How to build a front-end technology blog

Author: Blue Horse chicken


With the development and iteration of front-end technology, the market’s technical requirements for front-end are becoming higher and higher. Therefore, the learned technology needs to be precipitated, and summarized into the article is conducive to technical improvement and technology sharing. So you can build a technical blog to precipitate your knowledge. You don’t have to worry about how complicated it is to build a blog, there are tools out there that are very simple, and anyone who is good at this can do it.

Choose a domain name

The first step to build a website is to buy a domain name.

  • 1, domain name as far as possible related to technology

    Since it is to build front-end website that domain name and front-end related ah. HTML CSS JS Vue React… And so on and so forth, you can just pick one of them. This will help users remember your site better. Do not use your own name as your domain name. This is not good for SEO.

  • 2, domain name purchase platform recommendation

    The purchase of domain name can go to Ali cloud or Tencent cloud to buy after all is more secure factory

    1. Tencent Cloud domain name portal

    2, Ali Cloud domain name portal

  • 3, choose the price of domain name

    In their own affordable range can be

  • 4. Website record

    If the domain name does not record the site is not accessible, the record process according to the purchase of domain name platform prompt record.

  • Apply for an SSL certificate

    Why apply for an SSL certificate? It will make your website more secure, i.e. HTTPS. HTTPS is simply the secure version of HTTP, that is, HTTP adds SSL layer, and HTTPS security is based on SSL. First, ensure the security of data transmission; Confirm the authenticity of the website again. General application purchase free DV certificate can apply SSL certificate method portal

2. Choose servers

  • 1. Server configuration

    1 core 2G5M for the front-end technology blog to put a few articles is fully sufficient, if the late configuration is not enough can be added.

  • 2. Price

    Tencent cloud will also push benefits from time to time, you can choose to buy when there are benefits. Very good value. The purchase of a server will not do too much introduction. According to their own needs to buy.

Three, install the pagoda panel

  • 1. Log in to the server

    Take Tencent Cloud as an example to find the server page click login can see the command line page

  • 2. Enter the pagoda panel installation command

    Centos installation script:

      yum install -y wget && wget -O && sh
    Copy the code

    Ubuntu/Deepin installation script:

       wget -O && sudo bash
    Copy the code

    Debian installation script:

      wget -O && bash
    Copy the code

    Fedora installation script:

      wget -O && bash
    Copy the code

    Pagoda Windows panel installation

    Install the Pagoda panel on the Windows operating system of the cloud server. You do not need to run any command to install the pagoda panel on the Windows operating system. Official download address: to download a copy of Windows pagoda address open in your browser's address bar, then the normal installation.Copy the code

More of the first two. Enter different installation commands based on the operating system, and press Enter

No operation is required.Copy the code
  • 3. The pagoda panel is installed successfully

    After successful installation, you can see the following page and save your account and password. We’ll use it later.

  • 4. Install the LNMP website environment

    With the address and account password of the pagoda panel saved in the third step, you can see the following page after logging in the background. We can choose LNMP.

    Why choose LNMP? This is mainly due to the power and performance of the Nignx server, as well as saving server memory overhead.

    LNMP website environment is a combination of Linux+Nginx+Mysql+PHP and website program environment, which is used to quickly build various open source website programs, WordPress, empire CMS, Zhimen and Zblog. For this blog, we use WordPress to build technical blog.

Wait a few minutes for the installation to complete

Install wordpress

  • 1. Install WordPres with one click

    Go to the App Store menu in the Pagoda panel, find one-click Deploy, and click one-click Deploy

  • 2. Fill in the configuration items for installing WordPres and click Submit

  • 3. The account number and password will be used after submission

5. Configure mysql

  • 1. Configure mysql

    Access the following page using the address saved in the third step of step 4, and submit the configuration according to the configuration options. Of course, you can also follow the default configuration if you are too bothered.

  • 2. Notice the pit here

    If the first step fails, it is because mysql was already installed during wordpress installation. The link cannot be found. You can solve it this way.

Go to the pagoda to find the website, click the root directory

Go to the wp-config-sample. PHP file and download it locally. Change the file name to wp-config. PHP and upload it to the root directory

Finally, double-click the wp-config. PHP file from the root directory of the pagodapanel to edit the file and modify DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD. Configure the database information here.

After the configuration, click the address of “Visit site” to enter the interface of configuring the website

Vi. Configuration Fill in the website information

  • Up to this point the website has basically been built successfully

7. Choose a wordpress theme

WordPress is very powerful, and the community provides a lot of themes, which can be understood as the template of the website. Here we recommend several excellent themes, such as Justnews, Git and XIU, each of which has its own advantages. Click on the link to see for yourself.

Let’s take the Justnews theme as an example.

  • 1, installation theme

    Enter the wordpress background, click the theme, click File Upload, and upload and install the JustNews theme compression package.

  • 2. Configure the theme

    Since the configuration is different for each topic, configure the topic tutorial portal according to the configuration tutorial configuration for each topic

Eight, recommended picture design tools

Because a lot of content of the website need to design pictures, here recommend a design picture site. The important thing is that you can design one for free every day!! The free tool is incense. Design the tool portal

Nine, view the results

The online preview

X. Summary of the article

Although the introduction of the article is relatively simple, there are many pits in the actual operation, please feel free to communicate in the comment section if you have any questions.