
How to develop Flutter layout

  • Container
  • RendderObjectWidget
    • SingleChildRenderObjectWidget (single node)
      • Opacity
      • ClipOval
      • ClipRRect
      • PhysicalModel
      • Align Center
      • Padding
      • SizedBox
      • FractionallySizedBox
    • MultChildRenderObjectWidget (nodes)
      • Stack is used with jam
      • Row
      • Column
      • Wrap
  • ParentDataWidget
    • Positioned
    • Flexible Expanded


Parameters of the Container type instructions
width double The width of the
height double high
child Widget Subcontainer contents
alignment AlignmentGeometry AlignmenttopLeft… Align.bottomright Sets the position of the child widgets.
padding EdgeInsetsGeometry From the outside
color Color The container color
decoration Decoration(BoxDecoration) Decorators, usually BoxDecoration
margin EdgeInsetsGeometry From the outside

BoxDecoration parameter

BoxDecoration parameters type instructions
gradient Gradient Used to set the gradient type :SweepGradient RadialGradient LinearGradient
color Color Set the Color. Note that the Color cannot be the same as the Container Color (the gradient background overwrites the Color).
border Border All Sets all Border borders (top: BorderSide(color: color, width: width), right: left,bottom: bottom, left: right,)
borderRadius BorderRadius Rounded (This property cancels the border property)
boxShadow List Background shadow (multiple can be set)
image NetworkImage Used to set the network image, will override the color property
      margin: EdgeInsets.all(50),
      decoration: BoxDecoration(
        image: DecorationImage(
            image: NetworkImage(
                "Https://ss0.bdstatic.com/70cFuHSh_Q1YnxGkpoWK1HF6hhy/it/u=1744362770, 11 & gp = 0. 1889985818 & FM = JPG")),
          //image overwrites color!
          color: Colors.black,
          // Gradient background gradient overwrites color

          // SweepGradient
          // RadialGradient
          // LinearGradient
          gradient: LinearGradient(
              begin: Alignment.topRight,  / / that LinearGradient properties
              end: Alignment.bottomLeft,  / / property
              colors: [
                Colors.yellow.withOpacity(0.3),]),// border: Border.all(
        // color: Colors.red,
        // width: 3,
        // ),
          // the borderRadius property cancels this
        border: Border(
            top: BorderSide(color: Colors.blue, width: 3), // Top border
            right: BorderSide(color: Colors.red, width: 4), // Right border
            bottom: BorderSide(color: Colors.yellow, width: 5), // Bottom border
            left: BorderSide(color: Colors.cyan, width: 6)), // Left border

        // The rounded corner property cancels the border!!
        borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(200)),
          boxShadow: [
            BoxShadow( // Set the first shadow effect
                color: Colors.green, // The shadow color is green
                offset: Offset(-20, -20),// Set the offset
                blurRadius: 10.// The blur radius is 10
                spreadRadius: 10), // The extension radius is 10
            BoxShadow( // Add a second shadow
                color: Colors.yellow, // The shadow color is yellow
                offset: Offset(10.10), // Lower right offset by 10
                blurRadius: 20,
                spreadRadius: 20),]));Copy the code



SingleChildRenderObjectWidget (single node)


Transparency component

Opacity parameter type instructions
opacity double A maximum value of 1 and a minimum value of 0 are used to set transparency
child Widget Set the child widgets
alwaysIncludeSemantics bool (I haven’t seen any effect yet.)
            opacity: 0.8,
            alwaysIncludeSemantics: false,
            child: Image.network("http://pic1.win4000.com/pic/c/cf/cdc983699c.jpg",width: 100,height: 150,),)Copy the code



The rounded components

ClipOval parameters type instructions
clipBehavior Clip Clip. None does not set rounded corners.
child Widget The child Widget component
// clipBehavior: clip. none,// Do not set rounded corners
            child: Image.network(
              width: 100,
              height: 150.)Copy the code



Rectangular components

ClipRRect parameters type instructions
borderRadius BorderRadius Set the rounded corners
child Widget The child widgets
            borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(20)),
            child: Image.network(
              width: 100,
              height: 150,),)Copy the code



Sets the component transform type control

Note: Bold are required parameters:

PhysicalModel parameters type instructions
borderRadius BorderRadius Set the rounded corners
clipBehavior Clip Price parameter Anti-alias Clip.antiAlias
shape BoxShape The default is boxShape. rectangle
elevation double Set the shadow
color Color The mandatory parameter is generally set to transparent colors.transparent
shadowColor Color Shadow color
child Widget The child widgets

Go directly to the code (change PageView for example)

              height: 200,
              margin: EdgeInsets.all(30),
              alignment: Alignment.center,
                borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(20),
                clipBehavior: Clip.antiAlias, // Set anti-aliasing this must be added!
                shape: BoxShape.circle,// Set rounded corners
                elevation: 20,
                color: Colors.transparent,
                shadowColor: Colors.greenAccent,// Shadow color
                child:  PageView(
                  children: <Widget>[
                    initPageViewItem("Page1", Colors.white),
                    initPageViewItem("Page2", Colors.yellow),
                    initPageViewItem("Page3", Colors.red),
Copy the code


Align Center

The center control

Center inherits from Align. It just hides the alignment. Center attribute, which may feel useless, but it is.

      child: Text("Centered...?"),Copy the code



Inside margin component

              padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 60),
              child: Text("I've moved to the left."),Copy the code



Controls container size components

I haven’t found the advantage of this component yet, and I even feel a little redundant… Just three arguments width,height, and child.

              width: 100,
              height: 100,
              child: Container(
                padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 30),
                color: Colors.green,
Copy the code


The width fills the component

FractionallySizedBox parameters type instructions
alignment AlignmentGeometry Center (doesn’t work because it takes up all the screen width)
widthFactor double Maximum value 1, minimum value 0, set the width ratio
child Widget The child widgets
heightFactor double useless
                  widthFactor: 0.9,
                  child: Container(
                    padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 30),
                    alignment: Alignment.center,
                    color: Colors.yellow,
                    child: Text("FractionallySizedBox",style: TextStyle(fontSize: 10),),),)Copy the code


MultChildRenderObjectWidget (nodes)

Stack is used with jam

Fragment is equivalent to Fragment in Android

Stack parameters type instructions
fit StackFit I don’t see any concrete results
overflow Overflow I don’t see any concrete results
textDirection TextDirection I don’t see any concrete results
children List Set the child widgets
alignment AlignmentGeometry The Widget position
Positioned parameters type instructions
left double Distance to left
top double Distance from the top
right double Distance to the right
bottom double Distance from bottom position
width double wide
height double high
                  fit: StackFit.passthrough,// I don't see the effect
                  overflow: Overflow.clip,// I don't see the effect
                  textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,// I don't see the effect
                  alignment: Alignment.topRight,// I don't see the effect
                  children: <Widget>[
                    Image.network("http://pic1.win4000.com/pic/c/cf/cdc983699c.jpg",width: 100,height: 150,),
                      left: 0,
                      top: 0,
                      child: Image.network("http://pic1.win4000.com/pic/c/cf/cdc983699c.jpg",width: 20,height: 30,),) ",Copy the code



Equivalent to the vertical LinearLayout in Android

The Row parameter type instructions
crossAxisAlignment CrossAxisAlignment CrossAxisAlignment. Start: Child components are aligned at the top of the Row. CrossAxisAlignment. End: Child components are aligned at the bottom of the Row. CrossAxisAlignment. Center: child components center aligned in a Row. CrossAxisAlignment. Stretch: stretch fill the parent layout. CrossAxisAlignment. Baseline: complains in the Row components.
mainAxisAlignment MainAxisAlignment MainAxisAlignment. Start: Aligns to the left. MainAxisAlignment. End: Aligns to the right. MainAxisAlignment. Center: center alignment. MainAxisAlignment. SpaceAround: each child components about equal interval, which is equal to the margin. MainAxisAlignment. SpaceBetween: align on both ends, that is, the first component on the left, the last is the component on the right, the remaining components distributed evenly arranged in the middle. MainAxisAlignment. SpaceEvenly: each child components distributed evenly arranged, namely equal width.
mainAxisSize MainAxisSize Mainaxissize. Max: the Android equivalent of match_parent. MainAxisSize. Min: Equivalent to Wrap_content for Android.
textDirection TextDirection Textdirection. RTL is sorted from right to left textdirection. LTR is sorted from left to right, which is the default
verticalDirection VerticalDirection Verticaldirection. up: Row places the child components from bottom to top so that the bottom we see is actually the top. Verticaldirection. down: Row places the child components from top to bottom, where the top we see is the top.
children List The child widgets

There is too much code here, so I won’t paste it, but I’ll look at the complete code at the end:



Equivalent to the horizontal layout in Android LinearLayout

Properties are exactly the same as rows, except that one is horizontal and one is vertical, so you’re not writing repetitive code here.


This is the same as the vertical layout of the Android LinearLayout, which is different from the Row. The Wrap automatically wraps

Wrap parameters type instructions
direction Axis Axis. Horizontal Axis. Vertical Vertical Axis
alignment WrapAlignment Alignment (see for yourself)
spacing double About spacing
runSpacing double Distance between up and down
runAlignment WrapAlignment Up-down alignment
textDirection TextDirection Textdirection. RTL is sorted from right to left textdirection. LTR is sorted from left to right, which is the default
children Widget The child widgets
verticalDirection VerticalDirection Up Verticaldirection. down Verticaldirection. down Verticaldirection. down Verticaldirection. down Verticaldirection. down Verticaldirection. down Verticaldirection. down Verticaldirection. down verticaldirection. down
                     child: Wrap(
                       direction: Axis.horizontal,// The arrangement
                       alignment: WrapAlignment.end,// Alignment
                       spacing: 5./ / spacing
                       runSpacing: 20.// Up and down spacing
                       runAlignment: WrapAlignment.spaceBetween,
                       textDirection: TextDirection.rtl,
                       verticalDirection: VerticalDirection.down,
                       children: <Widget>[

initChipItem(String lable) {
  return Chip(
    label: Text(lable),
    avatar: CircleAvatar(
      backgroundColor: Colors.black87,
      child: Text(lable.substring(0.1))),// Round head
Copy the code

Note: Scaffold packaging is required to use Chip! Check out the results:



It is used to fix the location of widgets and is often used with the Stack

Flexible Expanded

Expand, often used to fill the vertical height of the parent container

It’s not that hard. One line of code. Go straight to the code, okay

                  child: Container(
                    color: Colors.red,
Copy the code

Click here to see the full code.

Chapter 1 :Flutter StatefluWidget and Basic Components (1.2)

Next chapter: How to Create Flutter Routing and Navigation (1.4)

Wow, finally finished, wrote the whole 2 days of blog, tinkering to complete 3 articles, very tired, your praise is my motivation, praise to stay ~~~