One drawback to promises is that once they are created, they cannot be cancelled, so in essence promises cannot be terminated, but we may encounter two requirements during development:

Interrupt the call chain

After a then/catch is executed, you don’t want to let subsequent chained calls continue, that is:

  .then((a)= > {})
  .then((a)= > {
    // Terminate the Promise chain so that the following then, catch, and finally are not executed
  .then((a)= > console.log('then'))
  .catch((a)= > console.log('catch'))
  .finally((a)= > console.log('finally'))
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The answer is to return a permanently pending promise in the last line of then/catch:

return new Promise((resolve, reject) = > {})
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Then all subsequent then, catch, and finally will not be executed.

Break Promise

Note that this is an interrupt, not a termination, because promises cannot be terminated. This interrupt means that a Promise with a pending state is rejected when appropriate. For example, a common application scenario is to set a timeout period for a network request, once the timeout will be interrupted, here we use the timer to simulate a network request, random return within 3 seconds:

const request = new Promise((resolve, reject) = > {
  setTimeout((a)= > {
    resolve('Server data received')},Math.random() * 3000)})Copy the code

If you think that more than 2 seconds is a network timeout, you can write a wrapper for the promise function timeoutWrapper:

function timeoutWrapper(p, timeout = 2000) {
  const wait = new Promise((resolve, reject) = > {
    setTimeout((a)= > {
      reject('Request timeout')
    }, timeout)
  return Promise.race([p, wait])
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So you can use it like this:

const req = timeoutWrapper(request)
req.then(res= > console.log(res)).catch(e= > console.log(e))
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This approach is not flexible, however, as there are many reasons to terminate a promise, such as manually terminating it when the user clicks a button or other events occur. So you should write a wrapper function that provides abort and let the consumer decide when to terminate:

function abortWrapper(p1) {
  let abort
  let p2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) = > (abort = reject))
  let p = Promise.race([p1, p2])
  p.abort = abort
  return p
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The use method is as follows:

const req = abortWrapper(request)
req.then(res= > console.log(res)).catch(e= > console.log(e))
setTimeout((a)= > req.abort('User manually terminates request'), 2000) // This can be the user's active click
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Finally, again, although the promise is interrupted, the promise is not terminated and the network request may still return, but by then we don’t care about the result of the request.