1. Introduction

For blogging friends, this thing will not be strange, and to a certain extent, it has caused a certain amount of trouble to everyone.

For those of you who don’t know, I’m here to outline what a bed is. So-called figure bed, actually can is equivalent to our mobile phone photo albums, but he is online, and it is open to everyone, everyone can access to view and edit to delete these functions is limited to the owner, however, is equivalent to use baidu cloud to share public photos, you can see, can also be downloaded from editors, but the ownership is belong to the distributors.

So you might be wondering, what does this have to do with us bloggers?

If you think about it, when we blog, we have a lot of images that need to be inserted. You can preview the images when we want to keep them local, but when you want to post them online, it’s a problem! Find pictures upload failure, that is because your local pictures are local, the platform will not automatically upload to you, then this time highlights the importance of map bed. Of course, if you’re editing directly from the platform, you don’t have to worry — the basic platform automatically uploads it to its own server.

With the Map bed, we can write a blog locally and then copy it to other platforms without worrying about losing pictures.

Today’s article is to share with you a free map bed building tutorial, not only to facilitate their follow-up review, but also hope to help you.

2. Preparation

Before you get started, you need to prepare the following:

A Github account

Well, it’s that simple. If you have a Github account, you can get a free map bed. If you don’t have one, go ahead and sign up.

3. Build the process

This part of the process officially begins, so get ready to roll!

  1. After logging into your Github, create a new repository;

  1. Fill in the warehouse first information, generally only need to choose a suitable warehouse name, and then ensure that the warehouse ispublicKeep everything else default;

  1. After the general creation is successful, the following interface will appear, so far, our picture bed is created, the next is how to upload pictures;

4. Upload pictures

With the steps above, our image bed was set up, but it was too much trouble to upload images to Github the traditional way. Here we recommend PicGo, an open source image bed tool, as our image upload tool.

PicGo installation does not say, go to his official website to download the corresponding version of the installation can be, we mainly talk about how to use it to upload pictures. After installation, open the main page of the software as follows:

Now comes the process of configuring PicGo.

  1. First, go to Github and create a token.

Open Settings -> Developer Settings -> Personal Access Tokens and click Generate New Tokens.

  1. Fill in and check the information, then clickGenetate tokenCan;

  1. tokenGenerate, note that it will only be shown once, so you’d better copy it to your memo and save it for the next time, or you’ll need to redo it next time;

  1. To configure PicGo, go to Map Bed Settings > Github Map Bed.

  1. Fill in the information and clickdetermineYou can, to use it as the default picture bed, click set as the default picture bed;

  1. To upload an image, you can either use the upload area (Ctrl V or drag and drop the image) or the shortcut key (default is upload)Ctrl + Shift + P);

5. Speed up access

You may find that the images we upload to Github are sometimes too slow to access, and sometimes they don’t even load! So what should we do?

JsDelivr is a free accelerator that can be set up simply by adding the following custom domain name to our PicGo bed configuration;

https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/ username/warehouse

Like me is https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/cunyu1943/blog-imgs

6. Chart bed recommendation

In addition to the Github setup, we can also build it on Gitee in much the same way as in this article. In addition, I also recommend a few free picture bed for you, you can choose according to their own preferences;

  1. Passing figure bed
  2. SM.MS
  3. Imgur

7. To summarize

At this point, our build free map bed tutorial is over, summarize the main parts are as follows:

  1. Get a Github account;
  2. Build the map bed warehouse;
  3. Upload image Settings;
  4. Accelerated access;
  5. Free map bed recommendation;

If you have any questions about the above section, please leave a message or send a private message, and I will reply to you as soon as I see it!