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1 Install custom JS and CSS plug-ins

2 Install the glow theme

3 Add a style profile

In the VSCode installation directory (or a folder of your own choice), place the following files. In order to download the file, the Github-Jinkeycode/vscode-transparent-glow, welcome star.

Enable-electronic-vibrancy. Js Enables the electron transparent support


Synthwave84.css text glow style, styles available at Github. If not, use synthwave84-noglow.css instead. You can watch… Stay informed.

After introducing the style configuration above, some of the left navigation bar titles are still not transparent. I changed the configuration myself and introduced them.

Terminal. CSS makes the built-in terminal transparent in vscode

Terminal cursor color modification, courtesy of @Manonloki

.panel.integrated-terminal .xterm-cursor, .xterm-cursor-block { background: rgb(210, 0, 252) ! important; }Copy the code

4 Modify the VSCode configuration file

Edit it in setting.json
You don’t need braces

Five heavy load

Press Ctrl + Shift + P and run “Reload Custom CSS and JS” to restart vscode. If VSCode is damaged, select “do not prompt” on the upper right corner gear.

If reload failed on some computers, please move vscode in admin mode

sudo code --user-data-dir="~/.vscode-root"
Copy the code

6 summarizes

The finished effect is shown in the figure, do not understand can add small assistant wechat UDujjb pull you into the group inquiry

The above tutorial is based on MacOS. For Linux users, see how to enable transparency. Windows electron does not support vibrancy mode for now. You can use the GlassIt-VSC plug-in to set transparency.

Custom CSS and JS Loader configuration

Linux Transparent Window

Windows can only be transparent + luminous

1. Install plug-in:

1.SynthWave ’84

2.Custom CSS and JS


2. Download the configuration file (either of the following methods) :

1. Install git Clone…

2. The browser to access…

Update vscode configuration file setting.json(add the following code to the setting.json file):

"vscode_custom_css.imports": ["file:///C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/Code/User/vscode-transparent-glow-master/synthwave84.css",]Copy the code

“C: / Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/Code/User/vscode – transparent – glow – master/” this replaced with location of the file you downloaded in step 2

Press Ctrl + Shift + P, run “Reload Custom CSS and JS”, and restart VSCode.