Low code development platform is a popular software development tool in recent years. It is a configuration development tool. TaskBuilder low code development platform does not require programming, directly configure the service parameters to become an application system, and a single configuration, BS (WEB), CS (WIN), APP, etc., can be generated at the same time, a variety of methods can be operated. It is mainly used to develop database application system, such as enterprise internal management system.

Development difficulty: traditional code development requires professional programmers, proficient in programming languages, databases, etc. TaskBuilder is a low-code development platform that requires only basic computer skills and no knowledge of programming languages to create a variety of software.

Development cycle: traditional code development and testing cycle are long; TaskBuilder’s low-code development platform can greatly improve development efficiency and shorten development cycles through rich modular components, graphical convenience, and auxiliary tools.

Development cost: the traditional code development cost is high, need professional technical personnel; TaskBuilder is a low code development platform with low cost and no need for technical expertise, thus low wage costs.