A few days ago, I posted an article on my official account entitled “Summary of problems with wechat’s small program Canvas Drawing”. Up to now, only 9 people have read it. To tell the truth, I am a little disheartened. Although I am a half way home, I do not know anyone in this industry, it is normal that no one to read, because I do not understand. But the heart is still very lost, fell into the mood of self-denial, think their writing is not good, technology is not good.

Today, I took a stroll in Blog Park and found that my article was recommended on the blog Park platform, with the reading volume ahead of other articles on the platform. At that time, after Posting the article on the official account, I felt that no one should read it. After careful analysis, I registered the blog garden account and posted the article.

Blog park is one of the earliest technology blog platforms in China, and many technology gurus update their articles on it. At the same time, CSDN has accelerated its commercialization process, advertising is flying, and the blog park remains restrained, offering users a simple and stable service. I believe they can stick to their original aspiration and provide platform effect as good as wechat.

After being recommended by the platform, my article quickly climbed the reading list. Seeing these two small achievements clears up the frustration of the past two days. It shows that my sharing has been recognized. In the future, I will also have a stronger motivation to export quality content.

To tell you the truth, as a liberal arts major in economic management students, at the age of 30 when switching to programming work, the pressure is very very big. When I was in college, I knew several computer majors. They developed a forum for their school, and I shared it with them in Qzone. When I saw the books on their bookcases, many of which were nearly 10 centimeters thick, I was in awe of the industry and the people who worked in it.

I learned some simple HTML knowledge, SEO was very hot at that time, I thought it might be used in the future. I don’t want to learn computer systematically, because I lack the patience to read a ten-centimeter-thick book.

Later, my career development went from bad to worse, so I changed my career to be a programmer. I read several 10-centimeter books, but forgot them very quickly, so I still lacked the intelligence and foundation to do this industry, but I didn’t plan to give up, because I had no other options.

Unable to read the books, I went to read the official instructions, many of which were in English. At this time, my English 4/6 level helped me. Although I could not understand many of them temporarily, I was confident in my English level. College didn’t teach me much, but I developed the habit of reading and confidence that one can always find something to one’s advantage with limited resources, especially in times of despair.

After a few months, I was in the industry. Work and study are not the same, or two different things. It didn’t take long for me to realize that I was a failure who was falling far behind others. A colleague criticized me in public:

At your level, you can’t cheat the company.

I was on the verge of tears, but for the sake of manly dignity, I swallowed. I laughed and said: don’t panic, I will solve it immediately. That usually works. Don’t hit the smiley guy.

Later encountered a lot of such situation, every time the attitude of colleagues are not quite the same, there are sneer, sarcasm, direct scold. Fortunately, I also know a few colleagues who cheer me on. Some of them are recent graduates, some are career changers, and of course, their skills are better than mine. This is like what happened to me when I wrote that article. Although it was not well written, there were always people who were dissatisfied and encouraged. I took the colleague’s criticism as a driving force for my future progress.

Every time I was hit I would feel humiliated and read two books to get back at them. People are always used to blame others when suffering, fortunately I have no habit. I couldn’t expect to catch up in a few months with people who had spent years doing nothing for so long. I was no smarter or better than they were, so I had to put in as much or more effort to catch up. The world will not forget me, the most afraid is that I forget the existence of others.

As for the humiliation of others, calm down and think about it, they are right, I am selling labor and time that must be of value to the company. You can’t deny yourself because of someone’s attitude. ** The sign of maturity of a person may be how he gets along with people he hates. It is more important to improve and improve yourself.

I’m still skeptical about my level, I’m still trying to catch up, and I get angry about being lazy a lot. But I will write more articles to summarize, I hope I can progress faster.