Once installed, the Kibana plugin adds visualization to this powerful search tool.

In my previous article, I walked Mac users through the steps to install Elasticsearch, the most popular enterprise-class search engine in the world. (Here’s a separate article for Linux users.) Its natural language processing capabilities make Elasticsearch great at finding details in data sets. Once you’ve found the data you need, if you’ve already installed Kibana, you can take it to the next level.

Kibana is an open source data visualization plugin for Elasticsearch. When you find your data in Elasticsearch, Kibana will help you put it into line charts, time series queries, geospatial maps, and more. The tool is ideal for data scientists who must present their research, especially those who work with open source data.

Install Kibana

You will need to install Kibana separately from Elasticsearch. Since I have Elasticsearch 7.1.1 installed, I will install Kibana 1.1. Version matching is important, and Kibana needs to run against Elasticsearch nodes of the same version. (Kibana runs on Node.js.)

Here are the steps I followed to install Kibana 7.1.1 for MacOS:

1. Ensure that Elasticsearch is downloaded and running. Refer to the previous article if necessary.

Note: You need at least Elasticsearch version 1.4.4 or higher to use Kibana. This is because you need to provide Kibana with the URL of the Elasticsearch instance you want to connect to and the Elasticsearch index you want to search for. In general, it is best to install the latest version of both.

2. Click here to download Kibana. You’ll see the following page, which prompts you to download Kibana for Mac in the upper right corner of the Download section:

Download Kibana here.

3. In your Downloads folder, open the.tar file to expand it. This will create a folder with the same name (for example, Kibana-7.1.1-Darwin-x86_64).

4. If you want Kibana in another folder, move it immediately.

Double check to see if Elasticsearch is running, and if not, start it before continuing. (Refer to the previous article if you need clarification.)

Open the Kibana plugin

With Elasticsearch up and running, you can now launch Kibana. This process is similar to starting Elasticsearch:

1. From the Mac Downloads folder (or the new folder Kibana moved to), open the Kibana folder (~Downloads/ Kibana-7.1.1-Darwin-x86_64).

2. Open the bin subfolder.

The Kibana bin folder.

3. Run kibana-plugin. You may encounter the same security warning as in the previous article:

Security warning

In general, if you receive this warning, follow the instructions in that article to clear the warning and open Kibana. Please note that I get the same security warning if I open the plugin without Elasticsearch running on my terminal. To solve this problem, as described in the previous article, open Elasticsearch and run it in your terminal. Starting Elasticsearch using the GUI should also open the terminal.

Then, I right-click kibana-Plugin and select “Open”. This solution worked for me, but you may need to try it a few times. Several people in my Elasticsearch party had some trouble opening Kibana on their devices.

Change the host and port number for Kibana

The default Settings for Kibana configure it to run on localhost:5601. You need to update the file (in this case) ~Downloads/ Kibana-7.1.1-Darwin-x86_64 /config/kibana.yml to change the host or port number before running Kibana.

The Kibana config directory.

This is what my Elasticsearch party looks like when Kibana is configured, so the default is http://localhost:9200, which is the URL used to query instances of Elasticsearch:

Configuring Kibana’s host and port connections.

Run Kibana from the command line

Once the plug-in is open, you can run Kibana from the command line or GUI. This is what the terminal looks like when connected to Elasticsearch:

Kibana running once it’s connected to Elasticsearch.

Like Elasticsearch, Kibana runs in the foreground by default. You can stop it by pressing Ctrl-C.


Elasticsearch and Kibana are large software packages that take up a lot of storage space. With so many people downloading both packages at once, when my Elasticsearch member and I downloaded both, it took me an average of several minutes to download them. This could be due to poor WiFi and/or too many users, but keep this possibility in mind if the same thing happens.

Later, I couldn’t upload the JSON file we were using due to a lack of storage space on my laptop. I was able to follow the instructor’s visualization, but I couldn’t use Kibana in real time. So before downloading Elasticsearch and Kibana, make sure you have enough space (at least a few megabytes) on your device to upload and search for files using these tools.

For more information about Kibana, their user guide profile is ideal. (You can configure the guide based on the version of Kibana you’re using.) Their demo also shows you how to build a dashboard in a matter of minutes and then deploy it for the first time.

Have fun!

Via: opensource.com/article/19/…

By Lauren Maffeo (Translator: Wxy

This article is originally compiled by LCTT and released in Linux China