Cloud computing of traditional IT facilities has become an irreversible trend, and cloud public products and services are becoming more mature and stable. For small and medium-sized enterprises that lack IT capital investment, IT talents and IT operation and maintenance experience, IT is absolutely a great opportunity to reduce costs and risks, improve IT service quality and speed up business support.

For sme executives and IT managers, how to rationally and effectively implement cloud computing to achieve good returns? This paper gives systematic suggestions on this problem.

Different enterprises have different IT applications and application scenarios, so IT is certainly not beneficial to migrate all existing IT infrastructure and applications to private or public clouds.

“Huixin Cup” Emerging Science and Technology + Internet Innovation Competition hot registration”

Collect new cup “contest registration entry:

Contest registration enquiry: 13828821502

For start-ups, unless it is particularly necessary, they should try to use cloud-based services to realize their information management at the beginning, try to buy SaaS services (mailbox, OA, collaboration, etc.) that basically meet the needs of business applications, and deploy customized applications on cloud hosts.

For the informatization has a certain basis for medium-sized enterprises, you can refer to the following suggestions.

First of all, private clouds cost a lot to set up and are difficult to operate and maintain. It is generally not suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises to build their own private clouds.

Enterprise management should be very cautious about building their own private cloud!

Second, not all applications are suitable for moving to the public cloud.

In general, the real-time control of production equipment, management software includes major commercial secrets but have no safety effective means of software, software and external equipment closely connected, current software running very stable run load fluctuation is not big, have no one knows how to transfer configuration of early systems may not be appropriate to public cloud platform.

Corporate image website, mail server, productivity tools (such as video conference), a short period of time have demand applications (such as school elective system, double tenth a temporary promotion background system, etc.), big run load fluctuation of system, the main external personnel system for the company is likely to be suitable for the migration to public cloud platform.

For a complex cluster system consisting of multiple platforms and servers, it is necessary to confirm that public cloud service providers can provide necessary cooperation (such as providing customized virtual networks).

Third, select the appropriate public cloud service provider and evaluate the technical and financial feasibility.

Cloud hosting services (servers, storage and Internet bandwidth that can be rented, paid for by the hour or by the month) are plentiful, and promotional messages are varied.

We should choose those suppliers with qualification certification (such as the trusted cloud certification promoted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology), high cost performance (refer to third-party cloud quality assessment), rigorous and feasible service agreement, good service (such as providing good after-sales technical support, timely troubleshooting, easy to open and easy to quit, etc.).

Especially for enterprises that have already built their own computer rooms with capacity to meet 3-5 years of information requirements, the initial investment is not simply a sunk cost, because they can continue to provide “free” sites for subsequent computer systems and equipment. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully evaluate whether it is worthwhile to transfer to the public cloud platform.

“Huixin Cup” Emerging technology + Internet Innovation Competition is in hot registration

“Hui new cup” contest registration going on:

Field of competition

(1) Special competition of emerging scientific and technological Achievements: artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing…

(2) Internet Industry Model Competition: Internet and mobile Internet and Public Services;

(3) Special competition for young Makers: mobile Internet, sharing economy…

(4) Science and technology + culture and art special competition: science and technology + culture, with science and technology to show the heritage, protection, innovation, appreciation, usability of traditional culture and art, modern culture and art of a certain factor or several points

⑤, science and technology + social public welfare special competition: cultural communication, talent training, environmental protection, disabled protection, youth growth, care for the elderly, human health, nature protection, animal protection