
When I was doing C language development, in order to make the program have better expansibility, I usually chose to implement the functions to be expanded as plug-ins and import the functions in plug-ins by loading so files. When I was learning Golang, I wished there was a plugin like this. Finally, Golang has plug-in support in version 1.8. I wrote an open source library to support hot update plugins. The code address is at the end of the article.

The environment

System: Linux (don’t ask why, because under Windows Golang does not support dynamic library) Golang version: 1.5 support dynamic library, 1.8 support plugin

The plug-in code

The plugin code is no different from regular Golang module code, except that the package must be main. Here is a simple plug-in code

package main

import (

func init(a) {
    // We can also do higher-level things like platform.registerPlugin ({"func": Hello}), which automatically registers the plugin's functions with the plugin platform

func Hello(a) {
    fmt.Println("hello")}Copy the code

The purpose of the init function is to automatically do some of the things we need to do when the plug-in module is loaded, such as automatically registering methods and types with the plug-in platform, output plug-in information, and so on.

The Hello function is the symbol we need to look up explicitly on the caller

Compile command

go build -buildmode=plugin testplugin.go
Copy the code

After compiling, we can see that there is a file in the current directory. We can also generate different versions of the plug-in by using commands like the following

go build -o -buildmode=plugin testplugin.go
Copy the code

If you want more control over the version of your plugin, you want to do something cool, like hot update your plugin. So you can use the way of automatic registration, the new version of plug-in loading, automatic registration of plug-in version number, plug-in platform in the use of the new version of the method.


Users need to import the plugin package

package main

import (

func main(a) {
    p, err := plugin.Open("")
    iferr ! =nil {
    f, err := p.Lookup("Hello")
    iferr ! =nil {
Copy the code

The output

$ go run main.go 
Copy the code

As you can see, we just explicitly called the Hello method in the plug-in, printing the string Hello, but before calling Hello, we already printed the world, which is exactly what the plug-in init function does.


Golang support for plug-ins takes the extensibility of Golang applications to the next level and can be used to do cool things like hot updates to services using plug-ins


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