Public account push can send text information, single text, picture, voice, video, card coupons, small programs, through the customer service message interface group, does not account for the number of public account group. It can be pushed every day, and all active fans will receive an illustrated message push.

The 48-hour push message on wechat is such a function. Wechat daily pushes pictures and texts and sends them to active fans without limiting the number of times. Generally used for recent events, membership card membership system marketing and other public account scenarios.

1. Push messages within 48 hours

The 48-hour message push function supports the scheduled time point in the next month, and the scheduled message push every day. According to the actions of fans and groups of fans, the message type of various formats can be changed by the pusher, emoticons, parameter links, and the dynamic nickname profile picture of fans. Openid application.

2. Daily text push Settings

Add multiple push messages, push messages on time every day, can send different formats of messages, not only can send text messages, unlimited times to active fans push.

3. Instance public account push message setting

Text message setting, only support single text push, link can put material permanent link, through the micro help function to obtain material permanent link. Fan dynamic parameter reference, emoticons.

4. Automatic statistics of active fans

The system automatically counts active fans. The fans can be divided into following, talking, scanning code and menu. Messages can be pushed according to fans’ actions.