Front-end architect sounds like a fancy term. In most programmers’ eyes, architects usually come from back-end development, Java or C++, and these people tend to be versatile enough to solve various problems in the enterprise. The concept of a front end architect has gradually entered the front end engineer’s mind. Whenever a front end engineer is working, the interviewer will ask, what are your future plans? Some people would say, “In the direction of architecture.” What is a front-end architect? Here’s a look.

Why have a front-end architect

Front-end architects, the expansion of front-end development problems, the accumulation of business logic, the complex and diverse technology stack system, the disunified engineering system, the flexible language characteristics of JS, promote the scale of front-end development problems to expand at an amazing speed, so that front-end engineers ridicule themselves as “redo engineers”. Thus, the front-end architect was born.

What are the responsibilities of the job?

As a front-end architect, the first problem is how to control the swelling code, so you need to clean up the code, build the architecture, organize the documentation, manage the update and maintenance of the architecture, review the impact of technical solutions in the architecture, design the core modules, design the key projects, code updates, and so on.

An architect must have a design philosophy. The architect is a good code person who can roll up his or her sleeves, draw a beautiful UML/ prototype, write a technical document, and be a comprehensive person who can solve a project’s key technologies. Architect = front-end engineer + back-end programmer + system analyst + key technology solutions + various technology combinations + design patterns + deployment adjustments + other, so the architect is an important role in connecting project managers and project members.

How do architects evolve?

Tasks of engineers at each stage:

Web development: only need to master the basic front-end technology, HTML and CSS at the same time need to master PS

Junior Engineer: To become a junior engineer, you need to master a lot of technology, including front-end engineering, common framework, etc.

Intermediate engineer: To become an intermediate engineer, you need to have the ability to solve problems and solve common problems

Senior engineer: To become a senior engineer, can take charge of the whole project and responsibility.

Architect: Good architecture determines how far the project goes in the future, technology choices, solutions, etc.

How to become a front-end architect?

To be a front-end architect, you need to have a lot of skills, and those skills may not stop at the front-end technology, because technology is constantly evolving. As an architect, it is important to constantly learn new technologies, to understand the technology, and not to be satisfied with the status quo.

Only by thinking outside the front end and solving problems can we see more. True builders need the ability to cross boundaries. Proper crossover allows architects to gain a deep understanding of the entire business and come up with non-front-end solutions to various problems.