If you are a WordPress site user, chances are that your site is already using cookies to collect data about your visitors. If you do not display any notification of your consent to cookies on your site, You may be fined heavily or you may have to deal with serious problems.

Don’t worry about how to add Cookie pop-ups to your WordPress site. You can easily avoid problems by displaying Cookie consent notifications, and setting them up is easy. In this article, the Blog explains in detail how to add cookies to your WordPress site without plugins.

Simply put, cookies are files that your website stores in your visitor’s browser. Here are some common examples of cookies being used across the web:

Store login credentials so that users don’t have to re-enter them every time they visit your site. Remember the last time a visitor visited a specific page (i.e., “recent products” on e-commerce sites). Note specific user behaviors, such as the time they last visited your site. Even Google Analytics uses cookies to track visitors and collect data about them, such as device type, visitor location, operating system, and so on. You may think these cookies are harmless, but don’t forget the fact that you are collecting data from visitors without asking for their consent, which is why Cookie consent notification was introduced.

Plugins not applicable Add Cookie notifications to your WordPress site Adding plugins to your WordPress site may slow things down. Therefore, if possible, it is best to limit the plug-in installation and adjust everything manually. To display WordPress Cookie notifications, follow these simple steps:

1. Generate cookie notification code by accessing WebsitePolicies. Go to the Configuration wizard section and personalize the cookie notification template by adjusting its position, layout, color, and its custom text.

You can preview the template you are creating using the “Click to Preview” option.

3. After completion, click “Copy Code”. Copy the WordPress cookie notification code in WebsitePolicies.

Copy the WordPress Cookie notification code in WebsitePolicies. 4. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Look-and-feel -> Theme Editor. Find the subtheme you’re using, and find the file header.php (if you don’t have one, copy the theme’s header.php to the subtheme).

5. Open the file and paste the code under the <head> tag.

Paste the code into the wordpress site. 6. Click the Update file to save the changes. If you want to check whether your Settings are working, just visit your website. Make sure your cookie notifications are displayed and working properly.

Note: The Cookie Generator site will ask you to link to your own Cookie/privacy policy. If you don’t have one, you can do it for free.

To summarize, you’ve learned how to display WordPress Cookie notifications by pasting the generated code. Cookies are one of the many ways modern websites can provide a better experience for their users, using the WordPress CMS content management system to personalize your site for each visitor.

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Know that blog, all rights reserved 丨 if not specified, all are original Insights into how the blog » is added in the WordPress site cookies pop-up window (do not use the plug-in) reproduced please keep link: https://www.pythonthree.com/d…