to thank me.

How to talk to HR about money, etc.

First of all, you’ve met with HR, which means you’ve basically been selected as a candidate. At this time, HR will talk to you about a lot of questions, these questions are to get some information about you. Such as personality, reflexes, emotional intelligence and so on. In addition, most companies don’t have a veto right, and it’s more likely that you had a better candidate than they did that you didn’t get the job.

Then comes the question of money. First of all, hiring people with the lowest salary is certainly one of the assessment of HR, so it is very normal to lower the price. And the salary of the previous company is also a very important reference, generally speaking, the salary increase rate of more than 30% is a very cool thing, usually about 20%.

Your offer is usually the upper limit of the offer. In consideration of the low offer, you can increase your expected salary by 1K or so. Then you can choose your offer according to the interview situation.

  • Nice face, originally wanted 16K, so more 1-2K is no problem
  • Just so-so, let’s make it 16 K
  • The face is average or not good, but also want to enter this company, can reduce 1-2K as appropriate, this mainly depends on yourself
  • Don’t really want to work for this company, whatever you want

The last

In addition, base Hangzhou song Xiaocai will recruit p5-7 students. Salary monthly settlement, can play a lot of things, as if there is no overtime. The specific jd to see, can resume straight hair I E-mail: [email protected]

You can follow my blog, where I will update all my articles as soon as possible. Besides the articles, I also recorded some content I learned in daily life, such as Leetcode, Mooc, book notes and some small toys I wrote.

Finally, feel the content is helpful can pay attention to my public number “front-end really fun”, there will be a lot of good things waiting for you.