Spring Initializr is essentially a Web application that generates a Spring Boot-based project structure for us. Spring Initializr can be used in the following ways.

1 Spring Initializr official website initialization

When you open start.spring. IO /, you will see the following interface:

  • The first three items of the form indicate whether the project is built based on Maven or Gradle, the programming language used, and the Spring Boot version.
  • Next, define groups and artifacts for the project.
  • Then, select the required base dependency capabilities. The checked base dependencies are shown in the list on the right.

Open Options to perform more configurations:

Finally, click “Generate the project”, it will export the project structure based on Spring Boot according to the above configuration:

2 IntelliJ IDEA is initialized

You can also initialize the Spring Boot project directly in IntelliJ IDEA.

First create a new project:

Choose Spring Initializr. The default initialization is based on the Spring Initializr official URL:

Next, define groups and artifacts for the project:

Then, select the required base dependency capability:

Finally, define the project name and project path:

The project starts downloading Spring Boot dependencies from the Maven library:

Once the download is successful, you will see the downloaded and associated dependencies in Maven Projects:

3 Project Structure

Projects, whether based on the Spring Initializr website or initialized with IntelliJ IDEA, generate similar structures as follows:

File or folder instructions
pom.xml Maven configuration file. If you select Gradle project, it will be build. Gradle.
xxxApplication.java Used to boot and start the project.
xxxApplicationTests.java JUnit test class that can be used to test whether Spring Boot automatic configuration is effective.
application.properties You can configure the Spring Boot property here.
static Static files for Web projects, such as JavaScript, styles, images, and so on.