How to install Navicat: How to install Navicat: How to install Navicat Today I would like to share with you a simple use of Navicat tutorial, detailed tutorial below.

1. Double-click the Navicat icon on the desktop to start Navicat.

2. Below is Navicat’s main page, showing Navicat’s navigation bar and various tabs.

3. Click the connection in the upper left to pop up the “New Connection” window as shown in the following figure, where you need to enter the host name or IP address you want to connect, the port is the default, and then enter the user name and password.

4. After typing, click “Connect test” in the lower left. If the test fails, an error message is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

Or you may get an error like the following:

If this problem occurs, the database does not authorize the root user. You only need to authorize the root user in the database, and then the remote connection can be implemented.

5. If the test connection is successful, the connection will be smooth and no error will be reported, as shown in the following figure.

6. Click OK, and then you can see that the Navicat home page shows that the database whose IP address is is already in Navicat.

7. Double-click the left database to view the database information. You can then operate the database remotely in Navicat, in sync with the database in Ubuntu.

At this point, Navicat has completed the new connection database.