Everything that happens in an organization is based on knowledge, data and information:

  • Creation and improvement of products and services
  • Understanding of customer needs
  • Internal process driver

If this knowledge does not exist within your organization, your business will not function properly.

However, the mere presence of this knowledge is not enough to keep your team functioning. To be effective, knowledge must be able to flow freely throughout the organisation (and its audience).

I. What is knowledge management?

Knowledge management is the systematic process of recording, storing, communicating, and applying all knowledge in a company to improve the organization’s processes.

There are many ways to manage knowledge base, but the most popular one is to use knowledge base software for enterprise knowledge management. Baklib, as a SaaS cloud product that supports private deployment, has the advantages of easy to build, simple knowledge transfer and backup, easy to use, and good mobile experience. Help enterprises to build an efficient and easy-to-use cloud enterprise knowledge base. Realize the website content management of internal knowledge collaboration and external product publicity. Improve user experience to increase user trial and customer retention, thereby increasing revenue.

Two, knowledge type

Although there are several types of knowledge, the two main types are explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge.

  • Explicit knowledge is any knowledge that can be easily codified. This knowledge is easily captured, stored in a database, and then shared with others. For example, information in databases, memos, standard operating procedures, videos, and so on.
  • Tacit knowledge is the knowledge in people’s minds but difficult to explain. This type of knowledge is often referred to as expertise and is largely based on experience. For example, think about your ability to breathe. While this is something many of us can easily do, explaining how to do it is another matter.

Technology will gradually narrow the gap, and knowledge-oriented enterprises will gain more development. With a service-oriented learning environment and the right technical foundation, you can make corporate knowledge management truly conceptually part of the corporate culture. From knowledge to wealth -Baklib helps companies to accumulate experience and build a perfect knowledge ecosystem.

3. Benefits of knowledge management

1. Improve team and employee consistency

Effective knowledge management aligns organizations in two key areas:

On the one hand, KM (knowledge base for short) enables communication and cooperation among all team members and strengthens knowledge sharing. This makes it easier for teams to be consistent in getting things done — ensuring a smooth transition.

On the other hand, KM helps employees understand how their work contributes to the company’s goals. When employees realize their value to the organization, they become more committed to their work and are committed to creating value for the company.

In such a competitive environment, it is very important for enterprises to carry out effective and efficient teamwork in order to achieve success. So how can enterprises carry out efficient teamwork? Baklib Knowledge base management platform provides you with an interactive platform for internal information sharing, document collaboration and knowledge precipitation. It also enables you to quickly query business processes and manage office work, bringing efficient and convenient knowledge base management solutions to enterprises. Baklib is the best way to help you quickly and fully digitize your enterprise knowledge base management.

2. Increase team productivity

Knowledge management ensures that your employees can:

  • Access files that detail best practices and step-by-step guidance for certain tasks and processes
  • Communicate and collaborate with each other in real time
  • Use any available tools and techniques to achieve their goals more effectively

3. Retain knowledge within the organization

The loss of core staff leads to a reduction in the organization’s workflow and overall productivity. Worst of all — the company loses the tacit knowledge its former employees accumulated during their tenure at the company.

Although these problems cannot be solved completely. However, effective knowledge management is conducive to knowledge transfer, thus helping to reduce the damage caused to the enterprise when employees leave. Such as:

  • Access the document associated with the vacancy. Have a clear understanding of job responsibilities and procedures
  • With the help of knowledge base, new employees know what they should do next.
  • Although tacit knowledge is difficult to capture, but can try to record him.

4. Continuous growth based on knowledge base

The use of knowledge base helps the enterprise to continue to grow:

  • It is conducive to the accumulation and precipitation of enterprise knowledge and experience, as well as the precipitation of business experience of internal personnel, and prevents the loss of knowledge assets caused by the loss of employees;
  • It is conducive to the information circulation between departments and between team members, project information sharing, timely grasp the project progress and prevent duplication of work;
  • It is helpful for the management of team information, convenient to find information when needed, and improve work efficiency.

Baklib is the software that focuses on knowledge management. It provides your enterprise with personalized knowledge base customization, large capacity of knowledge base space, and simple and clear interface to make your knowledge management easier.

Experience address: www.baklib.com