I have put the MySQL, Redis and Kafka mind maps mentioned in the article into my public account [haxianhe]. You can follow my public account and reply to “Mind Map” to get the HIGH-DEFINITION PDF mind map.

In the last article raising salary by 50%, Small factory Reverse Attack Quick Hand – attached to the book, I gave an overview of the social recruitment of what links to prepare, so today I will give the interview review recommended review materials, how to review and what are the common matters to pay attention to.

To introduce myself

Self-introduction is the first part of an interview, and a good self-introduction can guide the rhythm of the whole interview. Here is a brief introduction on how to prepare a “suitable” self-introduction.

First of all, we need to know what the interviewer is trying to learn by introducing himself or herself.

In technical interview, the interviewer in addition to want to you introduce yourself, look at the candidate’s resume will generally want to know the following information: age, school, working years, job experience, industry background, the project experience, these basic information, such as technical and then according to the introduction and resume information can further chat specific project experience, technical issues, etc.

In general, when introducing yourself, you should introduce your educational background, work experience, project experience, and technical aspects that you are good at. If the interviewer is interested in any part of your introduction, he will ask you for details.

Experience in project

This part is the highlight of the social recruitment interview. The general principle is to accommodate “online questions” with “project experience” and support “technical highlights”.

The technical highlights mentioned in the interview are supported by project experience.

Most people use very limited technology in their daily work, and it is common to see some tuning outside of CRUD. On the other hand, an entry-level developer who tells you in an interview that a previously developed module has both JVM tuning, distributed components, and external database performance tuning doesn’t seem to have much credibility.

In this regard, you need to support the technical highlights you want to develop with “solved online problems”. You need to actively participate in solving online problems in your daily work, such as oom problems, Redis cache breakdown, or other distributed component cases, you participate in troubleshooting and solving, so that in the future interview, You can naturally use this as a base from which to expand your pre-prepared technical highlights.

That way, like the picture above, you have enough support to support your distributed components and other valuable skills.

In short, the technology itself is cheap, and the interviewer only cares about how you use the technology to solve online problems.

Project introduction

During the interview, after pleasantries, the interviewer will ask you to introduce your project experience. The common way to ask is: “Tell me about your recent (or most successful) project.”

Prepare a project description before the interview. Don’t be afraid to ask the interviewer what he or she knows

The interviewer is a person, not a god, and they can’t verify the details of your project when they get your resume (usually companies will do background checks after hiring you).

Plus, you’re working on projects on a monthly basis, and it takes the interviewer up to three minutes to get a sense of your project experience from your resume, so you’re far more familiar with the project than they are, so you don’t have to worry.

You may even be able to control the process if you have more experience than the interviewer.

Here’s how you compare to your interviewer:

you The interviewer
On your previous projects and skills Know a lot about I can only hear you. I can only judge from what you say
Responsibilities during the interview process In a very short period of time can be successful defense If you can’t find a loophole, you’ve done it before
Time to prepare You have plenty of time to prepare before the interview Read your resume for three minutes before the interview
The communication process You can make mistakes, but don’t make critical ones It won’t be too hard on you, unless you’re bad
skills You have enough skills, and you can find enough interview questions online Just ask generic, regular questions

How can interviewers validate your project experience and skills when they don’t know your background?

Here are some common ways to ask questions:

Ask questions purpose
Ask you to describe your work experience and projects (most likely the most recent) to see if what you say matches what’s on your resume See if you’ve actually done these projects
Look at the technologies used in your resume projects, such as frameworks and databases, and ask basic questions about those technologies Or to verify that you have done projects, and also to see if you know the technology, to prepare for further questions
Ask in-depth technical questions about a particular project, or ask technical implementation questions from different sides, and see if there are any contradictions in your answers Thoroughly verify the details of your project
Ask questions that are certain to come up on the project, for example, if the candidate says he has done database work, he will ask about indexes Use these questions to verify that the candidate actually has project experience (or is it just learning experience)

Prepare the details of the project. If you are asked, you haven’t done it

In general, you should prepare your project description before the interview, be confident, because that’s where you call the shots, be fluent, because you know what you’re going to say after you’ve prepared.

And since this is your actual project experience (not learning, not training), it’s hard to trust the interviewer if you don’t know what to say.

Many people get bogged down in “what was done in the project and the details of how the code was implemented,” which is like handing follow-up questions directly to the interviewer.

Here’s a list of some bad answers:

Answer way The consequences
I did XX portal website project in XX Software Company, which realized XX functions, specifically XX and XX modules. Each module provided XX functions, and the client was XX. Finally, the project earned XX money Interrupt directly, because I don’t need to know the business requirements, I will directly ask him about the technology in the project
A recent project I implemented in C# (or other non-java technology) implemented… Or I’ve been testing instead of developing… Or my recent project didn’t use Spring MVC When was the last project you used SSH for, and then wrote in a comment: haven’t you used SSH in XX days
In the graduation design (or when reading, in the study of the time, in XX training school, in XX training courses),…… Cut right in and ask if this is a business project, and if not, do you have any other business experience? If you have no business project experience, end the interview unless it is an on-campus offer
Key elements of the project (company, time, technology used, etc.) do not match the resume We will look into this discrepancy and if it is a false resume, it may lead to the termination of the interview. If it is a clerical error, it may require a reasonable explanation

While avoiding the above negative answers, you can prepare your project presentation by following the elements in the table below.

elements style
Control in 1 minute, tell the basic information of the project, such as the project name, background, which customer to do, to complete the basic things, how long to do, how big the project scale, which technology, database, and then as appropriate, briefly say about the module. Highlight background, technology, database and other technology-related information. I set up XX foreign exchange margin trading platform in XX Company, and the client was XX Bank, mainly completing the functions of listing, firm trading and margin leverage trading. The database was Oracle, JS and other technologies were used in the front desk, and SSH of Java was used in the background. Several people worked on it for X months. You don’t need to describe functional modules in detail. You don’t need to say too much about business but not technology. If the interviewer is interested, wait for him to ask.
To volunteer what you did, make sure that this part of the description is consistent with your technical background. I have worked on the foreign exchange firm offer trading system, billing transaction system and XXX module for X months
Describe your role in the project I mainly did development, but before development, I participated in business research, database design and other work under the leadership of the project manager, and later I participated in testing and deployment.
You can describe the technical details, especially the technical details you use, especially this part, you have to know what you say, because that’s what the interviewer will ask later. If you do 5 modules, you’d rather say only 2 that you can speak fluently. Using Java inside the collection, JDBC… And other technologies, using the Spring MVC framework, with technology to connect to the database.
This part is at your own risk, and if you can, speak out about the hot stuff like Linux, big data, heavy access pressure, etc. But once you do, the interviewer will go straight for details. In this system, deployed on Linux, the amount of data to be processed per day is XX, and the requirement is to process 50 million pieces of data in 4 hours with 1 gigabyte of memory. The average visitor is XXX per minute.

Online problem

We must seize the opportunity to have “online problems” in our daily work.

However, what is really “valuable” in the interview is the technical difficulties and solutions, and the general technical difficulties are usually accompanied by “online problems”. Therefore, I take the initiative in my daily work. If there are online problems, I will check and solve them no matter whether they are my own. I will summarize and record them in my notes by focusing on “problem phenomenon, problem analysis, problem impact, solution and problem expansion”, which is my most precious asset.

Technical highlights

Combined with the online problems I have encountered, I give priority to preparing technical highlights in distributed components, such as MySQL, Redis, Kafka and so on.

For this part, you can refer to the technical requirements on JD for specific preparation, or refer to the middleware part I introduce below.

A programming language

About this part of the content, language transfer students may need to pay more attention to.

First of all, it is necessary to make clear what language you want to transfer to, so you need to prepare for the content that the interview may ask about that language in advance, because the enterprise recruits you to work, not like the school recruitment, first recruit you and then train you. You can see JD before you send in your resume, and JD usually has specific requirements about the skills you need to master.

Review material on Java, recommended open source projects

  • JavaGuide

The middleware

Common middleware mainly include: MySQL, Redis, Kafka. Next, I will briefly introduce my review experience.

Review the material

Review material on middleware, recommended open source projects

  • advanced-java

There are also two books recommended for MySQL review:

  • MySQL Tech Insider: InnoDB Storage Engine
  • High Performance MySQL

Redis also recommends a book for review:

  • Redis Design and Implementation

Review method

I usually put together a mind map of my own (I’ve included screenshots of the mind map below) and notes using the recommended books and open source projects.




The complete mind map is too long to take screenshots. Students who need it can follow my public account [Haxianhe] and reply to “Mind Map” to get the HIGH-DEFINITION PDF version of the mind map.

Scenario questions

Recommend a quick open source learning project

  • miaosha

A better article about the scene design of the second kill

  • Second kill system design

Algorithm problem

Algorithm words recommend everyone to brush at least once niu guest online “sword finger offer” 67 questions

You can search online “niuke.com” sword point Offer 66 problem solution “, I refer to the “painting point Offer” on leetcode, but this needs to open a member, you can choose according to their own needs.

After that, if you still have time and energy, I recommend you to brush the cattle bully, which can screen the number of enterprises and inspections

For questions

Finally, is the question link, this link and the first link is the only two candidates can master the initiative link, generally through this link you can show their interest in the interview team, but also can show their own open-minded learning can.

Here are a few classic questions I prepared for myself for your reference:

1. Can you tell me something about your business? 2. Can you tell me about your technology stack? 3. If I am lucky enough to get the offer, what do you think I need to pay attention to after entering the job? 4. What are the prospects for this position within the company? What are the promotion mechanisms? Under what conditions can I be promoted? 5. How many team members are there? What’s the division of labor? What are the core tasks of the current team?

  • When an interviewer says, “Do you have any questions for me?” How to answer the most extra points?


So far, this article has basically explained all the things I want to share, but in fact, there are still a lot of details in it, such as my summary of MySQL, Redis, Kafka learning notes and so on. I will briefly sort out these contents and put them on my official account and personal blog. It may not be put in the discussion area of niuke, so students in need can pay attention to my public number [haxianhe] and read it for the first time.

I have put the MySQL, Redis and Kafka mind maps mentioned in the article into my public account [haxianhe]. You can follow my public account and reply to “Mind Map” to get the HIGH-DEFINITION PDF mind map.