
It is the spring recruitment season again. Recently, some junior and junior students came to consult me about how to prepare for the internship, which inspired me to summarize my experience and lessons in job hunting in the past year, hoping to help my seniors find good jobs as I did before.

In the past year, I applied to many companies, stepped in many pits in the interview, and summarized some difficult experience through failure. Finally, I got the internship or formal offer from Tencent, JINGdong, SF Express, Futu and other companies.

At the same time, I also got to know many excellent people (Jackwang sansan cabbage cake are all SSP leaders) in the process of preparing for the interview. By comparing their experience, I observed some characteristics of candidates who can enter big factories.

I hope these interview lessons and suggestions will be helpful to you as you search for a job in college.


In this article, we will discuss how to get a good spring/fall offer and find a good job:

  1. When should I start looking for internships and jobs?

  2. What’s the process like?

  3. What should I prepare for a technical interview?

  4. How to prepare effectively? How to pass the interview easily?

  5. I would like to share my own journey

First, when to start to prepare for the internship and job search?

This is a timetable, which is the most important part of the text. You may not remember the rest of the time, but you should be aware of the several time points for finding a job at school.

For example, if you are a grade 18 student, you can actually take part in a daily internship in your sophomore year. The purpose of this internship is to polish rewards and improve skills. In the spring recruitment season of “Jin SAN Yin Si” in my junior year, I went to summer internship. The main purpose of this internship was to get a full-time job and get a formal offer in a big factory one step ahead of time. If you are not satisfied with the company or department of your summer internship, or if you are afraid of being rejected for a job, you can prepare for the “golden nine silver ten” autumn recruitment season and look for a formal offer from another company.

In my sophomore year, I entered the development department of Tencent Yunyun as an intern through the opportunity of competition. In my junior year, I got the offer of Tencent summer internship in advance. After three months of internship, I got the formal offer on October 24. Because I want to stay in Shenzhen, but also afraid to stay, so during the interview with other companies.


If you want to get a good internship offer, it is important to have good project experience or competition experience when you come into the interview.

If you want to get a good school offer, it is very important to have a good internship experience during the interview.

So early preparation is the key, we must plan ahead and do our best as early as possible.

There are two big myths:

  1. Job hunting is senior Year: Don’t feel like looking for internships and jobs is a senior year thing to wait until you have no classes at all. Wait until the beginning of your senior year, when some of your classmates have received formal, paid offers and are ready to quit and go back to graduate school to enjoy their last years on campus, before you start looking for an internship. You’ll be setting yourself up for interview hell mode.

  2. Spring recruitment recruitment: mainly for the postgraduate entrance examination or examination of the public did not pass the classmate; The post is also most of the enterprise some new, there is no full or the original full of others do not go to the post, not every post.

What is the process of finding an internship and working?

  1. resume

    I personally recommend the use of “super resume” APP to prepare, do not need too fancy, we programmers, put it bluntly, you write too fancy you will not also have no use. Check out this video on how to write it and then export it as a PDF. Make sure that when someone receives your resume they can copy and paste it and pop up and look at your work in a good format.

  2. The delivery

    More early cast, small factory practice, impact big factory. I personally did. I was on Niuke, and there was a section dedicated to finding college jobs. This section has a list of companies, I can shout the name of the company in the recruitment of public accounts are followed, and then they want to recruit I can know the first time. At the same time, I also make a record excel sheet for myself when I deliver, because sometimes I will forget too much delivery, or there will be a conflict of written tests and so on. I will also record my progress, failure or success in the interview to improve myself.

  3. The written test

    Advance approval general free written test; Some companies do not do the written test will be fishing, some companies do not do the written test can not enter the next process. So it is best to understand in advance, if you do not do will be fishing, not too grasp to get excellent can not do temporarily. The style of written examination of different companies is not the same, some are just simple line test questions, some are post business knowledge questions, some are post business knowledge + algorithm questions, and some are all algorithm questions, the difficulty is different.

  4. Technical interview

    Take Tencent as an example, Tencent will conduct 3+1 interviews, including three technical interviews and one HR interview. 3+1 is not fixed, but its interview content is like this. On one side, it is the in-group leader. The interview content is mainly computer basic knowledge (computer network, operating system), corresponding to the technical stack knowledge. Then the second interview might be a departmental intersection that focuses on projects and business scenarios. The third is the director’s side, which looks at soft skills (knowledge of new technologies, etc.). In general, the front of the interview is vertical deep digging, the interviewer can basically finish the interview according to your situation, knowledge mastery depth, can determine whether you can pass. The following interview is a horizontal comparison, in which the interviewer will discuss a ranking to submit to the leader’s decision based on the interviews of multiple candidates.

  5. The HR interview

    The HR aspect of on-campus students is relatively simple, and there is no need to dig into previous work experience and performance, so it is relatively routine, generally do not be coddle, and basically do not engage in.

Three, technical interview to prepare for what?

So here we can go the other way, and think about it from the perspective of the employer, right?

(High eq) from the point of view of enterprise managers and interviewers: there are recruitment needs, so the enterprise needs a solid computer foundation, a certain r & D project experience, self-learning ability and strong ability to deal with problems of students.

(Low emotional intelligence) from the perspective of capitalists: come in can work, can pay cheap labor.

Therefore, it can be concluded that we need to prepare the following points from the ability model of the requirements of the employer for the applicant:

  1. Prepare technical knowledge: common algorithms and data structures, computer networks, operating systems, databases
  2. Accumulated project experience: actually started my idea program, such as mini program, website and competition project; Familiar with software development process, front and back end interaction;
  3. Accumulated internship experience: have internship experience in similar positions in enterprises; Familiar with collaborative development tools or websites such as Git and Github;
  4. Continuously improve self-learning ability: pay attention to new technology trends and learn business technology stack knowledge that schools do not teach
  5. Develop their ability to deal with problems: debugging ability to struggle with bugs (breakpoint debugging, network packet capture) expression ability
  6. Others: Resume, self-introduction

Here’s the caption: “Cut the crap and get on board!” Part of it is to liven up the atmosphere, and part of it is to express that no matter how much we say, we still have to do it ourselves. Programmer is such a practical full position, even if you go to recite the eight-essay, through the interview, to the company, can not solve the actual problem, you will be disS. Great oaks from little acorns grow.

Four, how to prepare more efficient?

  1. Read other people’s summaries

    Standing on the shoulders of giants review, such as niuke front-end interview special, flying book front-end interview treasure book, Daniel’s blog god Ruan Yifeng Szu-iter, etc

  2. In order to face to promote learning

    In my opinion, the most effective way to improve the review efficiency is to promote learning by face to face. Once or twice a week, I will put pressure on myself through the interview and force myself to learn and discipline myself. I began to prepare for the interview in the winter vacation of my sophomore year, but I was very inefficient at that time. I always felt that THERE was no quick interview. I might study in the morning and play king in the afternoon every day.

    Later is to feel really not good, I began to slowly change their own, the brave delivery, found a way to urge their own. Because of the interview, I began to cherish the review time, afraid of being questioned. Moreover, I began to become self-disciplined and worked regularly, because I was afraid that the interviewer would suddenly call me for an interview, and I did not have a good rest and could not perform properly. It’s a really productive time to study.

  3. Think about mapping

    I review my technical knowledge by using Xmind. I will draw a knowledge map. First, I will outline the knowledge backbone of what I want to learn, and then slowly fill in the details of the knowledge backbone. At the same time, I will mark the unfamiliar areas, and then slowly supplement them in the process of learning and interview. I also fold it up a lot for review.

    My front-end knowledge graph

  4. Prepare projects correctly

    How can I prepare without a project?

    A. In the teaching video of station B, it is inefficient to copy it, but it is suitable for students with poor operational ability and poor foundation.

    B. Find a Github open source project to imitate with your own idea, and you’d better be able to touch the ground slightly, otherwise you will seem to want to be taught by a training institution.

    Have a project to extract the highlights?

    The interviewer doesn’t care so much about what you did, but what highlights, difficulties, and challenges did you find in your project?

  5. Means of learning

    Find a team of like-minded people to prepare for the interview, discuss questions with each other, and share your doubts and anxieties with them. It really helps to team up during the interview.

    One is the group of friends doing the project together with my class (all of them Tencent), and the other is the group of friends doing the project together with my classmates (many of them got dachang SP in the end).

  6. Effective brush problem

    Leetcode Top100 questions are usually taken from “Finger offer”. Do it every day. There is no shortcut.

Five, how easy to pass the interview?

  1. Familiarize yourself in advance with the interview style and difficulty of different companies

    Before the interview you should not rush to review your technical knowledge, but to familiarize yourself with the interview style and difficulty of the company.

    Tencent, it likes to come up to ask you business ability first, and then to see your algorithm ability; Byte, may first look at your algorithm, then to see your business capabilities; With Ali, he might start by asking you what book you read recently.

    Different companies have different styles, so if you research the company + department + position ahead of time, you’ll have a good idea of what you’re doing and you’ll be less stressed out when you go into the interview.

  2. Interview is a two-way conversation, learn to guide the interviewer

    Interview is actually a two-way communication process, you must learn to guide your interviewer, before the interview, you must have a map in mind, you must know what you are familiar with, what is not familiar with, the interviewer to you familiar with the direction to lead.

    How do you do that? You can do it in your resume, you can do it in your introduction, for example, in your resume, you want to put the things that you are most familiar with in the most prominent place. In your introduction, when you say your gender school, where you’re from, what your interests are, you can’t just say that’s the end of it, you have to say what you’re familiar with, what you’re not familiar with, what you’ve been focusing on lately, and then lead him in that direction.

    Give the interviewer a point to ask and give him a grip. This is the skill of the interview line. The interviewer asks from the question that you are familiar with first, your confidence also comes up, naturally less play abnormal. Even if he later asked you not, that his first impression of you is better.

  3. Keep reviewing and summarizing

    Replay yourself by recording yourself. Summary will not sum up the knowledge points to answer the bad knowledge points to optimize in-depth.

    An example of a duplicate: Do you know HTTPS?

    HTTPS is an upgraded version of HTTP. It adds SSL layer and improves the security of information transmission. HTTPS is port 443 and HTTP is port 80.

    After I pass the recheck, I will start to supplement the encryption process of answering HTTPS: encrypt the transmitted key with asymmetric encryption first and then encrypt it symmetrically

    After I set up the project by myself, I will add answers about how to deploy SSL certificates with NgniX, how to redirect HTTP links to HTTPS, and the bugs encountered during deployment.

    Step by step, go deeper and deeper to impress the interviewer.

6. Share my own experience

“At some point, the things you’ve accumulated connect in ways you never thought possible, and ultimately it’s those experiences that make you who you are. These opportunities are unpredictable (and very fun), but only for the quiet ploughman.”

You just need to take the first step bravely, and then continue to optimize yourself, summarize yourself, you will get your own offer.

Welcome to follow my public account Yang Can is Yang Volcano, progress together ~