Step 1. connect the Mac to SAP-internet (for saving the hassle of configuring proxy) Step 2. install homebrew $ The/usr/bin/ruby – e “$(curl – fsSL…). Brew install ios-webkit-debug-proxy $brew install ios-webkit-debug-proxy Step 4. Switch back to SAP-corporate connection Step 5. build and launch the cordova app in the iOS simulator Step 6. start ios_webkit_debug_proxy in the command line $ ios_webkit_debug_proxy -f chrome-devtools://devtools/bundled/inspector.html Step 7. launch Chrome and go to http://localhost:9222/

Copy the url (file:///Users/… then paste it in a new tab and hit enter Step 9. dang dang dang!

For more of Jerry’s original articles, please follow the public account “Wang Zixi “: