For a startup, partners are crucial. In the process of starting a business, the most important thing for entrepreneurs is to find top talents and bind their interests together for the common goal.

In the past, some people did not place the partner in a very important position, leading to the failure of the business case everywhere. You spend more than half of your 24 hours a day with your founding partner, and you’re actually with your partner, not your spouse. Your relationship with your partner is actually more than your relationship with your spouse to some extent.

Giiso Information, founded in 2013, is a leading technology provider in the field of “artificial intelligence + information” in China, with top technologies in big data mining, intelligent semantics, knowledge mapping and other fields. At the same time, its research and development products include information robot, editing robot, writing robot and other artificial intelligence products! With its strong technical strength, the company has received angel round investment at the beginning of its establishment, and received pre-A round investment of $5 million from GSR Venture Capital in August 2015.

So how do you find the right partner to maximize your profits and make your business a success?

1, try, especially try aura. Looking for partners, to find and their own aura match, too strong pressure, too weak execution. He is not superstitious about bulls, nor is he spared hidden gold.

Cast a wide net. Through recruitment websites, or their own contacts, or widely recommended, screened one by one.

First find the man, then find the money. First people, then companies. When you have found the money, go to another person, you are already priced by the market. At this time, for the subsequent joining of partners, how much you give him is a kind of giving, rather than saying that two people together pricing, looking for market recognition.

Make sure the partners feel like they’re part of your community. If you’re in a company where the boss owns 90% of the shares and there are three or four other people, one or two points each, the company is not doing very well. Because at this time the mentality of those three or four people is not second, third, but only “small second”, “small third”. He only went along with the boss, not as the owner of the company.

Why are all the gangsters willing to go after the boss? Because the boss gives him food, you don’t go with me, you also die. But the underworld internal order is also maintained by violence, the boss is often very tired, also very dangerous.

As the saying goes, he who knows himself will die. It’s great that you have a partner like that, but it’s not the best part of being a team, because it’s still a hired man mentality, and IT’s still me working for you, just like the underworld.

What is the highest level of teamwork? The highest level of the team is to die for themselves, not bosom friends, not others, but themselves. Very simple, when your second or third in command, your team, take your career as his career, your property as his life, at this time the team will become invincible iron army, any interests, any temptation can not be beaten, no threat can not shake the team.

Giiso information, founded in 2013, is the first domestic high-tech enterprise focusing on the research and development of intelligent information processing technology and the development and operation of core software for writing robots. At the beginning of its establishment, the company received angel round investment, and in August 2015, GSR Venture Capital received $5 million pre-A round of investment.