| good praise, please, get into the habit of

  • You have one thought, I have one thought, and when we exchange, one person has two thoughts

  • If you can NOT explain it simply, you do NOT understand it well enough

Now the Demo code and technical articles are organized together Github practice selection, convenient for everyone to read and view, this article is also included in this, feel good, please also Star🌟

A friend sent me a message asking me how to arrange my daily routine and write relatively efficiently. I think it is necessary to write a separate article to communicate with you about this matter

Don’t do soulless TODO lists

We are all motivated young people. We should have our own TODO list in hand. I usually use Microsoft To Do To make simple daily arrangements

During my study, every summer and winter vacation approached, I could make various plans and set up various flags. As you might expect, not a single plan or flag was completed after the holiday.

The TODO list is only short-term psychological comfort. When the results need to be verified, the mood may be depressed for a while or anxious for half a day

The reason for this problem is simple

  • Hodgepodge TODO
  • No priorities
  • Lack of practical execution plan and self-discipline

How to solve this problem?


We know that we should think twice before we act, and it seems that there is no cost in making a plan. However, I have forgotten the principle of thinking twice before acting. Most of the reasons for the smelly and long Todo list are impulsive thinking, which is human nature. But I’m not going against human nature. I choose to make two more Todo lists on the original basis (you read that right).

  • List B (Agile Backlog) : The Agile Backlog that I put into this list fulfills my dream

  • Agile Grooming: Check list A again and again and ask yourself, is this one item you want? You end up with three to seven options in listing G

  • Listing S (Agile Sprint) : Soul torture yourself to choose between 1 and 3 at most

This allows us to focus only on the contents of Listing S for a short period of time, and when listing S is complete, repeat the filtering step. My list hasn’t been pruned, it’s just changed perspective, and it feels completely different


The combination of these four words is your familiar quadrants

Prioritizing is a basic skill, and note that this chart is meant to be constantly updated, not static

There are always a lot of interruptions in life, so I don’t want to schedule my time too full. I want to give myself some buffer so that I don’t get frustrated by interruptions, but I don’t want to leave too much buffer because we are all prone to procrastination/inertia

Plus, most things in life are in the second quadrant, so it’s important to break down tasks, make a plan, and stick to it

Don’t fragment the whole time

We all know that continuous work will be more efficient, which requires a block of time. However, when I have a block of time, I don’t seem to cherish this benefit, like watching mobile phone chat, reading and watching videos for a while. Feeling like we’re busy, but we’re not getting anything done, and then when we need to verify our results later, we’re all at a loss because we’ve fragmented time

We have a limited amount of time to focus, and restricting ourselves for too long is counter-human, so we need to find a balance between focus and relaxation

Pomodoro technique

According to the Pomodoro technique, a tomato clock is 25 minutes, the tomato clock rings, rest for 3-5 minutes, continue to the next tomato clock. The science of tomato keeps me focused; Rest time let me play with the phone. More importantly, you can break the whole thing down by tomato clock into actionable plans (Chrome has a tomato plugin, like this one).

Maximize fragmentation time

Everyone has a lot of fragmented time, and it feels like every time you can play with your phone is our fragmented time (think about when you usually play with your phone).

What can we do at this time?

  • Simple stretches and extensions
  • Review every bit of the past day or two to make a review summary, so that you have a good idea
  • Focus on reading high-quality subscriptions (e.g., Japan’s First Soldier, which caught me off guard)
  • Give greetings to family and friends
  • .

You’ll find that you can do all the little things in your life by fragmenting your time

Distinguish between primary and secondary

You’re all adults, and you probably have more than one or two things to take care of in your life. Even if people take care of the same number of things in different ways and in different order, the results and feelings will naturally be different. To illustrate this problem, I put a video I watched a long time ago here.

Like in the video, treat yourself to a few beers once in a while (I’m allergic to alcohol)

Looking for

We’re both programmers. Let me give you an example of how a program works:

  • You’ve written countless CRUDs. How does that make you feel?
  • What does it feel like when you do a simple tuning and you get a percentage increase in performance?
  • How do you feel when you overcome some difficulties and solve some problems that seemed hard to solve before?

We need our sense of achievement to drive ourselves all the time. The following sentence was sent to my friend when I was anxious. I hope it will help you

Finally, it is said that execution is difficult. If you do not have effective methods, please follow the above methods to gradually improve, which will naturally bring you happiness and sense of achievement, and will naturally push you to the next step

I am also on the way to change my thinking and way of thinking… We are together

Finally, if you change a lot through this method, be sure to come back and let me know, it will give me a sense of accomplishment

Personal blog: https://dayarch.top

Add my wechat friends, enter the group entertainment learning exchange, note “enter the group”

Welcome to continue to pay attention to the public account: “One soldier of The Japanese Arch”

  • Cutting-edge Java technology dry goods sharing
  • Efficient tool summary | back “tool”
  • Interview question analysis and solution
  • Technical data to receive reply | “data”

To read detective novel thinking easy fun learning Java technology stack related knowledge, in line with the simplification of complex problems, abstract problems concrete and graphical principles of gradual decomposition of technical problems, technology continues to update, please continue to pay attention to……