BetterZip 5 now supports compression and extraction of the Brotli format, which is a new format supported by the software update. Here’s how to do it.

After the addition, we can modify the preset on the right, here I changed the name and compression format to “Briotli” and “TAR, Brotil Compression (TBR)”, respectively.

For the rest of the options, you can set them to your own requirements. If you need to delete the source files after compression, you can set move source files to the wastebasket.

After the setup is complete, close the presets window and select the file you want to compress, right-click BetterZip from the drop down list and select Brotli from using Presets.

After a while, you will find the TBR compressed package in the folder where the source file is. This is a convenient way to do this, or you can choose to pull the file into BetterZip.

Second, extract,

If you want to extract a TBR file, it is easy to select the file, right-click on BetterZip from the drop down list, and then select the desired location in the Decompression to Category (desktop, Document, download). After the decompression is complete, we can also find the decompression successful file/folder in the original location of the compressed file.

And compression operation is the same, we also can choose the format of compressed package will drag the software interface, or shown in figure 6 BetterZip operation list, select “open” in the BetterZip, can operate in the software interface, so that more to be able to use the function, you can choose to suit their own way.