0 preface

Spring comes and it’s time for the annual migration of programmed apes, when you’ll find the northern programmed apes moving south along the railroad tracks to spend their days.

OK, getting back to business, at this time of year, there are plenty of programmers, siege lions, product dogs, and more ready to move on to a new environment. And the first threshold of changing environment is how to write a good resume.

Let me from writing a good resume to how to face the interviewer to do a small analysis, to help your career thriving!

How to Write a one-page resume

Let’s start with a resume with a low rating. This resume should be very sad HR eyes, because it can not catch the eye of HR.

1.1 Low-end resume

  1. Proficient in the application of HTML5, CSS3, ES6, LESS, SASS;

  2. Proficient in using UI frameworks such as Bootstrap, ElementUI and MintUI;

  3. Master the application of popular front-end frameworks Vue, React and KOA2;

  4. Used native JS + KOa2; NextJS (React + koa2); Vue developed hybrid app;

  5. Project practice Thinkphp and Phpcms PHP development framework;

  6. Lightweight application of Node, Python to write some programs;

  7. Can use PS, PR and other video and audio editing software.

Let’s do it one by one. First of all, the first one is so common that you can write it, but it doesn’t make a lot of sense. Let’s try this:

Understand Vue and React frameworks, master front-end technologies such as ES6, H5 and CSS modularization, participate in several mobile terminal (hybrid, native H5) and PC terminal projects, and have certain insights on front-end optimization.

This shows that you have worked on mobile projects and understand front-end engineering techniques. Also developed with the client side.

And in the whole development process to understand the whole development idea. And know how to optimize the whole project for the front end.

Article 2 and Article 3 can be deleted directly because they are duplicate with article 1.

When we write the second one, we can show it if we have Node experience.

In order to optimize the construction of Node service middle layer, ReactSSR project was adopted based on KOA2 development.

So these two pieces of information show you a basic disk. Add a few more flattering quotes and the first page of your resume will be ready for work.

Be aware that the HR is looking at your resume for specific reasons, so don’t include items like # 7, which will only bring down your overall score. Because PS,PR software is not particularly needed in the front end. In particular, PR, which is video editing software, doesn’t stand out in the work you’re involved in, so it’s just a failure.

Understand Vue and React frameworks, master front-end technologies such as ES6, H5 and CSS modularization, participate in several mobile terminal (hybrid, native H5) and PC terminal projects, and have certain insights on front-end optimization.

In order to optimize the construction of Node service middle layer, ReactSSR project was adopted based on KOA2 development.

In the work, I took the initiative to promote the progress of various departments and coordinated the project synchronization among different departments.

Love technology sharing, published technical articles on internal and external technical websites, and promoted the development of team members.

The resume that we write, the top half of the first page, the first three lines, you have to show your technology stack. Then you can carry out some blowing operations according to your technical ability, but not blowing.

The main thing is to look good. The interview doesn’t require you to be versatile, but it does require you to be expert in a particular area.

1.2 Resume of high-end code farmers

Let’s take a look at the resume of a high-end code farmer. This resume is quite beautiful, so beautiful that people would like to ask about it at a glance.

Head of the front end group of the business division, set up a front end team of 9 people, responsible for all the front end business of the business division, including several product lines.

Mastering the front-end development technology (JavaScript/CSS 3 / SVG/Canvas/ES6 Vue/Webpack, etc.), understand the Node/technology, such as the React from zero to participate in building a team technology stack, containing internal component library, many sets of scaffolding and internal framework, Serve all business units of the company;

Rich experience in multi-terminal development, proficient in the development of mobile terminal /PC terminal /HybridApp/ wechat applet. I have experience in the architecture of several large projects and have been responsible for projects with a total usage of over X million.

I have rich experience in cross-department cooperation and communication, promotion ability and excellent problem solving ability. I was awarded the title of the most capable employee in the performance appraisal, and I have a strong sense of responsibility and team spirit.

Keen on open source technology sharing and passion for new technology. A number of original articles have been read by X+ and praised by X+. They have been reprinted by public accounts such as Meitu Technology and Daqo front-end and recommended by SegmentFault and Nuggets. Github has opened several components and obtained X+Star

So you must write more articles, do some sharing. These can be helpful when you’re looking for a job.

2. How to deliver

Resume delivery, we can through the hook, Boss direct hire, hunting hire and other recruitment websites for delivery.

In terms of delivery, there is not much ink. We just need to understand, in the delivery of time, look at the evaluation.

Also, sometimes you need to do a company search to see if there’s bad news.

It is necessary to check whether there are labor disputes recently. Once found a labor dispute company, be sure to avoid.

You can try out some of the secondary target companies, get a taste of the interview atmosphere and get a sense of what your weaknesses are.

Don’t get on a shuttle!!

3. How to interview

Interview, divided into two kinds, one is the interviewer read the resume according to his temper interview, only face you know. The other is for the interviewer to base the interview on your resume and go from the shallow to the deep.

Let’s break it down.

3.1 The interviewer’s self-play mode

Generally speaking, such interviewers in the knowledge will be narrow, so they will face points according to the online brush questions. I probably learned how to interview front-end engineers before I met you.

For this pattern, be sure to adjust your response pattern, say one thing and say two things. If it won’t, it won’t. Don’t give me a guess.

If you say no, the interviewer will just assume that you’re not there yet. If you guess your answer and get it right, that’s fine. If you get it wrong, you will lose points.

3.2 The interviewer is based on the resume

This kind of interview is quite technical, and the interviewer may already know your skills for the position.

So be clear about what you’ve written on your resume. You can’t just say you know. Knowing this word in an interview means you’ve used it in a real project.

The interview will be based on the skills you have on your resume from the shallow to the deep (principle level) questions.

SO, study what you put on your resume before you go to the interview.

So to sum up, interview first basic skills, and then resume to write things can best be considered to the principle level.

4. How to negotiate

This is the stage that you’re most interested in.

Bargaining is always a challenge, and the company’s expectations, and your expectations, will fall short.

When negotiating, it depends on whether the company needs it. The degree of importance depends on whether you will haggle when you ask for a price.

To evaluate this position, I recommend looking at the average salary over the years.

In addition, there will be a marked price on the offer. My suggestion is to quote at the middle *20% of the marked price.

For example, if a company opens 10-20K positions, you can raise around 18K.

Of course, there are also a lot of companies out of the price is blind writing.

We can also quote according to whether there is offer in hand to report. For example, there is a 15K post on the hand, and then the quotation is 18K.

5. How do you reflect on failure

Some companies will tell you the result after the interview. Some well-meaning interviewers will analyze your weaknesses.

I’m not qualified for this position.

Of course, HR is more likely to dismiss you with a word. Let’s sort through some slang that HR rejects.

5.1 You go home first, we will call you later

This is a clear rejection, but I hate the company that says no.

Don’t don’t, why still drag people, give people hope??

The position we advertised is full

There are people out there who are cheaper and better value than you.

5.3 Our director or XX is out or on a business trip. Please go back first

This shows that the leadership is not satisfied with your offer, so there is no need to go to the next round.

Why not just say no? Please block the list of companies with such replies)

5.4 30% price reduction and invitation

The technical level is OK, but they write the OFFER price is the advertising price. They just can’t afford it.

(In the absence of special circumstances, no entry is required)

Six other

Before confirming the OFFER, check if the salary is discounted.

Whether 5 insurance one gold pay, according to how many percentage.

Salary consists of what components and whether it is possible to appear how much percentage goes into performance.

I wish you all a smooth job search in 2019!