UI gives the cut diagram style:

El component library

The overriding style is absolute and the opacity of the original style is zero. When clicking on the overriding style, it is actually clicking on the original style, that is, clicking on the el-Upload component, but this will cause the style problem after clicking in ios.

1) Rewrite the upload label by yourself, use absolute positioning for the original upload style, and use TOP control to press it on the rewritten style, then use Z-index: 100; $refs.upload.$el.querySelector(‘.el-button’).click()(if disabled is true) This method can not be executed, can control the user to upload only one file)

2) The style of the file display, change the style display of el-upload-list__loading to None, and rewrite the label itself, use V-if to control the label display (when the file is uploaded successfully, hide after deletion)