I. Installation package file

npm install jsonwebtoken --save

Jsonwebtoken can be used to create tokens

const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken')
	/ / create a token
let token = jwt.sign(obj,secret,opt)
	/ / decoding token
let payload = jwt.verify(token,secret)
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Implementation approach

The login process

When we received the account password check from the front desk, we created the token and returned it to the client

const police = require(".. /.. /.. /model/police");
	const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken')
	let myPolice = new police(); 
	let {secret} =  require('.. /.. /.. /util/secret.js')
	async function login(ctx, next) {
	  let postData = ctx.request.body
	  let selectResult = await myPolice.checkLogin(postData)
	  if (selectResult.err) {
	    ctx.body = {
	      status: 1.message: err
	  } else if(! selectResult.result) { ctx.body = {status: 1.message: 'User does not exist'}}else if (selectResult.result[0].password ! == postData.password) { ctx.body = {status: 1.message: 'Password error'}}else {
	    // The account password is correct
	    // Payload Write some values. Time: creation date timeout: How long will it take to expire
	    let payload = {userNumber:postData.userNumber,time:new Date().getTime(),timeout:1000*60*60*2}
	    let token = jwt.sign(payload, secret);
	    ctx.body = {
	      status: 0.message: 'Login successful'.data:{
	module.exports = login
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Payload Parameter

Iss: issued tosub: User-orientedaud: Receiver IAT (Issued at): issue time exp(Expires): expiration time NBF (not before) : cannot be accepted before JTI: JWT ID Provides a unique identifier for a Web token. Example: {"sub":"subject"."aud":"sina.com"."iss":"baidu.com"."iat":1528360628."nbf":1528360631."jti":"253e6s5e"."exp":1528360637}
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JWT. Sign (object, key)

The two parameters are the signature algorithm and the user-defined signature Key (salt). Signature keys can be passed in the form of byte[], String, or key. The first two forms are stored in the Builder’s keyBytes property, and the latter in the Builder’s key property. If it is a second (and String) key, it is base64 decoded for byte[].

Iii. How to verify token

1, create,checkToken.jsFile middleware

1. Token decryption method 1

const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken')
	async function check(ctx, next) {

	    let url = ctx.url.split('? ') [0]
	    // There is no need to verify the token if the login page and registration page are used
	    if (url === '/admin/user/login' || url === '/admin/user/register') {
	        await next()
	    } else {
	        // Otherwise, the token is obtained
	        let token = ctx.request.headers["authorization"]
	        if (token) {
	            // Start parsing if there is a token
	            const tokenItem = jwt.verify(token, 'token')
	            // Structure the creation time and expiration time of the token
	            const { time, timeout } = tokenItem
	            // Get the current time
	            let data = new Date().getTime();
	            If the current time minus the token creation time is less than or equal to the token expiration time, the token has not expired. Otherwise, the token has expired
	            if (data - time <= timeout) {
	                // Token does not expire
	                await next()
	            } else {
	                ctx.body = {
	                    status: 405.message:'Token has expired, please log in again'

	module.exports = checkToken
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2. Token decryption method 2

	const Promise = require("bluebird");
	const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");
	const verify = Promise.promisify(jwt.verify);
	let { secret } = require(".. /util/secret");
	async function check(ctx, next) {
	  let url = ctx.request.url;
	  // Log in without checking
	  if (url == "/users/login") await next();
	  else {
	      // specify the token to be written in header 'autohrization'
	    let token = ctx.request.headers["authorization"];
	    / / decoding
	    let payload = await verify(token,secret);
	    let { time, timeout } = payload;
	    let data = new Date().getTime();
	    if (data - time <= timeout) {
	        / / not expired
	      await next();
	    } else {
	        / / overdue
	      ctx.body = {
	        status: 50014.message:'Token has expired'}; }}}module.exports = check
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4. Register for use in the app.js entry

const checkToken = require('./middleware/checkToken.js')
// Validate token middleware functions
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