Why do you want a visual page building system

  • Unify the style and interaction of each micro application page in the micro front end architecture

    Our company supply chain saas system and multiple independent deployment, technology stack is not unified system, the style of these systems, interaction, through the page visual building system generated pages use the same set of bottom component library, which can meet the style, interaction, and the style of the face after and interactive changes supports batch modification

  • Shorten regular page development time

    Our company’s supply chain is a toB saas system, there is considerable similar page, repeated development page easy to kill the enthusiasm of developers, organize page in common, through visual structures, system development and to reduce the pages degrees, the complex logic allows developers to concentrate on the development of the page

The whole visual scaffolding system is divided into three parts, which are configuration page (setting), view page (View) and JSON Schema. The configuration page generates the JSON Schema, and the view page consumes the JSON Schema

Writing in the front

  1. Use Codemirror to implement code for editing custom behavior on a visual interface
  2. Enter the interface address only/At the beginning of the relative path, the view page determines the environment of the interface at run time
  3. Cool-path is used to realize the value by field path and modify the value by field path
  4. Use new Function to convert json Schema strings into objects or functions on the view page

The types of pages that can be created are: Lists, details, and forms. The details and form pages are designed in little different ways, and the list pages are designed in much different ways than the other two


List of pp.

Define button operation, define search items (single row search box event selector drop-down box cascade selector batch input search), dynamic access to drop-down box and cascade selector alternative data, list sorting, table row multiple selection, customize the operation of table row, customize the display content of table column

Details page forms page

Form linkage, table data format validation, one-column layout, multi-column layout, table paging, custom text display content

List page design

The analysis of our company’s list page layout has a uniform pattern. The list consists of an action button in the upper right corner, a header, breadcrumbs in the upper left corner, a filter area right above, a table in the middle, and a pager right below. The table in the middle is mandatory, and the rest is optional. As shown in the figure below:

Since the list page has a unified layout mode, in the configuration page of the list, I divided the list page into several independent areas for configuration, as shown in the figure below:

The data entered in the basic configuration area is not displayed in the list view page. The data entered in this area is only for the convenience of searching for the list configuration data

Global configuration

As a result of the list page is a dynamic page, the page most of the data from the backend interface provided by the developer, each interface corresponding to the multiple environments, each interface in our company at least the development environment, test environment, generated the three environment, so in the list of configuration page can’t write the domain name of the interface to death, Only the relative path of the interface can be filled in where the interface address needs to be filled in. In addition, the visual construction of the system on this page needs to generate pages for multiple independently deployed systems. Therefore, the system to which the back-end interface belongs should be selected in the global configuration area, as shown in the figure below:

The list view page obtains the system identifier of the interface from json Schema, and then dynamically generates the domain name of the interface according to the running environment of the view page

Not all list pages have buttons, filterStatus, and search boxes. These three areas can be configured as required

Button configuration

When configuring buttons, you must select the operation type of the button. Currently, the operation types are upload, Export, and Customize. Different operation types require different configuration items. In this example, different list pages need to perform different subsequent operations after export, so the configurer can customize the callback function after export. In order to reduce the cost of the configurer to remember the parameter order, the codemirror code editor can only write the contents of the function body. The configuration page wraps the contents of the code editor in a function before saving the JSON schema to the server, simplifying the code as follows:

if(button.type === 'upload') {
  button.callback = 'function (vm,content) {'+ toSwitch(button.callback) +'} '
} else {
  button.callback = 'function (vm) {'+ toSwitch(button.callback) +'} '
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When editing the contents of the function body, we need to take out the function body in the function, and simplify the code as follows:

const toSwitch = (func) = > {
    const matchResult = func.toLocaleString().match(/ (? :\/\*[\s\S]*? \ | \ / \ \ * /. *? \r? \n|[^{])+\{([\s\S]*)\}$/)
    const body = (matchResult||[])[1] | |' '
    return body.trim();

button.callback = toSwitch(button.callback)
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Because different interfaces need to pass different forms of parameters, you can customize the parameters of the assembly interface in all the places where the interface address is filled. The view page generates the behavior of interface parameters when rendering the page. You can modify this default behavior in the Custom Assembly Interface parameter editor

The filterStatus configuration is relatively simple and will be skipped here

Search Area Configuration

The searchBox area can be configured with the following search boxes: single-line input box, drop – down box, cascading selector, time selector, and time range selector

Different search boxes require different configuration items. For the time range selector, some list interfaces require the start time and end time to be placed in the same array, while others require the start time and end time to be placed in different fields, so the field name of the search box has the function of deconstructing. The format of the field name can be param1,param2. When the view page parses the JSON Schema, the parameters of the search box are assigned to the reconstructed parameters. The simplified code is as follows:

function separateParam (originalArr,key){
        const keyArr = key.replace(/ ^ \ [/.' ').replace($/ / \].' ').split(', ');
        const result = {};
        keyArr.forEach((key,index) = > {
          result[key] = originalArr[index]
        return result;
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In some lists you may need to set default values for the search box, which can be either fixed static data or dynamically generated data when the view page is run. If the default value input box contains return, the default value is assumed to be dynamically generated from the function, and the configuration page wraps the input from the code editor into the function before saving the JSON Schema to the server

The view page assigns the default value to the search box as follows:

function getDefaultValue(searchConfig) {
  return isFunction(searchConfig.default) ? searchConfig.default(vm) : searchConfig.default;

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Drop-down boxes and cascading selectors require drop-down options that can be retrieved from the interface or configured with static data

The table area

The configuration of table is the most complicated place in the configuration of the list page, and the table is also the main content in the list view. The complexity lies in that the number of columns is not fixed, and the display form of each column is not fixed. The configuration area is as follows:

Because the nesting level of data to be displayed in each column of the table is not fixed, the table header field supports value by path. For example, the header field could be order.id, which uses cool-path to do this

Table Supports multiple selection, Operation, and text columns. If a column is an action column, you must customize how the action column is presented. If a column is text, the default value is based on the header field and the text content is displayed on the interface. You can change the default value to customize the display content. Custom display content is implemented using Vue’s render function, simplifying the code as follows:

<template v-if="col.render"> <v-render :render-func="col.render" :row="scope.row" :index="scope.$index" :col="col" /> </template> // The v-render component defines the following components:{vRender:{render(createElement) {this.renderFunc is the return function written in the list configuration interface  this.renderFunc(createElement,this.row,vm.$parent,this.col,this.index,this.oldRowData) }, props:{ renderFunc:{ type:Function, required: true }, row:{ type:Object, default(){return {}} }, index:{ type:Number, default:0 }, col:{ type:Object, default() { return {} } } }, data(){ return { oldRowData:deepClone(this.row) } } } }Copy the code

Since all the data to be displayed in the table is obtained from the interface provided by the back-end, the system built on this page in our company has to serve multiple independent systems with different back-end interface specifications of these systems, so the data to be displayed in the table can be assembled on the configuration page according to the value returned by the interface. Assembling table data is similar to assembling interface parameters. You write the function in the code edit box, and then the function must have a return value. The view page will use the return value as either the interface parameter or the table data

Detail page/form page design

The details page has the same design idea as the form page, except that the components displayed on the page are different. In the text below, the details page is referred to as the details page. There are two types of components in the details page, the layout component and the base component. The base component can only be placed in the layout component, and the layout components cannot be nested within each other

Here I create the details page at the behavior latitude and divide the rows into one to three columns, each of which can hold any number of base components. Select the base component or the layout component to configure this component, using the configuration details page as building blocks

Obtaining page data

Because the dynamic page is created and requires the back-end interface, you need to select the back-end system to which the interface belongs and fill in only the relative path of the interface when creating the details page, which is the same as that of the configuration list page

For all the detail pages, they need to display the detail data on the interface, which is referred to as the detail page data for the time being. In our company’s business system, it is common to get page data from the interface through the detail ID or other parameters

In the visual page construction system, there are two ways to obtain page data, respectively:

  1. Fill in the address of the interface that gets the page data. This is the easiest way to automate most of the work for the view page.
  2. It is flexible to configure page custom functions to get page data, and support promises and synchronously executed functions here

The first method is introduced. The interface is as follows:

In the interface address input box, you can enter something like /basic/someApi/detail? PoId = 202004130000121&Type&Code =333, the view page will use poId, type and code as the interface parameters when it gets the JSON schema to generate the view, and the view page will take these parameters from the browser address bar first. If the browser does not have a parameter, the program uses the value given in the JSON Schema. For example, the query string in the browser address bar is? Po_id =99&type=2, view page request /basic/someApi/detail interface, pass the parameter: {po_id:99,type:2,code:333}. This way the interface returns the current page data in the Content field

The code for obtaining the interface parameters based on the value in the interface address input box and query in the browser address bar is as follows:

/** * get the interface parameter * from query@param params
 * @param query
 * @returns {{[p: string]: *}} * /
export function getParams(params, query) {
  constresult = { ... params };Object.keys(result).forEach(key= > {
    // Replace the value in params with the parameter value in the browser query
      result[key] = query[key]
  return result
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In this way, you only need to write the body of the function, and it must have a return value. The interface looks like this:

This approach supports promises and functions that execute synchronously. If the function returns a Promise, the view page will treat the value of Promise resolve as page data, and if the function is executed synchronously, the view page will treat the return value of the synchronized function as page data

Combining these two ways to view the page to get the page data code is as follows:

/** * Get page data *@param PageConfig Page configuration *@param Vue instance of the VM details page *@returns {Promise<any | never>}* /
export function fetchPageData({pageConfig,vm}){
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) = > {
    // Get the page data from the interface
    if(pageConfig.url) {
      const paramsFromUrl = getParamsFromUrl(pageConfig.url)
      // Get the full interface address
      const fullUrl = getFullUrl(pageConfig.belong,paramsFromUrl.origin)
      request(fullUrl, getParams(paramsFromUrl.params,vm.$route.query)).then(res= > {
    // Get the page data from a custom function
    else if(pageConfig.getPageData ){
      if(typeof pageConfig.getPageData === 'function') {
        const result = pageConfig.getPageData.call(vm,vm)
      } else {
    } else {
  }).then((content) = > {
    return content
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Configuration parameters of the component

Here is the configuration of an input box component:

  "title": "User name"."path":"user.name"."key":"userName"."type":"string"."visible":true."x-linkages": []."x-component":"dm-input"."x-component-props": {"type":"text"."size":"small"."placeholder":"Please enter your user name."
  "x-props": {"style": {"margin":"7px 5px"."color":"# 333333"}},"editable":true."triggerType":"submit"."events": {},"x-rules": {"format":""."required":false."pattern":""."max":"5"."min":"2"}}Copy the code

Components can be configured with the following fields:

The property name describe type
title The field string
path Values of the path string
key Interface Field name string
description The field string
default UI component field default value any
editable Editable or not boolean
type Field value type string,object,array,number,boolean
enum Enumeration data array,object,function
url Gets the interface address for enumeration data or UI component data string
items Configuration fields for the child components of a component array
triggerType Field verification time string
visible Whether the field is visible boolean
events UI component events Object
x-props Field extension properties object
x-component UI component name for the field string
x-component-props Field properties of the UI component object
x-linkages Field linkage array
x-rules Rules of the field object

X-props Data attribute

The property name describe type
style The style of the UI component for the field object
className ClassName of the UI component for the field string
label Enumeration label value path for UI components of the field string
value Field UI component enumeration value value path string
buttonType The operation type of the button string
render Customize the display content of the component function
buttonSubmitUrl The interface address of the submit button string
paging Whether the list is paging boolean

X-rules data attribute

The property name describe type
format Field value type string
required If required boolean
pattern regular RegExp,string
max The maximum length number
min Minimum length number
len The length of the number
maximum The largest number number
minimum The minimum value number
message Error writing string

Optional values of format: URL, email, mobile phone number, amount, and number

X-linkages Field

The property name describe type An optional value
type Linkage type String linkage:hidden,linkage:disabled,linkage:value
subscribe Linkage subscriber Function

The following examples are text components, drop-down box components, and button components

Text component

The file component is used to display the corresponding value of a field in the details page. Its configuration interface is as follows:

In this case, the value path of the text component is mandatory. The view page will fetch the display content of the text component from the page data according to the value path. The value path also supports adding a filter after the path, which is the same function as the filter in Vue. Value path For example:

Create_at | formatDate (' datetime) : from the page data create_at value in the field, and then use the formatDate formatting create_at field corresponding valueCopy the code

The simplified code is as follows:

. Vue components

    // Use computed properties to get what the text component wants to display
    const p = this.fieldSchema.path.split('|')
    // If the value path is specified
    if(formatPathStr(p[0]) {const filters = p.slice(1)
      // Cool-path = cool-path
      const path = new Path(p[0]);
      // Select value from page data
      let value = path.getIn(this.pageVm.pageData)
      / / filter
      if (filters && filters.length) {
        value = filters.reduce((a, b) = > {
          return this.evalFilter(b, a, this)
        }, value)
      return value || '-'
    } else {
      return this.fieldSchema.default ||'-'}}},methods: {evalFilter(filterStr,val){
    const parms = filterStr.match(/^([_$0-9A-Za-z]+)\(([^()]+)\)$/) | | [' ', filterStr]
    const fn = parms[1]
    let args = [val]
    try {
      args = args.concat(eval(` [${parms[2]}] `))}catch (e) {
      this.$message.error(this.fieldSchema.title+'Error in concatenating parameters while executing filter')}// Get the method corresponding to the filter based on the filter name
    const filterFn = this.$options.filters && this.$options.filters[fn]
    if (typeof filterFn == 'function') {
      return filterFn.apply(this, args)
    return val
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As you can see from the above visualization of the configuration file component, we can also configure the enumeration data of the text component. This enumeration data mainly takes into account that some fields in the page data returned by the interface are numbers or English words, but we need to display the Chinese meanings of these fields on the interface. Enumeration data can be obtained from the interface and can be written to death in the configuration page. The method of obtaining enumeration data is similar to the method of obtaining page data described above and will not be described here

Not custom text components display content can satisfy most usage scenarios, this way has a limitation: a text components can only display the value of a field, in some cases may need to merge multiple fields in a text components shown in the interface, in this case I used the Vue rendering function display content from the definition of text components. The custom rendering function looks like this:

    return h('div',[
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The render function of the file component is executed on the view page when rendering the view. The simplified code is as follows:

<template> <! --do something--> <v-render :renderFunc="fieldSchema['x-props'].render" /> </template> <script> // do something components:{ vRender:{ render(createElement) { const parentVm = this.$parent; return this.renderFunc(createElement,parentVm,parentVm.pageVm,parentVm.pageVm.pageData) }, props:{ renderFunc:{ type:Function, required: true }, } } } </script>Copy the code

In the visual creation detail page, in addition to the text component, the columns in the table component also support write render functions

Drop-down box components

The configuration page for the components in the drop-down list box is as follows:

The drop-down box component has three areas for configuration. This section mainly describes the display configuration and association configuration of the drop-down box. First, the display configuration is introduced, and then the association configuration is introduced

The drop-down box is a form component that can display and modify data. I store the value of the form component (that is, the value corresponding to the component value attribute) in VUEX. For the detail page, the form component needs to display its initial value, which is located in the page data. In order for the form component to get the value it wants to display in VUex, IN the form component created hook function, I save the form component’s value in the page data to VUex. After that, the value and modified value of the form component are operated on the data in VUEX. The simplified code is as follows:

<template> <dm-select v-model="value" v-bind="fieldSchema['x-component-props']" :class="fieldSchema['x-props'].className" > <! -... Some options--> </dm-select> </template> <script> export default {computed:{value:{get() {// Value from Vuex formData return new Path(this.fieldSchema.key).getIn(this.formData) }, Set (value) {/ / to save the form fields to Vuex formData enclosing saveFormData ({name: enclosing fieldSchema. The key, value: the value})}},}, created(){ this.setFieldInitValue() }, Methods :{setFieldInitValue(){let initValue = new Path(this.fieldSchema.path).getin (this.pageData) / / to save form components of the initial value to Vuex formData enclosing saveFormData ({name: enclosing fieldSchema. The key, value: initValue})}}} < / script >Copy the code

In addition to displaying the selected value, the drop-down component also needs alternative data, which can be obtained from the interface or written to the configuration, to return a Promise, to return a value computed synchronously, or to fill in a URL. The alternative data acquisition method of the drop-down box is similar to the page data acquisition method described above and will not be repeated

Form Linkage Configuration

Form linkage means that the state of this form component is affected by the values of other form components. Currently, the supported types of linkage are: Hidden, Disabled, and component value linkage. The linkage subscriber is used to observe changes in values in formData and to influence the state of the component based on the linkage type of the form component. A linkage subscriber is a function that uses the linkage subscriber to compute the value of a computed property in the view page, so any change in the value accessed in the linkage subscriber will recalvaluate the computed property, affecting the state of the component. The simplified code looks like this:

<template> <dm-select v-model="value" :disabled="disabled" :hidden="hidden" > <! -... some options--> </dm-select> </template> <script> export default { computed:{ disabled(){ if(this.linkages['linkage:disabled']) { return this.linkages['linkage:disabled'](this.pageVm,this.pageVm.pageData,this.formData) } else { return false } }, hidden(){ if(this.linkages['linkage:hidden']) { return this.linkages['linkage:hidden'](this.pageVm,this.pageVm.pageData,this.formData) } else { return false } }, Value :{get() {return new Path(this.fieldSchema.key).getin (this.formdata)}, Set (value) {/ / the form of the component is stored into the Vuex formData enclosing saveFormData ({name: enclosing fieldSchema. The key, value: the value})}}, valueOfLinkage(){ if(this.linkages['linkage:value']) { return this.linkages['linkage:value'](this.pageVm,this.pageVm.pageData,this.formData) } else { return '' } } }, watch:{ valueOfLinkage(val){ this.value = val } } } </script>Copy the code

The value linkage of a form component is a little more complicated than hiding and disabling the linkage, because the linkage subscriber can change the value of the form component, and the form component itself can change its value. The value of the form component is subject to the last change

To disable linkage, its linkage subscriber can fill in the following:

if(formData.status + ' '= = ='2') {
  return true
} else {
  return false
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The linkage subscriber above means that the form component is disabled when formData.status in vuex is equal to 2

For hidden linkage, the following can be filled out in its linkage subscriber:

if(formData.username.length > 3) {
  return true
} else {
  return false
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The above linkage subscriber means that the form component is hidden when the length of the vuex formData.username is longer than 3

For value linkage, the following can be filled in its linkage subscriber:

if(formData.id) {
  return 3
} else {
  return ' '
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The linkage subscriber above indicates that when formData.id in vuex is truly, the value of this form component is set to 3

Button component

The button component configuration page is as follows:

Button component is a special component, compared with other components its operation behavior is not fixed and the influence range is relatively wide. According to business requirements, there are three types of operations: submit (that is, submit the form data to the server), reset (that is, reset the value of the form component to the initial state), and custom (that is, customize the button click event handler). Only two types, commit and custom, are covered below

Commit operation

Usually, before submitting the form data to the server, we need to verify the form data. Only when all the data meets the requirements can the form data be submitted to the server; otherwise, the error language will be displayed on the interface. To meet this requirement, we need to access all form data and data validation rules of form components in the handler of button submission event. Since the form data is saved in Vuex, and the JSON schema storing the data validation rules is shared globally in the view page, So it’s easy to get the data you want in the commit event handler. Note that if a form component’s data fails validation, its error message is displayed where the form component is located, which means that the error message is consumed at a different location from where the error message is generated

I’ve collected methods to manipulate error messages into a separate module. The simplified code is as follows:

/** * Form error collector **/

import Vue from 'vue'
export const errorCollector = new Vue({
    return {
      errorObj: {}}}.methods: {clearError(){
      this.errorObj = {}
      const errorObj = {
        ... this.errorObj
      delete errorObj[name]
      this.errorObj = errorObj
      this.errorObj = {
        ... this.errorObj,
        [name]: value
      this.errorObj = {
        ... this.errorObj,
        [name]: ' '}}}})Copy the code

The error information collector is a Vue instance. Introduce the error information collector into each form component as a data property of the component, and the error information as a calculation property of the component. In this way, whenever the data in the error information collector changes, the interface will be updated.

<template> <! -- do something--> <div>{{ errorMsg }}</div> </template> <script> export default { data(){ return { errorCollector:errorCollector } }, computed:{ errorMsg(){ return this.errorCollector.errorObj[this.fieldSchema.key] } } } </script>Copy the code

Custom operations

The custom action is actually a button click event handler defined in the JSON Schema, which is simpler to implement in the view page

How to use

In the development environment, the JSON Schema is stored in the database. To use the JSON Schema to generate pages in the test and production environments, you need to download the JSON Schema to a specific folder in the project. When you access the view page in a browser, The json schema of the page is read from the downloaded static file based on the page ID, and the view page renders the page

Read the configuration code from the static file:

 import("@static/jsons/tables/table_string_"+id+".json").then(fileContent= > {
        console.log('Configuration data:',fileContent)
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The JSON Schema stored in the JSON file is a string, but an object is needed when rendering the interface on the view page, and some fields of the object must be functions. To convert the string to the desired format, I use new Function(‘return ‘+ strConfig)() to do this, simplifying the code as follows:

function parseStrConfig(jsonSchema) {
    return  new Function('return ' + jsonSchema)();
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Existing shortcomings

  1. The produced page cannot be set up to run independently of the page. For the generated pages to be used in other systems, the page building system must be introduced in the corresponding system using iframe or single-SPA micro-front-end technology
  2. The JSON schema of the page is not independent of the page architecture system. Every time a page is created, the JSON schema of the page needs to be downloaded to the page visual construction system, which leads to the frequent release of the page visual construction system. However, the business functions of the page visual construction system are relatively stable

Write in the last

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