How happy is the door, THE PRICE of BCH currency rose

We mentioned a few days ago that bitcoin Cash’s one-year anniversary is coming up. To make the anniversary even more colorful, the Bitcoin Cash community is preparing to host the BCH Annual International Summit in Hong Kong. August 1 is now just two weeks away. Good things are coming, and so is Bitcoin Cash.

A lot of good things happened in the Bitcoin cash ecosystem last week. The much anticipated privacy-centric BCH Cash Shuffle, for example, has been growing steadily and will soon be rolling out a stable version. Robinhood, an American stock exchange, has added support for Bitcoin cash. Horse betting platform announced it would accept BCH as a bet. BCH launched a new Developer platform, Developer.bitcoin, to help develop applications based on bitcoin cash. BCH development team Bitcoin XT has released its J version and OSX binaries. Developer Unwriter has launched another platform called that can be used for OP_Return trend analysis.

It’s only a day into the week, but there’s already more good news coming from the Bitcoin cash community.

Google supports BCH to display real-time prices

Google Chrome, the world’s most famous and widely used browser, has now fully endorsed Bitcoin cash. When you type “BCH”, “Bitcoin cash” or “bitcoin cash” into Chrome, Google instantly displays the price of Bitcoin cash and supports multiple exchange rates. That is to say, you can directly check the BCH against BTC, ETH, LTC, US dollar, Hong Kong dollar, Yen and other currencies in the home page. Until now, no other cryptocurrency had such support, not even the well-known ETH. Google’s move will give people a fuller picture of BCH and attract more people to use Bitcoin Cash.

How happy is the door, THE PRICE of BCH currency rose

The first BCH based Token was launched

Since the BCH upgrade in May, many community members have been hoping to see tokens based on BCH released. Yang Haibo, CEO of ViaBTC Mining Pool and CoinEX, also tweeted on Saturday: “We will award one million CET to the first team to release a BCH-based Token solution, whether it is Omni or side chain. And we’ll support it on CoinEX.”

How happy is the door, THE PRICE of BCH currency rose

Yesterday, the BCH community launched Wormhole, the first Token issuance scheme based on BCH. The Wormhole protocol, implemented based on the Omni Layer protocol, is a protocol specification for implementing smart contracts on the BCH blockchain. It is attached to the BCH blockchain, enabling the BCH blockchain to realize the basic functions of issuing, transferring and burning tokens without changing the existing BCH consensus rules. Most importantly, the scheme will also introduce the Wormhole Cash(WHC) token. WHC is generated by proof-of-burn and will be used as a handling fee for new Token creation, bulk address transfers, Gas for smart contracts, etc. This Token issue scheme will play a leading role in the BCH ecosystem and more tokens will be issued on the BCH network in the future.

BCH coin price ushered in a sharp rise

The most exciting thing is the price of BCH. Due to the influence of the bear market, BCH has been fluctuating around $700 recently. But yesterday the price of Bitcoin Cash suddenly jumped, rising nearly 10% to as high as $783. The BCH/BTC rate also rose from 0.1 to 0.116.

How happy is the door, THE PRICE of BCH currency rose

Whether it is the support of BCH, or the token launched based on BCH network or the increase of coin price, it will be the best birthday gift of BCH anniversary. BCH will also develop better and better, and live up to the expectations of its many supporters.