Recently you learned how to deploy Django projects on a server. Here are the steps you took on Ubuntu

  1. First install PIp3, which is used to install python plugins:

       sudo apt-get install python3-pip

2. Configure the virtual environment, which is recommended for Python projects

      sudo pip3 install virtualenv

Virtualenv is used to create virtual environments

      sudo pip3 install virtualenvwrapper

Virtualenvwrapper is used to manage virtual environments

3. Use vim to open ~/. Bashrc add and configure the location of virtualenvwrapper:

 export WORKON_HOME='~/.virtualenvs'

  source /usr/local/bin/


The actual location of may not be here. You can use the find command to find it

4. Make the configuration take effect

            source ~/.bashrc

5. Create a virtual environment. The virtual environment will be created in the virtualenvWrapper configuration path

            mkvirtualenv spider -p /usr/bin/python3

6. Start the virtual environment

           workon spider

This completes the configuration of the virtual environment