This weekend, I will talk with you about studying.

In today’s society, our time is being shredded by all kinds of apps.

Brush zhihu, Weibo, circle of friends;

See forum, see blog, see public number;

And so on a variety of information and knowledge access to a good one.

I seem to have learned a lot, but I feel useless.

To solve these problems, we should first distinguish clearly what is information and what is knowledge.

  • So what is information?

Everything you hear and see is information, such as stars cheating on Weibo, emoticons fighting on wechat, and jokes and videos on Douyin.

  • What is knowledge?

It refers to concepts, laws, and methodologies that have been proven, correct, and believed by people.

It’s easy to understand what concepts are, and one of the things we do most in school is memorize concepts.

Laws are the laws behind things. For example, when the supply of a certain good is reduced, the price will go up.

Methodology, commonly known as “routine”, is an effective solution to solve a certain kind of problem.

Information is true and false, and there is time limit, while knowledge is accumulated and iterated. We need to learn knowledge, not information.

Time of compound interest

One more concept, compound interest.

This should be known to all. Most of them are when they deposit money in the bank or buy financial products. For example, the bank compound interest growth curve shown below:

Or this formula:

1.01 ^ 365 = 37.8Copy the code

Along with the formula comes a chicken soup:

If a person improves 1 percent every day, in a year they will be 38 times better.

That sounds like chicken soup, but you can’t imagine what’s wrong with it, can you?

Conversely, consider the premise of this statement. Is it possible for a person to make 1% progress every day? Of course, with the exception of some extreme cases, for most people reading my article, this is an impossible thing to do.

There are all kinds of things that prevent us from improving the 1% every day, like:

  • I was criticized by the leadership at work today. I’m in a bad mood and don’t want to study
  • I am so busy with my work today that I am late after work. I want to have a rest
  • I went out with my friends today and had a great time
  • .

Wait, and then when we see great people around us:

  • I see them doing well on exams
  • To see their random writing is the Internet explosion
  • When you see how proficient they are in a particular technology

Will there be a sense of weakness, as if they are usually like us, should eat should drink should play, but they are very fierce appearance.

So, there is a strong sense of anxiety, to learn, to improve themselves, began to see more information, pay attention to more learning circles, anxiety, negative cycle began.

But if you believe in the effect of time compound interest, you won’t worry.

According to?

You now see the accomplishments of the person next to you, and the things he can easily do that you couldn’t have done even if you tried your best.

You’re wrong from the start, they’ve done their original accumulation, they’ve reached the compound inflection point of this thing.

What is the compound inflection point?

This little guy right here is the compound inflection point,

If a person reaches the inflection point of compound interest, which is where the little guy is, then their returns, they’re going to increase dramatically, and they’re going to be bigger than they were in the whole time before.

The payoff here could be money, it could be ability, it could be perception.


Above we introduced how to distinguish information from knowledge, here we share a personal understanding, effective knowledge.

The validity of a piece of knowledge depends on whether it relates to what you already know.

If you can make connections, you will be able to absorb this new knowledge very quickly.

Just like programming language, xiaobian’s job is to be a Java software engineer, but when xiaobian goes to learn the basic knowledge of Python, the speed is very fast. From the perspective of others, it seems that xiaobian’s learning efficiency is very efficient.

Of course, it is impossible for us to only learn knowledge related to our existing knowledge, and we may come into contact with some completely unfamiliar fields. Then how can we maintain efficient learning at this time?

When entering a new field, all knowledge is scattered point by point, like stones scattered in the sand, and there is no connection between them. This period of learning is very painful, which is commonly called the initial accumulation stage.

Many people give up slowly at the stage of primitive accumulation because the process is too painful.

In the primitive accumulation stage of pain, most of the time, there is no end in sight. I feel that I have learned everything before, but when I think about it carefully, I seem to have learned nothing.

At this point, we can use a tool to strengthen the relationship between knowledge and deepen their memory – mind mapping.

This tool xiaobian is often used, such as many people may have seen my public number xiaobian sorted out their own Java advanced mind map.

When learning a new field, we can draw such a mind map whenever some basic concepts are related, which can make us understand the internal relationship between different things more clearly and intuitively.

How does the primitive accumulation of long time too painful do?

This is a common problem for all of us. When we fail to achieve something, especially in study, our interest and confidence will be greatly affected.

First of all, before you do it, you need to find enough reasons for yourself to do it, that is, you need to have a strong drive.

Just like the postgraduate entrance exam, if someone around you wants to take the exam, so you also want to take the exam, then I think it is worth thinking about whether you want to take the exam or not.

But if you want to change your life trajectory and get a higher starting point by taking the postgraduate entrance examination, then I think it is highly likely that you can stick to it.

Like learning Python, it seems that everyone around me is learning Python, so I also want to know, and I want to learn Python to change the job, out of the current state of work, to get a higher salary.

You may not feel it, but think about your life, have you ever stuck to a certain thing, and finally got a good result, the pleasure of the final harvest, is not incomparable.

Of course, in addition to the strong drive, xiaobian can also provide a little friendship skills.

Get periodic positive feedback.

If something takes a long time, the greatest drive can be worn down by time.

Quietly thinking about the reasons for giving up, there is no sense of achievement.

Or take one’s postgraduate entrance examination for example, general postgraduate entrance examination needs to prepare for half a year to a year or so, a lot of people insist on but half a year to give up, why, because they can not see the effect, can not see the dawn. But the high school entrance examination many people still can insist on, why?

Because there are three months, ah, every month after the test, can accurately know how much their level has improved, their efforts in a month is not in vain, their efforts in a month is really into the score on the paper.

So if you’re doing something that’s going to take a long time, it’s best to set up some periodic results tests for yourself in advance.

Time management

Time management is an inevitable topic, here xiaobian is not qualified to talk about this thing, because xiaobian itself is not good at time management, xiaobian is also a person, after work will feel tired, will only want to rest at home, people are not saints, right?

Let’s share some experiences.

Try to make a list of all the things you do in your day and how much time you spend.

When this list is put together, no matter how disciplined you are, you are bound to find that a significant portion of your day is wasted, such as checking moments, Tiktok, and Weibo.

In life, there must be a lot of such things.

“Five more minutes on my phone before I fall asleep!”

I’m still on my phone at 12:00.

Weekend morning, “first play a game, do XXX”.

The result was to play into the afternoon.

Believe me, people who fall, they don’t set out to fall.

They are just seduced by various temptations in life, because in today’s society, various apps are trying their best to grab the retention time of users, they are trying their best to please users, and let users use the simplest and most inexpensive way to obtain such meaningless and low-cost happiness.

So, starting to track your time is the first step to time management.

Of course, we do not want to give up entertainment time completely, it is impossible, people are not machines, as long as there is electricity, it is impossible to work, people also need to rest, recording time is just to let us face the choice, make the right choice.

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This is the first time to write this long content to share. Please forgive me if there is any improper content.