Since Facebook now owns Instagram, you must create Instagram ads through Facebook AD Creation tools.

Here’s how to do it:

Simply visit and… Display your ads on the Feed. So, here, if you only want your ads to appear on Instagram and nowhere else, you can disable all other options. However, your Instagram must link to your Facebook account to post ads.

Types of Instagram AD formats

By advertising

Rotation ads are interactive AD formats that allow you to display multiple images and video cards in a single AD. They are a favorite for e-commerce advertisers because they allow more space for your product and encourage more potential customers to interact with your ads.

Photo of advertising

Photo advertising is very important now. They’re easy to get up and running, and they allow you to tell your story in your own way with beautiful graphics.

The story of advertising

Instagram Stories is the latest form of advertising on Instagram. They are 24 hours of self-destructing photos and videos, made up of individual photos and videos or groups of photos and videos that last up to 15 seconds. If you want to post time-sensitive information, Instagram Stories is the best tool.

A step-by-step guide to advertising on Instagram:

Set your goals

The first thing to do, why did you place this AD?

Creating compelling and engaging ads isn’t always easy, and there’s certainly no guarantee that you’ll get it right the first time. Therefore, it helps to achieve the goal. You can then measure the success of the AD against the stated goals and determine whether the AD was a success or a total failure. You will get the best results when you have clearly defined and achievable goals. You can choose from the following goals:

Get more personal information access

Generate more potential customers

Get more site visits

Drive passenger flow to your location

Make your ads as organic as possible

If you want a successful AD, you need to make it as natural as possible. No matter how much you pay for the AD, you won’t be able to cover the top with the added features, nor will you be able to use blurred images.

Facebook’s 20% text rule also applies to Instagram, so you can’t be greedy and try to force your marketing messages. So, assuming you have more products and larger images, you can’t occupy more than 20% of the real estate. You must comply or your AD may be rejected out of hand.

In addition, your ads should look like organic content with natural lighting and real images to naturally match the rest of the content in your customer’s Feed. You may want to add some filters to make your ads flashy, but a clean, high-resolution detailed image is all Instagram ads need to succeed. Even better, if your images are aimed at real-life situations your audience is experiencing, because they relate to the message and are more responsive.

Finally, follow the image composition rules of the layout. For example, when taking photos and some focus rules, you need to follow the third and symmetry rule. Keeping your images busy will only confuse your audience, so you want to avoid any complications that might confuse and confuse your audience.

Build your fan base

Another sure way to ensure the success of an AD is to build a fan base. But for anyone to buy your product, you must first find out what your audience is more inclined to. They like and dislike. The best way to do this is to study their profile and popular subject tags, their images, content style and the type of description they use.

Pay attention to the posts that receive the most likes and comments, and understand the effects that are relevant to the audience you are targeting. What you can also look at other business sources to do is not copy their ideas, but use them as inspiration to make your business better.

Define your audience

As you know, advertising works well because you’ve gathered your audience into a niche market. The same is true when you advertise on Instagram. You can do this by selecting factors such as location, gender, age, interests, behavior, demographics, language, and relationships. From there, you will be able to tell audience types with the same preferences. Once you’ve gathered your audience, Facebook will calculate the following:

Daily arrival

Potential range

How broad and specific is your audience

You should use the criteria to position your choices

Choose your AD format

Instagram offers three types of ads: rotation ads, photo ads, and video ads.

Photo ads – These ads tell your brand story through images.

Rotation ads – Rather than using just one image, rotation ads tell your story through a series of multiple images to promote closely related products.

Video ads – Video ads are very popular and have a huge adoption rate on Instagram. They allow you to take advantage of up to 30 seconds of audio and video.

In all three AD formats, the image is accompanied by a caption that contains up to 300 characters of text.

Find Instagram influencers who accept sponsored posts

You don’t have to pay a fortune. All you have to do is contact the influencers and ask if they would be interested in sharing content with you. Of course, this is in exchange for you sharing their content or at least Shouting their simple title. You’ll find that most of them will be more than happy to help as long as they can benefit each other from the arrangement. For that to happen, however, both accounts must have the same coverage so that both benefit equally.

Finally, with the help of the group control system, you can follow the fans of big V bloggers in batches and send messages to them in batches.