This is a wechat robot I created [Miaoxiao Yu], you can experience:

So how do you build a robot yourself?

The first step: in this public account to send keywords: wechat robot, wechat robot software.

Step 2: Scan the code with wechat (scanning the wechat signal will become a robot, it is strongly recommended to use wechat small scan code to log in)

Step 3:Click “Login robot account”, if not registered, directly click “free registration”

Step 4: access, Turing robot in Settings – > access of Turing machine to fill out: APIkey: 41 f1c0c5393e4c77aba40da392dd09c7

Step 5: [If the Uin values are all 0 in the following cases, please log in or synchronize data. If the Uin values are still 0, restart the robot.]

[Normal interface is as follows:]

At this moment, your wechat signal has become a robot, you can chat with the robot in the wechat group with other wechat signals @robot nickname + message. Or you can just talk privately.

Robots currently have the following capabilities:

It is still being optimized, come and experience it