1 download

First go to the official website to download Python.

The Executable installer for Windows X86-64 is recommended:

2 the installation

After downloading the installer, run it. Make sure to check the Add Python x.x to PATH check box (as shown below) because it saves configuration:

We chose a custom installation because we can specify the installation path:

If you select Install for all Users, the installation path will be automatically converted to Program Files, which is convenient:

You can use the default values for all other options

3 questions

Lost 3.1 API – ms – win – CRT – runtime – l1-1-0. DLL

How to run the environment without the VC runtime, then it will pop up:

Click the link to download the VC runtime:

Click the “Download” button on the right:

Select the 64-bit download program and click the Next button on the right:

Vc_redist. X64.exe download, double-click to install:

3.2 Failed to set the VC runtime During installation

One possible cause is that the Windows Installer service is disabled.

Open the command line and enter regsvr32 msi. DLL to register the msi. DLL component:

Open the command line, type services. MSC, open the list of services, find the Windows Installer service and start it:

Finally, reinstall the VC runtime, and you are ready:

After installation, remember to restart the computer oh

4 verify

Console, type Python:

At this point, you can type Ctrl + Z, then press Enter; Or execute the exit() command to exit.

See this screen, it means that Python 3.x has been installed successfully