Json object

Json is a strict subset of Javascript that utilizes patterns in Javascript to represent structured data

Json can be passed directly to eval() without creating a DOM object

Json syntax

Json syntax can represent values of three data types

Simple values

The Numbers: 3

String: “Hello Word! Different from Javascript: double quotes must be used (syntax error)

Boolean values are the same as null, but are generally complex types for Json tables


As with Js literals, the difference is that attributes are quoted

There are no variables, no declarations of variables, etc

You don’t need a semicolon at the end

An array of

With the JS array literal form, the only difference is that there is no variable and semicolon, can also be nested with objects to form a very complex form

Json serialization

Json.stringfy(Object, filter, formatting options)

1. Filtering results

If the filter argument is an array: the result will contain only the listed properties

  var book={
            "title":"Javascript"."authors": ["NNNNn C.jjjj"]."edition":3."year":2001
                var jsonText=JSON.stringify(book,["title"."edition"]);
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If the second argument is a function, the function’s two arguments (key, value) —- normally return the corresponding key value. If the return value is undefined, the corresponding attribute is ignored

 var book={
            "title":"Javascript"."authors": ["NNNNn C.jjjj"]."edition":3."year":2001
                var jsonText=JSON.stringify(book,function(key,value){
                        case "authors":return value.join(",");
                        case "year":return 2001;
                        case "edition":return undefined;
                        default:returnvalue; }});console.log(jsonText);
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2. The format

The third parameter:

① Number: indent

② String: Indent in string format

3. The toJSON () method

Do a filter for stringfy()

ToJSON () can be made to return any value: if undefined is returned — it is embedded in another object, resulting in null

If it is a top-level object, the result is undefined

  var book={
            "title":"Javascript"."authors": ["NNNNn C.jjjj"]."edition":3."year":2001.toJSON:function(){// The object is serialized as a string instead of an object
                return this.title; }}var jsonText=JSON.stringify(book);
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Serialization step

(1) The toJSON() method is called if it exists and can be used to get earth-valid values. Otherwise, the object itself is returned

(2) If a second argument is provided, apply the function filter. Pass in the value of step 1 of the function filter

(3) Serialize the value returned in the second step

(4) Perform formatting if formatting parameters are provided

Json parsing

JSON. Parse (object, return function)

If the return function returns undefined, the corresponding key is removed from the result. If another value is returned, that value is inserted into the result

  var book={
            "title":"Javascript"."authors": ["NNNNn C.jjjj"]."edition":3."year":2001.releaseDate:new Date(2020.11.1)// Programmatically valid string new attributes preserve Date objects
            var jsonText=JSON.stringify(book);
            var bookCopy=JSON.parse(jsonText,function(key,value){// Parse restore
               if(key=="releaseDate") {// The reductor encounters the releaseDate key and creates a new Date object based on the corresponding key
                   return new Date(value);
                   returnvalue; }})console.log(bookCopy.releaseDate.getFullYear());//2020 Calls the getFullYear method based on the parse object
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