Check whether node exists. If not, download it from node’s official website

If the command node -v displays v10.15.0, Node.js has been installed

View NPM -v (not affected if not downloaded)

Check whether the VUE is successfully installed

The vue -v command displays 3.11.0

Download Vue scaffolding

Install older versions

NPM install -g vue-cli To update the version, run NPM uninstall -g vue-cli NPM install -g@vue /cli vue -v (note in uppercase) to check whether the installation is completeCopy the code

Enter your own project and initiate vUE

CD project name

Vue create Specifies the folder name

If you type the command, it will remind you to install some VUE components. We do not need the default installation here. Select the second [Manually select features] and you can customize the component to be installed. For example, here I installed the Router component, and the following page is displayed after successful installation

Once the installation is complete, run NPM Run Serve to get the project running

To viewhttp://localhost:8080/,You can see our new project

npm run dev

Node.js is a JavaScript environment based on the Chrome V8 engine.

Vue: Is a set of progressive frameworks for building user interfaces. At its core, Vue focuses only on the view layer for easy integration with third-party libraries or existing projects


Vue – cli3.0: