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One, the general way to get the process name, through ActivityManager

In a multi-process APP, it is often necessary to know whether the current process is a main process or a background process. Or some process.

The following code is a common use to determine which process is the current process based on its name when the process is started:

public class MyApp extends Application {
  private static final String TG = "MyApp";

  public void onCreate(a) {
    // If the current process is the main process, initialize the main process
    if(isMainProcess()) { initMainProcess(); }}private boolean isMainProcess(a) {
    // Get the name of the current process and compare it with the main process to determine whether it is the main process
    String processName = ProcessUtil.getCurrentProcessName(this);
    Log.e(TG, "isMainProcess processName=" + processName);
    return BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID.equals(processName);

  private void initMainProcess(a) {
    Log.e(TG, "initMainProcess"); }}Copy the code

Use ActivityManager to get the process name, which is also recommended by many web searches.

But, uncle Would say, this method is not optimal.

/** * Get the process name from ActivityManager, need IPC communication */
public static String getCurrentProcessNameByActivityManager(@NonNull Context context) {
  int pid = Process.myPid();
  ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
  if(am ! =null) {
    List<ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo> runningAppList = am.getRunningAppProcesses();
    if(runningAppList ! =null) {
      for (ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo processInfo : runningAppList) {
        if ( == pid) {
          returnprocessInfo.processName; }}}}return null;
Copy the code

But, uncle Would say, this method is not optimal.

But, uncle Would say, this method is not optimal.

But, uncle Would say, this method is not optimal.

2. The downside of getting the current process name from ActivityManager

  1. ActivityManager. GetRunningAppProcesses () method to cross-process communication, efficiency is not high

    You need to communicate with the ActivityManagerService of the system process. The method call will inevitably be time consuming.

  2. Once you have the list of RunningAppProcessInfo, you need to iterate to find information related to the current process.

    Obviously the extra loop also adds time;

    Of course, this time is of little consequence.

  3. Is the most horrible ActivityManager. GetRunningAppProcesses () call fails, likely returns null, may also be AIDL call fails.

    Of course ActivityManager. GetRunningAppProcesses () call the probability of failure is very low.

    When your APP when the number of users to achieve a certain level, there must be a users encounter ActivityManager getRunningAppProcesses () call fails.

    In the usage scenario we described at the beginning, the failure to obtain the process name would be terrifying.

    If some components in the process are not initialized, the process is likely to be gg.

Third, seek a better solution

Method 1: Uncle found a new method in android API28:Application.getProcessName()

Application. GetProcessName () method returns the current process directly. This is the API we want!

However, this method can only be called on android9 (aka AIP28).

public class ProcessUtil {

  /** * Obtain the process name from the Application API. No reflection, no IPC. * /
  public static String getCurrentProcessNameByApplication(a) {
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P) {
      return Application.getProcessName();
    return null; }}Copy the code

What about pre-Android 9 systems?

What about pre-Android 9 systems?

What about pre-Android 9 systems?

Method 2: ActivityThread currentProcessName () method

Uncle so curious and looked at the Application. The getProcessName source (), he is how to implement?

public class Application extends ContextWrapper implements ComponentCallbacks2 {
  public static String getProcessName(a) {
    returnActivityThread.currentProcessName(); }}Copy the code

We found ActivityThread. CurrentProcessName () this method.

So the uncle continues to read the source code:

/ * * * {@hide} * /
public final class ActivityThread extends ClientTransactionHandler {

  public static String currentProcessName(a) {
    //....}}Copy the code

Ollie, ActivityThread. CurrentProcessName () method is public static.

Ollie, ActivityThread. CurrentProcessName () method is public static.

Ollie, ActivityThread. CurrentProcessName () method is public static.

But then it became clear:

The ActivityThread class is hidden and cannot be called directly by the app.

The ActivityThread class is hidden and cannot be called directly by the app.

The ActivityThread class is hidden and cannot be called directly by the app.

So uncle continues to look at the source code to see when this method was added.

Uncle found that this method already has this method on android4.3.1.

CurrentProcessName () method not found on android4.0.4.

So mean, whether we can reflection calls ActivityThread. CurrentProcessName ()?

The answer, of course, is yes.

So we implement this method in the ProcessUtil utility class:

public class ProcessUtil {

  /** * Get the process name by reflecting ActivityThread, avoiding IPC */
  public static String getCurrentProcessNameByActivityThread(a) {
    String processName = null;
    try {
      final Method declaredMethod = Class.forName("".false, Application.class.getClassLoader())
        .getDeclaredMethod("currentProcessName", (Class<? > [])new Class[0]);
      final Object invoke = declaredMethod.invoke( Object[0]);
      if (invoke instanceofString) { processName = (String) invoke; }}catch (Throwable e) {
    returnprocessName; }}Copy the code

Fourth, combine the three methods to get a better scheme

So we combined these three approaches.

  1. We preferred by Application. GetProcessName () method to get the process name.
  2. If fail, we will reflect ActivityThread. CurrentProcessName () to obtain the process name
  3. If that fails, we get the process name through the normal method ActivityManager

The following code:

public class ProcessUtil {
  private static String currentProcessName;

  / * * *@returnCurrent process name */
  public static String getCurrentProcessName(@NonNull Context context) {
    if(! TextUtils.isEmpty(currentProcessName)) {return currentProcessName;

    //1) Obtain the current process name from the Application API
    currentProcessName = getCurrentProcessNameByApplication();
    if(! TextUtils.isEmpty(currentProcessName)) {return currentProcessName;

    //2) Get the name of the current process by reflecting ActivityThread
    currentProcessName = getCurrentProcessNameByActivityThread();
    if(! TextUtils.isEmpty(currentProcessName)) {return currentProcessName;

    //3) Get the current process name from ActivityManager
    currentProcessName = getCurrentProcessNameByActivityManager(context);

    return currentProcessName;

  /** * Obtain the process name from the Application API. No reflection, no IPC. * /
  public static String getCurrentProcessNameByApplication(a) {
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P) {
      return Application.getProcessName();
    return null;

  /** * Get the process name by reflecting ActivityThread, avoiding IPC */
  public static String getCurrentProcessNameByActivityThread(a) {
    String processName = null;
    try {
      final Method declaredMethod = Class.forName("".false, Application.class.getClassLoader())
        .getDeclaredMethod("currentProcessName", (Class<? > [])new Class[0]);
      final Object invoke = declaredMethod.invoke( Object[0]);
      if (invoke instanceofString) { processName = (String) invoke; }}catch (Throwable e) {
    return processName;

  /** * Get the process name from ActivityManager, need IPC communication */
  public static String getCurrentProcessNameByActivityManager(@NonNull Context context) {
    if (context == null) {
      return null;
    int pid = Process.myPid();
    ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
    if(am ! =null) {
      List<ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo> runningAppList = am.getRunningAppProcesses();
      if(runningAppList ! =null) {
        for (ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo processInfo : runningAppList) {
          if ( == pid) {
            returnprocessInfo.processName; }}}}return null; }}Copy the code

Five, a simple test of performance

Uncle did a simple test to test the duration of the next three method calls:

Tests are done on the simulator. The simulator configuration is as follows:

Test code is as follows:

private fun testGetCurrentProcessNameByApplication(a){
  val beginTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos()
  Log.i(TG, "getCurrentProcessNameByApplication duration=${SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos() - beginTime}")}private fun testGetCurrentProcessNameByActivityThread(a){
  val beginTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos()
  Log.i(TG, "getCurrentProcessNameByActivityThread duration=${SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos() - beginTime}")}private fun testGetCurrentProcessNameByActivityManager(a){
  val beginTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos()
  Log.i(TG, "getCurrentProcessNameByActivityManager duration=${SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos() - beginTime}")}Copy the code

Before each function is called, the APP restarts and stands for 1 minute before being called:

The output log is as follows:

The 2020-09-27 18:30:03. 323, 14007-14007 / com. Android. Study I/vzProcessUtilAct: GetCurrentProcessNameByApplication duration = 654000 2020-09-27 18:31:02. 029, 14082-14082 / com. Android. Study I/vzProcessUtilAct: GetCurrentProcessNameByActivityThread duration = 1121000 2020-09-27 18:32:01. 669, 14150-14150 / com. Android. Study I/vzProcessUtilAct: getCurrentProcessNameByActivityManager duration=1661000Copy the code

You can see:

ProcessUtil. GetCurrentProcessNameByApplication () takes 654000 nanoseconds = 0.654 milliseconds

ProcessUtil. GetCurrentProcessNameByActivityThread () takes 1121000 nanoseconds = 1.121 milliseconds

ProcessUtil. GetCurrentProcessNameByActivityManager () takes 1661000 nanoseconds = 1.661 milliseconds

Six, summarized

Sometimes that’s what development is all about. Get down and figure it out. Sometimes you’ll be surprised.

This kind of surprise, even more than you chase after the introduction of all kinds of modern technology to the practical.

A quick introduction, a flutter introduction, a RxJava introduction, a Kotlin introduction… These are important.

However, the experience of digging into the details of the code and solving individual problems is much more valuable.

The process of solving these problems, the habits of mind that are formed, is essential for a programmer to survive.

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