Intellectual assets can make or break a company. In a highly competitive field, they can provide you with a unique advantage that differentiates you from your competitors.

But it’s not enough to create knowledge — you need to find it, too. Otherwise, you risk wasting time and money recreating the same knowledge over and over again.

What is the Knowledge graph?

Knowledge graph is known as knowledge domain visualization or knowledge domain mapping map in library and information circles. It is a series of different graphs that show the relationship between knowledge development process and structure. It uses visualization technology to describe knowledge resources and their carriers, and excavates, analyzes, constructs, plots and displays knowledge and their interconnections. The Knowledge graph helps you:

  1. Identify and classify knowledge assets. Knowledge assets can be explicit knowledge, such as training manuals, reports, etc., or tacit knowledge, such as an employee’s experience.
  2. Find information.
  3. Link them together. The knowledge graph links all of these together in a visual representation.

Knowledge map provides a direction, we are looking for information on but we may need a store location information, in the SaaS industry rapid development now, the knowledge base is a good information storage station, in which I recommend Baklib, because it has strong search ability, convenient staff quickly find the information you need, to enhances the working efficiency of the organization as a whole, Maximize the benefits of the organization.

What are the benefits of the knowledge graph?

Let’s look at some of the advantages you can get from the knowledge graph.

  • Improve cross-team collaboration. By making it easier to enhance knowledge sharing and transfer between colleagues and teams.
  • Identify knowledge gaps. Is there a lack of knowledge in a particular area — implicit or explicit?
  • Improve the decision-making process. When knowledge flow is facilitated, employees can more easily locate knowledge, identify problems, and find solutions.
  • Upgrade knowledge – centered services. Knowledge maps help your service teams respond to internal and external service requests in a timely manner because they can locate and extract the correct information more quickly.
  • Encourage knowledge retention.

Create knowledge map is in order to improve the team cooperation ability, reducing waste of time, but only a knowledge map can’t help us to achieve these goals, we need a more powerful tool to supplement the ability of knowledge map, Baklib is a lightweight document based team collaboration services and personal efficiency tools, to meet the user’s content writing, hosting and sharing. It creates a separate website for each user and team, where all content can be done independently or collaboratively, and then shared through the website.

How to create a knowledge graph?

1. Have a strategy

  • What are your goals for the knowledge graph? What results do you hope to achieve?
  • How will it fit into current knowledge management systems and strategies?
  • Who will be responsible for the mapping? Who will perform the knowledge mapping process?
  • What tools do you need to do this?
  • How would you integrate the knowledge graph into your daily workflow?

2. Determine the knowledge required to complete each step

Now it’s time to review each step of the process. With an example, let’s look at some practical issues:

  • What is the ideal outcome of this step?
  • What knowledge do you need to achieve the desired results?
  • From whom does knowledge come?
  • Where is the knowledge?
  • Is knowledge implicit or explicit?
  • What knowledge emerges from this step of the process?

3. Store team knowledge

Store team knowledge in different formats. Such as:

  • Spreadsheets and documents.
  • Lists and checklists.
  • Reports, summaries and guidelines.
  • Presentation notes and slides.
  • Flow charts and charts.
  • Map and location related information.

Storing and managing knowledge is essential for an organization. It not only avoids knowledge loss, but also improves the efficiency of using knowledge. From knowledge to wealth, Baklib helps enterprises manage knowledge and build enterprise knowledge base.

4. Create missing knowledge assets

Did you find any gaps when you created the knowledge graph? For example, you might need specific templates, customer summaries, or project documents to complete the process. You will then need to create these assets for future use. What if an employee falls ill or leaves the company? Record information so that you can save it and share it with anyone who needs it.

5. Maintenance, updates and improvements

The knowledge graph needs to be updated to be useful. Schedule periodic reviews so that you can ensure that each map is up to date.

To further improve the knowledge graph and knowledge flow, analyze how easy it is to access information. Make information more accessible.

How does the knowledge base change the knowledge graph

Mapping where your knowledge is stored is a good place to start. But if the information is hard to retrieve, you still don’t have a good flow of knowledge.

1. Reasons for recommending knowledge base:

  1. Store as much knowledge as possible in the knowledge base. Make information easy to access and easy to update.
  2. Change more knowledge from implicit to explicit.

A knowledge base will help you do both. It gives you a place to store “everything” : lists, reports, documents, media files – you can name them whatever you want.

2. Advantages of using knowledge base

  • Information is more secure. You can determine the access rights.
  • Teamwork.
  • Timely storage of team knowledge.
  • Powerful search capabilities.
  • Analysis function

Baklib, as an online document editing tool for enterprises and individuals, has all the above functions. Knowledge management, as an emerging management idea in the era of knowledge economy, plays a vital role in the development of enterprises and individuals as an important part of the management of enterprises and individuals. Experience address: