The introduction

Since the advent of SpringBoot, the removal of Spring’s cumbersome XML configuration has freed up our hands for more focused brick lifting. I remember when I just learned Spring, I was tortured by various XMl configuration files of Spring every day. Every time a new framework was introduced, I was most worried about JAR conflicts, which configuration files were incorrectly configured, and the configuration files did not work. Therefore, every time you build a project, you can record the configuration file with small notes, so that you can copy it directly when you integrate the project next time. Let’s take a look at Spring’s integration with Dubbo

<beans xmlns:xsi=""
    <dubbo:application name="demo-provider"/>
    <dubbo:registry address=Zookeeper: / / ""/>
    <dubbo:protocol name="dubbo" port="20890"/>
    <bean id="demoService" class="org.apache.dubbo.samples.basic.impl.DemoServiceImpl"/>
    <dubbo:service interface="org.apache.dubbo.samples.basic.api.DemoService" ref="demoService"/>
Copy the code

We have seen in the above code dubbo from defines a set of own label, dubbo: dubbo: application, the registry, dubbo: protocol, dubbo: service is our heart is a little small questions: How are these tags managed by Spring at the start of the Spring project? How is it identified by Spring? Would Spring recognize it if we arbitrarily defined a tag? We went to the Spring website and found that this is actually an extension of XML Schema support provided by Spring. As long as we follow its steps, we can configure any of our custom tags. What is the XML Schema extension mechanism? Here’s one that a lot of people may not have heard:

Spring provides an extension mechanism for XML-built applications to define and configure beans. It allows the consumer to write a custom XML bean parser and integrate the parser itself and the resulting beans into the Spring IOC container. /spring-fram… 10.2. XML Schema Authoring

How to implement a custom XML extension

There are four steps to implementing a custom XML Schema:

  • Write an XML Schema file that describes your node elements.
  • Write a NamespaceHandler implementation class
  • Write one or more implementations of BeanDefinitionParser (a key step).
  • Register the above schema and handler.

Since we only need to follow these four steps, let’s implement one ourselves by following this document.

Authoring the Schema

Write a javajr. XSD and put it in the resources/ meta-inf folder of your project (this can be any other way).

<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""

    <xsd:import namespace=""/>

    <xsd:element name="application">
                <xsd:extension base="beans:identifiedType">
                    <xsd:attribute name="website" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
                    <xsd:attribute name="weixin" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
Copy the code
  • targetNamespace=""Here,targetNamespaceAfter the address useful to.
  • So what we’ve done here is we’ve defined an element application that has two attributes that arewebsiteandweixin.
Write a NamespaceHandler
package org.spring.demo.schema; import org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.NamespaceHandlerSupport; Public class MyNamespaceHandler extends NamespaceHandlerSupport {@override public void init() { The name of the root element of the XSD is written above,<xsd:element name="application">registerBeanDefinitionParser("application", new MyBeanDefinitionParser()); }}Copy the code

This NamespaceHandler simply parses an XML node into an entity class in the IOC container. This means that the objects equivalent to the configuration in XML are managed through the Spring IOC container

Write the implementation class for BeanDefinitionParser
package org.spring.demo.schema; import org.spring.demo.domain.JavajrDomain; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.AbstractSingleBeanDefinitionParser; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import org.w3c.dom.Element; public class MyBeanDefinitionParser extends AbstractSingleBeanDefinitionParser { @Override protected Class<? > getBeanClass(Element element) { return JavajrDomain.class; } @Override protected void doParse(Element element, BeanDefinitionBuilder bean) { // this however is an optional property String website = element.getAttribute("website"); if (StringUtils.hasText(website)) { bean.addPropertyValue("website",website); } String weiXin = element.getAttribute("weixin"); if (StringUtils.hasText(weiXin)) { bean.addPropertyValue("weixin",weiXin); }}}Copy the code

The above implementation class simply does an assignment, and you can do it yourself if you need to have your own logical business. There is also a JavajrDomain, which is a simple Javabean that contains two properties, weixin and website.

Registering a Schema component

Finally, add two configuration files (spring.handler and spring.schema) to resources/ meta-INF directory:

  • resources/META-INF/spring.handlers
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  • resources/META-IN/spring.schemas
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In this case, we can actually name them after the version number so that we can use multiple versions. This is how Spring-Beans work.

Test the custom schema

  • inresourcesCreate a new one in the directoryapplicationContext.xmlfile

This file is to use our own customschemaThe important thing to note in this file is the red lines above, usually if we have introduced a third party framework, such asmq, ordubboAnd they all have custom things like that.

  • Write a startup class
public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("classpath:applicationContext.xml");
        JavajrDomain bean = ctx.getBean(JavajrDomain.class);
Copy the code

We can see the console output

JavajrDomain{weixin='javajr8', website=''}
Copy the code
  • Here’s one that we implemented ourselvesXML schemaFinished, it is very simple, it is ok to want to light on official document only. There may be several small details that need to be paid attention to during the process of wankingXML schemaYou need to pay attention to the space, or some special symbols.

This code has already been submitted in gitee interested friends can directly download the run, but it is not recommended to play, so it is better to try myself, after all, has four steps, according to the document.

XML Schema extension in Dubbo

We had an introduction at the beginning of the articledubboThe custom ofXML schemaLet’s open it togetherdubboSource code to see how it is implemented, see the screenshot below, also according to those four steps.

The starter SpringBoot

Now with SpringBoot, most of the previous XML Schema configuration frameworks have a corresponding starter for encapsulation. Starter is much easier to use than XML Schema, out of the box, do not need to write many configuration files. If you’re not familiar with SpringBoot’s starter recommendations, check out these two articles: Can you explain SpringBoot’s automatic assembly principles? Nanny tutorials, hand in hand to teach you to achieve a SpringBoot starter.


Although XML schema extension with not much now, but should also have older in the use of the project, if is old project need to introduce a kind of framework, we need at least need to know how to introduce, although there are many articles online can draw lessons from, but we also should know much about it. Instead of just copying the configuration file. We should know why we need to copy this XSD and why we don’t have this XSD.

The end of the

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