This is the 19th day of my participation in the Genwen Challenge

How to find a suitable open source project and Github use skills

Key indicators

  1. Technology stack

The first step is to understand what your technology stack is and what language or framework you are using for development. Select the corresponding technology stack by keyword search on the home page. Secondly, we should understand our own level and choose open source projects corresponding to the level so that we can learn better. For the project source code, learning early, you can not do in-depth study, only need to understand the general architecture of the project.

  1. Number of Star

After keyword search on the home page, it is generally sorted according to the number of stars. A high number of stars does not necessarily mean the best, but it indicates the popularity of the project to a certain extent. Getting a Star on an open source project is much harder than getting a “like” on wechat.

  1. Project the author

When the number of stars is similar, the influence of the project author can be measured. Influencers may not be the best choice, but at least they’re not unreliable. Also look at the author’s previous work. If the author is good and reliable, the project is usually popular and reliable. Of course, generally speaking, corporate projects take precedence over individual projects. After all, the development strength of a company is stronger than that of an individual, and the project security and reliability of a company are also better than that of an individual developer.


Readme. md is the documentation for the project. In this file, the project name and introduction, the project background, the project LOGO and use screenshots, the project function points, the experience address, how to download the project, the dependencies required to install the project, how to install, how to deploy, and the Debug method will be specified. In general, the level of detail and aesthetics of readme.MD is proportional to the level of reliability of the project.

  1. The last update date of the project

The worst thing about open source projects is that the authors don’t maintain it, which means that there will be no improvements and that problems will be difficult to fix quickly. The frequent and recent update of the project means that the project author is still maintaining it.

  1. Issues and the Fork

The large number of Issues, the rapid response of the author and the large number of Forks all reflect the degree of concern and popularity of the project.

  1. Open source licenses

The use of open source projects also follows certain principles, known as open source licenses. Common open source licenses include:

GPL, LGPL, BSD, Apache Licence Vesion 2.0, MIT, go to the Chapter of Understanding Open Source Licenses for more information.

By far the most widely used open source license, MIT is the most open, requiring only that projects based on the project be accompanied by an MIT license (with the original author’s name on the license), which requires attribution. Generally speaking, if the source code in your open source project doesn’t make any sense and you just want to focus on writing code, attaching an MIT license is the easiest option.

  1. conclusion

Under the overall evaluation criteria, choose one that is relatively mature and suitable for you.

How to find the right open source project on GitHub

Search for information on GitHub
  • Once we know the key elements we are looking for, such as the technology stack, programming language or framework, we can search through a search engine or on a code-hosted platform. Take GitHub as an example. In addition to searching keywords directly, GitHub also provides a number of conditional search functions. Using these functions, we can find high-quality open source projects more quickly and effectively. Such as:

  • Matches warehouses with more than 3000 stars and the word “cats”.

 cats stars:>3000
Copy the code
  • Matches repositories with the word “vUE” that have three or more topics.
 vue topics:>=3
Copy the code
  • Matches repositories with the word “node” and 10,000 or more followers.
node followers:>=10000
Copy the code
  • Matches the repository that has been categorized as the subject of “Algorithm”
Copy the code
  • Matches the repository that complies with Apache License 2.0
Copy the code
  • The repository of “Arduino” is mentioned in the matching project readme.
arduino in:readme
Copy the code
  • Search for developers based in China with more than 5,000 followers.
location:china followers:>5000
Copy the code
  • For more information on search syntax, check out the GitHub Docs to find information on GitHub.
Follow the GitHub Trends list
  • Learn about the most exciting GitHub repositories and authors on the GitHub community every day, week, and month at Keep an eye on the GitHub Trends list to find the right projects to study and use.
Use GitHub smart Recommendations
  • If you’re already on GitHub, you can find some GitHub recommendations based on your interests at Relatively speaking, the technology stack is more correlated.
GitHub Chinese community
  • For starters, there’s another good option — search through GitHub’s Chinese community. The site integrates GitHub’s top trends, top projects, leaderboards, and category search to help us find quality projects faster.

How do I find the right open source projects on Gitee

GVP (Gitee’s Most Valuable Open Source Project)
  • GVP is a display platform of excellent open source projects comprehensively evaluated by Gitee. GVP projects are excellent in all aspects and are suitable for developers to learn and use.

Open Source software Page
  • On Gitee’s open source software page, Gitee updates official recommendations daily. The projects in the official recommended list have been preliminarily screened by Gitee officials, and the project quality has been well guaranteed.

  • On the left side of the page, Gitee provides categories for open source software in different fields, making it easier for developers from different directions to find open source projects in their own fields. On the right side, you can see the hot projects of the week and today, which are similar to the GitHub Trend list.

Gitee index

  • Gitee provides a “Gitee Index” for each open source project as an auxiliary reference for judging the excellence of open source projects. The scores of the five different dimensions are combined to produce a final Gitee index. The higher the Gitee index, the more worthy the project is to learn and use.