“This article has participated in the good article call order activity, click to see: back end, big front end double track submission, 20,000 yuan prize pool for you to challenge!” Nacos comes in as a way to dynamically configure multiple files, reducing coupling if we want to access multiple platforms,

The configuration of each platform is different, but for the coupling of code and business, dynamic configuration is made to reduce the coupling of the overall configuration system and greatly improve the maintainability.

Nacos website:


Copy the code

This plugin is available in multiple versions for Windows /Linux/ Unix/MAC.

Here I directly show the window based download address:

Nacos 2.0 is used here


Copy the code

After downloading:

It is divided into several files about specific configuration such as bin/conf.


Because the default startup is based on

/bin folder in the nacos file,startup. CMD


set MODE="standalone"
Copy the code


Configure login:

Then start:

Double-click on the startup. CMD

Successful startup:

Access Address:

Configuring namespaces


Nacos is mainly for the registry, configuration file, hot deployment and other characteristics, in the high concurrency system is more used;