With the popularity of paperless, smart classroom and other scenarios, many enterprises or developers begin to seek a more efficient, stable and low-latency RTMP same-screen solution. In this paper, the same-screen demo of Danulivestream SDK(Github) (corresponding project: This section uses SmartServicePublisherV2 as an example to describe how to collect encoded and pushed RTMP data from a streaming media server.

System requirements: Android 5.0 or above.

No more nonsense, on the code:

Get screen Windows width and height, if need to scale, according to a certain proportion can be scaled:

    private void createScreenEnvironment() {

        sreenWindowWidth = mWindowManager.getDefaultDisplay().getWidth();
        screenWindowHeight = mWindowManager.getDefaultDisplay().getHeight();

        Log.i(TAG, "screenWindowWidth: " + sreenWindowWidth + ",screenWindowHeight: "
                + screenWindowHeight);

        if (sreenWindowWidth > 800)
            if (screenResolution == SCREEN_RESOLUTION_STANDARD)
                scale_rate = SCALE_RATE_HALF;
                sreenWindowWidth = align(sreenWindowWidth / 2, 16);
                screenWindowHeight = align(screenWindowHeight / 2, 16);
            else if(screenResolution == SCREEN_RESOLUTION_LOW)
                scale_rate = SCALE_RATE_TWO_FIFTHS;
                sreenWindowWidth = align(sreenWindowWidth * 2 / 5, 16);


        Log.i(TAG, "After adjust mWindowWidth: " + sreenWindowWidth + ", mWindowHeight: " + screenWindowHeight);

        int pf = mWindowManager.getDefaultDisplay().getPixelFormat();
        Log.i(TAG, "display format:" + pf);

        DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics();
        mScreenDensity = displayMetrics.densityDpi;

        mImageReader = ImageReader.newInstance(sreenWindowWidth,
                screenWindowHeight, 0x1, 6);

        mMediaProjectionManager = (MediaProjectionManager) getSystemService(Context.MEDIA_PROJECTION_SERVICE);
Copy the code

Get the image data and pass it to processScreenImage() :

   private void setupMediaProjection(a) {
        mMediaProjection = mMediaProjectionManager.getMediaProjection(
                MainActivity.mResultCode, MainActivity.mResultData);

    private void setupVirtualDisplay(a) {
        mVirtualDisplay = mMediaProjection.createVirtualDisplay(
                "ScreenCapture", sreenWindowWidth, screenWindowHeight,
                mImageReader.getSurface(), null.null);

                new ImageReader.OnImageAvailableListener() {
                    public void onImageAvailable(ImageReader reader) {
                        Image image = mImageReader.acquireLatestImage();
                        if(image ! =null) {
Copy the code

Put the data in the image list:

    private void  pushImage(Image image)
        if ( null ==image )

        final int image_list_max_count = 1;

        LinkedList<Image> close_images = null;

        synchronized (image_list_lock)
            if (image_list.size() > image_list_max_count )
                close_images = new LinkedList();

                while ( image_list.size() > image_list_max_count)


        if( close_images ! =null )
            while( !close_images.isEmpty() ) {

                Image i = close_images.poll();
                if( i ! =null )

                    //Log.i("PushImage", "drop image");}}}}Copy the code

Call the RTMP initialization and parameter setting interface of danniu Live SDK:

        libPublisher = new SmartPublisherJniV2();    

        private void InitAndSetConfig(a) {
        // At the beginning, you need to set whether to collect audio or video
        publisherHandle = libPublisher.SmartPublisherOpen(this.getApplicationContext(),
                audio_opt, video_opt, sreenWindowWidth,

        if ( publisherHandle == 0 )

        Log.i(TAG, "publisherHandle=" + publisherHandle);

        libPublisher.SetSmartPublisherEventCallbackV2(publisherHandle, new EventHandeV2());

        if(videoEncodeType == 1)
            int h264HWKbps = setHardwareEncoderKbps(true, sreenWindowWidth,

            Log.i(TAG, "h264HWKbps: " + h264HWKbps);

            int isSupportH264HWEncoder = libPublisher
                    .SetSmartPublisherVideoHWEncoder(publisherHandle, h264HWKbps);

            if (isSupportH264HWEncoder == 0) {
                Log.i(TAG, "Great, it supports h.264 hardware encoder!"); }}else if (videoEncodeType == 2)
            int hevcHWKbps = setHardwareEncoderKbps(false, sreenWindowWidth,

            Log.i(TAG, "hevcHWKbps: " + hevcHWKbps);

            int isSupportHevcHWEncoder = libPublisher
                    .SetSmartPublisherVideoHevcHWEncoder(publisherHandle, hevcHWKbps);

            if (isSupportHevcHWEncoder == 0) {
                Log.i(TAG, "Great, it supports hevc hardware encoder!"); }}if(is_sw_vbr_mode)
            int is_enable_vbr = 1;
            int video_quality = CalVideoQuality(sreenWindowWidth,
                    screenWindowHeight, true);
            int vbr_max_bitrate = CalVbrMaxKBitRate(sreenWindowWidth,

            libPublisher.SmartPublisherSetSwVBRMode(publisherHandle, is_enable_vbr, video_quality, vbr_max_bitrate);

        // For audio, see the SmartPublisher project
		/* if (! is_speex) { // set AAC encoder libPublisher.SmartPublisherSetAudioCodecType(publisherHandle, 1); } else { // set Speex encoder libPublisher.SmartPublisherSetAudioCodecType(publisherHandle, 2); libPublisher.SmartPublisherSetSpeexEncoderQuality(publisherHandle, 8); } libPublisher.SmartPublisherSetNoiseSuppression(publisherHandle, is_noise_suppression ? 1:0); libPublisher.SmartPublisherSetAGC(publisherHandle, is_agc ? 1:0); * /

        // libPublisher.SmartPublisherSetClippingMode(publisherHandle, 0);

        //libPublisher.SmartPublisherSetSWVideoEncoderProfile(publisherHandle, sw_video_encoder_profile);

        //libPublisher.SmartPublisherSetSWVideoEncoderSpeed(publisherHandle, sw_video_encoder_speed);

        // libPublisher.SetRtmpPublishingType(publisherHandle, 0);

         libPublisher.SmartPublisherSetFPS(publisherHandle, 18);    // The frame rate can be adjusted

         libPublisher.SmartPublisherSetGopInterval(publisherHandle, 18*3);

         //libPublisher.SmartPublisherSetSWVideoBitRate(publisherHandle, 1200, 2400); // For soft coding, the maximum bit rate is usually twice the average bit rate

         libPublisher.SmartPublisherSetSWVideoEncoderSpeed(publisherHandle, 3);

         //libPublisher.SmartPublisherSaveImageFlag(publisherHandle, 1);

Copy the code

After initialization and parameter Settings, set the URL for RTMP push and call the SartPublisher() interface to push:

        // If you push and record at the same time, you can set it once

        if ( publisherHandle == 0 )


        if(push_type == PUSH_TYPE_RTMP)
            String publishURL = intent.getStringExtra("PUBLISHURL");

            Log.i(TAG, "publishURL: " + publishURL);

            if(libPublisher.SmartPublisherSetURL(publisherHandle, publishURL) ! =0) {

                Log.e(TAG, "Failed to set publish stream URL..");

                if(publisherHandle ! =0) {
                    if(libPublisher ! =null) {
                        publisherHandle = 0; }}return; }}// Start the thread passing data
        post_data_thread = new Thread(new DataRunnable());
        Log.i(TAG, "new post_data_thread..");

        is_post_data_thread_alive = true;
Copy the code
  int startRet = libPublisher.SmartPublisherStartPublisher(publisherHandle);

            if(startRet ! =0) {
                isPushingRtmp = false;

                Log.e(TAG, "Failed to start push rtmp stream..");

  // If you push and record at the same time, Audio should start once
Copy the code

Once you start pushing, pass the data to the underlying SDK:

    public class DataRunnable implements Runnable{
        private final static String TAG = "DataRunnable==> ";

        public void run(a) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            Log.i(TAG, "post data thread is running..");

            ByteBuffer last_buffer = null;

            Image last_image = null;

            long last_post_time = System.currentTimeMillis();

            while (is_post_data_thread_alive)
                boolean is_skip = false;

                /* synchronized (data_list_lock) { if ( data_list.isEmpty()) { if((System.currentTimeMillis() - last_post_time) > frame_added_interval_setting) { if(last_buffer ! = null) {log. I (TAG, "frame in..." ); } else { is_skip = true; } } else { is_skip = true; } } else { last_buffer = data_list.get(0); data_list.remove(0); }} * /

                Image new_image = popImage();

                if ( new_image == null )
                    if((System.currentTimeMillis() - last_post_time) > frame_added_interval_setting)
                        if(last_image ! =null)
                            Log.i(TAG, "Frame filling...");
                            is_skip = true; }}else
                        is_skip = true; }}else
                    if( last_image ! =null )

                    last_image = new_image;

                if( is_skip )
                    // Log.i("OnScreenImage", "is_skip");

                    try {
                        Thread.sleep(5);   / / sleep 5 ms
                    } catch(InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}else
                    //if( last_buffer ! = null && publisherHandle ! = 0 && (isPushing || isRecording || isRTSPPublisherRunning) )
                    if( last_image ! =null&& publisherHandle ! =0 && (isPushingRtmp || isRecording || isRTSPPublisherRunning) )
                        long post_begin_time = System.currentTimeMillis();

                        final Image.Plane[] planes = last_image.getPlanes();

                        if( planes ! =null && planes.length > 0 )
                            libPublisher.SmartPublisherOnCaptureVideoRGBAData(publisherHandle, planes[0].getBuffer(), planes[0].getRowStride(),
                                    last_image.getWidth(), last_image.getHeight());

                        last_post_time = System.currentTimeMillis();

                        long post_cost_time = last_post_time - post_begin_time;

                        if ( post_cost_time >=0 && post_cost_time < 10 )
                            try {
                            } catch(InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}/* libPublisher.SmartPublisherOnCaptureVideoRGBAData(publisherHandle, last_buffer, row_stride_, width_, height_); * /

                        Int left = 100; int left = 100; int cliped_left = 0; int top = 0; int cliped_top = 0; int cliped_width = width_; int cliped_height = height_; if(scale_rate == SCALE_RATE_HALF) { cliped_left = left / 2; cliped_top = top / 2; // Cliped_width = (width_ *3)/4; // Cliped_height = height_; } else if(scale_rate == SCALE_RATE_TWO_FIFTHS) { cliped_left = left * 2 / 5; cliped_top = top * 2 / 5; // Cliped_width = (width_ *3)/4; // Cliped_height = height_; } if(cliped_width % 2 ! = 0) { cliped_width = cliped_width + 1; } if(cliped_height % 2 ! = 0) { cliped_height = cliped_height + 1; } if ( (cliped_left + cliped_width) > width_) { Log.e(TAG, " invalid cliped region settings, cliped_left: " + cliped_left + " cliped_width:" + cliped_width + " width:" + width_); return; } if ( (cliped_top + cliped_height) > height_) { Log.e(TAG, "invalid cliped region settings, cliped_top: " + cliped_top + " cliped_height:" + cliped_height + " height:" + height_); return; } //Log.i(TAG, " clipLeft: " + cliped_left + " clipTop: " + cliped_top + " clipWidth: " + cliped_width + " clipHeight: " + cliped_height); libPublisher.SmartPublisherOnCaptureVideoClipedRGBAData(publisherHandle, last_buffer, row_stride_, width_, height_, cliped_left, cliped_top, cliped_width, cliped_height ); * /

                       // Log.i(TAG, "post data: " + last_post_time + " cost:" + post_cost_time);
                        try {
                        } catch(InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}}}if( last_image ! =null)
                last_image = null; }}}Copy the code

Turn off collection push:

    public void onDestroy(a) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        Log.i(TAG, "Service stopped..");



        if( is_post_data_thread_alive && post_data_thread ! =null )
            Log.i(TAG, "onDestroy close post_data_thread++");

            is_post_data_thread_alive = false;

            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

            post_data_thread = null;

            Log.i(TAG, "onDestroy post_data_thread closed--");

        if (isPushingRtmp || isRecording || isRTSPPublisherRunning)
            if(audioRecord_ ! =null) {
                Log.i(TAG, "surfaceDestroyed, call StopRecording..");


                if(audioRecordCallback_ ! =null) {
                    audioRecordCallback_ = null;

                audioRecord_ = null;

            isPushingRtmp = false;

            isRecording = false;

            isRTSPPublisherRunning = false;

            isRTSPServiceRunning = false;

            if(publisherHandle ! =0) {
                if(libPublisher ! =null) {
                    publisherHandle = 0;


Copy the code

The above is the general process of data collection, coding and push on Android platform. Interested developers can refer to it.